*Nature's Course* by C.o.t.S.
The ATV all but flew across the flat, dry surface of the old river bed. This was how Alonzo loved to drive it, full throttle and just at the edge of control which required his complete concentration. Over time, the pilot had honed his skill to the point where he felt the machine was just an extension of his mind and body. It offered some of the same freedom he found so exhilarating in flying, thereby filling a void in his life caused by the crash months ago. He gave himself over to the physical sensation of speed, letting go of his angry mood. The wind seemed to clear his head and blow away his troubles for a time. Before long, thoughts of Julia began to creep back into his mind. He let up on the accelerator, knowing he couldn't outrun them any longer.
The fight had been a bad one. He couldn't even remember how it had started but it ended when they noticed they had turned out half the camp. Humiliated, Julia retreated to her tent and he took off in the ATV, pushing aside Walman, who had just finished readying the ATV for a scouting mission.
Alonzo had been with enough women to know that fights
were a part of any relationship. Some were even worth the price when
the time came to make up, but
Julia was different from any other
woman he had known. Their fights took on a new dimension because
their viewpoints were so opposite, compounding the problems they
faced. While he was content to take things as they came and let
nature take its course, she seemed to be unsettled by her feelings,
needing to open up, dissect and study them like some strange bug
under her microscope.
To him, their attraction to each other was just another part of the mystery of life. He didn't need to understand it. It was enough that he found her beautiful, stimulating and desirable. It wasn't necessary that they agree on everything. They had each found their edge -- the one thing that made life worthwhile and meaningful for each of them. Julia might have the greater scientific expertise but, one thing he was sure of, she would never find any theory or formula that would ever explain the chemistry between them.
Alonzo thought about the qualities he admired -- her intelligence, her curiosity about life; it so much a part of her nature, she never saw it as a special gift the way he did. But then there was so much she didn't understand about him, and yet, even while his attitude frustrated her, some part of her understood and envied his restless, untamed spirit. So, their love separated and yet joined them like an ocean between two shores. He had no idea how it would all end up, but he was determined to enjoy the ride.
It was always this way with him; his anger was spent as quickly as a summer storm. There would be no sullen mood or pent-up emotion to deal with later. He was ready to turn back and face Danziger's wrath. The mechanic would circle the dusty vehicle and give Alonzo a stern lecture on his supposed abuse of equipment. Alonzo for his part would offer suitable remorse. Soon after, he would find a way to make things right with Julia again.
Distracted, he never noticed the trap that had been set until something sprung up and hit him across the face, knocking him backwards into the roll-bar. The blow to the back of his head stunned him. The sudden deceleration of the vehicle threw him forward and he flew out of the ATV landing heavily on the ground. As he attempted to rise, another blow split his head like a ripe melon, opening a deep gash and knocking him senseless.
Rising from where they hid in the bushes, the two ragged men had quickly descended on their victim. One of them swung a makeshift club, the jarring contact against the pilot's skull ending any chance of resistance. Hesitantly, they each kicked at Alonzo's still form, looking for a response. When he remained still, one of them reached out a tattered boot and rolled the young man onto his back.
"Damn, here I was looking forward to a new set of clothes and he went and tore the pants."
"Never look a gift horse in the mouth, Ben. Be thankful for the gifts we are about to receive." The other man smiled, pulling the Mag-Pro from the back. "This here is a one size fits all. Looks like we got ourselves some food and water, too."
Ben ripped Alonzo's boots off and tried them on. "They're a little big, but I can stuff something inside to make 'em fit." He looked up to see his friend aiming the rifle toward him. He froze, suddenly afraid, until the other man laughed and dropped his aim to the pilot.
"Now, don't go blowing holes in him till I get his clothes off. What good are new duds if they're all bloody and tore up. It's bad enough the knee is gone." Ben began to remove Alonzo's clothes. "Do you think he's Council, Hal?"
"Well, he ain't one of us, so what else could he be? All I know is he won't be anything much longer. Hurry up with him so we can get rid of the body."
Hal rifled through the supplies in the ATV as Ben scratched at the vermin that were disturbed as he shed his rags. Alonzo's clothes hung on him. His long haired, wild man looks did nothing to enhance the picture as he presented himself to his friend. "What do you think?"
"Very nice."
"I noticed he's still alive. He must have a real hard head. Feel free to pop him anytime you want, there's nothing left worth taking." Ben laughed as he looked down at Alonzo's nude body while he brushed the dust off his new shirt.
"Nah, shooting him might draw attention. I have something special in mind for our Council friend. This way we get rid of the body and extract a little revenge for our unjust sentence to this hell hole. It's time we had some fun and show our new citizen how special this planet is." Off Ben's look he motioned toward a barren tree which stood alone on an equally barren hillside.
