A/N: Trying to fit in the 'Forever and a Day' concept with my favorite couple and desperate for some serious writing, this piece came into being.

This is a direct companion to 'His Witch'.


"How long?"




That was what he asked.






"How long should I stay?"



That was what she heard.







"Why should you?"





She asked back.






"Because that was my promise."





His answer. Straight. Too fast.

So she did not believe.




"Will I have to wait for death?"






If she answers that, will he bear it?

But she knows that he knew the answer.

So she wouldn't reply.





"Should I not? Tell me. I wouldn't."






And those violet eyes were honest.

For someone who lies so much, she saw as much honesty.

If not more.




But her ageless golden eyes couldn't bear it.





It's impossible for him, anyway.







"Shut up."




She said that.



She meant it.



But he asked again.






"How long should I stay?"




His voice did not falter.



As she feared.




He wasn't afraid of the answer.















Her heart was in grief when she said so.




Immortality was a curse.



But his eyes did not waver.




So she challenged him.




"Will you stay?"





Because she wanted him to.




But it was a curse.




He won't bear it.




Because he's selfish.


All humans are.


She knew that.





But still...












He said that word.












And he did not hesitate.





"...and a day."






But she won't believe.

She won't believe.

She shouldn't.









Even though she wanted to.




But still...



She looked at those unwavering orbs...




And there was no uncertainty.




And he said...




"I meant it."




And she closed her eyes.


Because she might believe when she knew she shouldn't do so.


He wanted the curse.


Because of her.



He was insane.




So she decided check his sanity.





"Why would you stay?




And for once tonight...






He was sensible in the most senseless way.









"Because I'm your warlock."









It was foolish.





She knew that.



But she believed, anyway.






Because he was not one to doubt his own will.






A/N: 69 lines. One sentence each. A fetish of mine. I decided to try a serious outlook on their story because for once, I was feeling.. romantic.

It scared me to hell that I did write this - but damn... I liked it.

Tell me if you do, too! :D

Oh, and read 'His Witch' if you haven't yet - you're just totally obligated to do so if you liked this one.


Review?? (puppy eyes)