Ben followed his gaze and swallowed. What his friend had in mind was the worst kind of death imaginable. He had only seen something die once that way and he had never slept peacefully since.
Hal pulled some rope from the ATV. "Well, what are you waiting for? Give me a hand dragging him over there. I don't want to risk the vehicle."
Ben began sweating heavily with fear. "Hal, I can't stay and watch this. You know how it gave me nightmares before."
"Well, we don't have to stay till the end. Just enough to make sure he's done for. Relax. He's just getting what he deserves."
Both men were scrawny, having lived constantly at the edge of starvation. Neither had the strength to carry Alonzo's heavily muscled body so they each grabbed an arm and began dragging him. His head rolled forward, barely clearing the ground. A swarm of insects flew around the open wound at the back of his head. Blood matted his dark hair into thick spikes.
With a series of jerks, they pulled the pilot across the rough ground. Alonzo drifted in and out of consciousness. Through a haze of pain, he became aware of a fresh assault on his body. Numerous rocks and stones, many with sharp edges, littered the ground. As he passed over them, they shredded his unprotected skin. An attempt to open his eyes was met with a wave of dizziness. His vision was limited to the dirt beneath him which began to spin before dissolving into darkness.
Grunting and wheezing, the men crested the hill, dropping their burden at the base of the tree. Their hearts hammered equally with exhaustion and fear as they scanned the ground around them.
Ben gripped his friend's arm. "Come on, let's get out of here."
"No, I want to tie him to it, a warning for anyone that comes looking for him."
"Are you crazy? What if it comes out."
"It'll only take a second if you hold him for me. I'm just going to tie his arms to keep him upright."
Knowing argument was a waste of time when he was anxious to get away, Ben held Alonzo back against the tree while his partner extended and tied the pilot's arms and wrists to the thick limbs. When Hal was finished, Ben let go. The ropes held the pilot upright, cutting deeply into his arms as they stretched out on either side of his body. His muscles began to take on sharp definition under the strain of his weight.
In a hollowed area of the tree by Alonzo's leg, Ben caught his first glimpse of movement. He tried to warn Hal but his mouth was suddenly dry. All that came out was a squeak. Turning, he raced back down the hill. Hal stepped back, alerted by Ben's behavior. He figured he still had time. The pilot's head hung down against his chest. Grabbing a hand full of hair, Hal yanked Alonzo's head backward and slapped his face.
"Come on, wake up, Citizen."
Alonzo's head pounded with the sudden movement. This time he would welcome the darkness that took away his pain. The convict grew angry when he got no response. He leaned forward, pinning Alonzo's legs with his own so the pilot couldn't twist away. Then he reached down.
Alonzo groaned as callused hands closed over a sensitive part of his anatomy. With a vice-like grip, they tightened with intensifying pressure until the pain became unbearable. He screamed in agony.
The other man laughed and released him. The rancid smell of decay accompanied his voice. "I thought that would get your attention. You don't want to miss your own death now, do you?"
Hal felt something brush his leg and he jumped backward, avoiding the appendage that reached for him. He backed away until he felt he stood at a safe distance. Pulling out the packet of spirulina he found in the ATV, he unwrapped and balled the paper, dropping it on the ground. He shoved the bar in his mouth and chewed greedily, his attention riveted by the unfolding scene before him.
Alonzo strained and twisted against the ropes that bound him. He tried to curl forward, attempting to relieve the agonizing spasms that racked his lower body. He was so blinded by pain, he failed to notice what waved in front of him.
Hal grew impatient and searched the ground for something to speed things up. He picked the longest stick he could find. Stretching forward, he poked the thick tentacle. It reared, arching like a cobra . The motion caused it to brush against Alonzo's thigh. Reacting to the touch, it suddenly pivoted and began to wrap itself around his leg. The pilot's eyes opened to a new horror, one he had never seen before. Hal's laughter mocked him as his struggles took on a fresh urgency.
The convict's eyes widened at the sheer mass of living material that began to sprout from the cracks and crevasses that pocked the ancient bark. Different sizes and shapes of corded tissue snaked along the tree's surface looking for prey. They immediately claimed any portion of Alonzo's body they happened on, wrapping him securely. Then, more of their members crossed over the old as they inched forward, coiling, spiraling and tightening as they traced his figure.
In one last effort to escape, Alonzo threw all the strength he could summon to break free. Muscles taut, the veins in his neck and arms protruded under the strain until spots danced before his eyes. He cried out in frustration as the living bonds not only held but grew tighter as he eventually weakened. Finally, he slumped in exhaustion. There was nothing more he could do. Having covered his legs, the squirming mass came at him from all directions, circling his hips, reaching toward his heaving chest, dropping from above onto his hair.
Alonzo looked desperately to where Hal stood grinning. "Why?"
"Why, what?"
"I can understand you robbing me, but why this? Why not take everything and leave? What do you hope to gain by torturing me?"
"Maybe all I want are some answers. It's not too late. I can still cut you free. Interested?"
"What do you want to know?" Alonzo leaned back, trying to avoid a feeler that reached toward his face.
"Just how many are in your party? What do they want? Who are they looking for?"
Fear for the others crossed Alonzo's mind. "What makes you think I'm not alone?"
"Come on now. I can tell you're new to the planet. Never seen any of these beauties before have you? Nothing like this back at the stations." Hal poked his stick into a living shroud that was covering the pilot's body. "You don't expect me to believe the Council spent all that money to send you here alone, do you? Hell, as easy as we caught you, you wouldn't have lasted a day by yourself."
Understanding flickered across Alonzo's face. "Is that what this is all about? You think I'm from the Council?"
"There's only two types of humans on this planet and the Council don't give prisoners vehicles and guns."
"You're wrong. I'm not from the Council. I'm just a pilot."
Hal laughed. "Yea, and I'm just a poor misplaced Faith Minister. Last chance, Mr. Pilot, where's the rest of your group? In case you haven't noticed, you're about to be wrapped up like a present."
In answer to Alonzo's silence, Hal pushed a wandering vine onto Alonzo's neck. The pilot stiffened as it coiled around his neck.
"Guess this thing thinks it died and went to heaven. Usually anything big, like a man or a Grendler, can pull free. The only way it could hope to catch something your size is if you fell asleep close by. You see, it sends out these here feelers to search for food. Once they find something, they wrap it up, all nice and snug. Any movement makes it think you might be trying to get away, so it keeps tightening up. That goes for breathing too, but I guess you've noticed that by now."
The tentacle around the pilot's neck spun slowly. Panic began to build in his eyes as its leading edge worked its way across his face.
"Guess you're about done saying anything more. The way I see it you got two choices. Move and die fast or stay as still as a mouse and die slow. Either way, you lose. I'll be moving on. Now that I can't see the expression on your face, it ain't fun anymore."
He poked the heaving coils, hoping to get at what lay under them one last time. "Can you still hear me in there? There's something I forgot to tell you but I'll just have to save it as a surprise."
Hal turned and jogged down the hill. Below him, Ben sat in the ATV. He had done everything to avoid looking in his partner's direction. He familiarized himself with the controls on the ATV, taking short practice runs. With little appetite, he stuffed the food packets into his pocket for future use, then picked through the remaining supplies in the rear of the vehicle. The headgear caught his eye and he pulled it out. He wondered how much longer it was going to take as he climbed into the seat and propped his feet up.
He became lost in thought. The nightmares would come back again, of that he was sure. Everything, had been spoiled, all because he hadn't hit the guy hard enough to kill him. Why had they picked this spot for the ambush anyway? Had Hal known about the damn plant ahead of time? Was Hal trying to ruin the fact that he had won their gamble fair and square? First one to the driver got his clothes. Now his nice new outfit would carry a tainted memory. As he twirled the gear around his finger, he unknowingly flicked the gear's communication switch.
Back at camp, Julia tried to fill her mind with work. As they traveled across the planet, she had attempted to keep a record of G889's plant, animal and insect life. Most of what she observed had no earthly comparison and she found the task overwhelming. Realizing it would take thousands of scientists to do the job, she began concentrating on only those which might offer the most benefit to mankind.
The doctor sat back from the samples in front of her and sighed. It all seemed so absurd. To any scientist, the opportunity to be the first to discover a new species was a dream only a few would realize, yet here she was, in a position any of her colleagues would have died for and all she could think about was a stupid fight with her fly-boy lover. What happened to all those important reasons for being here? When did her heart begin to rule her head?
As she stared into space, Walman poked his head in her tent. "Julia, do you know when Alonzo will be back?"
Just what she needed!
"Diagnostic equipment is amazing, but unfortunately it can't read minds," she said sarcastically.
"Walman, why would I know the answer to that any more than you would?"
He was taken aback by the angry tone of her voice and he began to shuffle nervously. "I'm *supposed* to be out on a scouting mission," he shot back in an equal tone.
"Well? What has that to do with me?"
"All my stuff is packed on the ATV. My gear, the Mag-Pro, my jacket..."
"Wait!" She took a deep breath, forcing herself to speak calmly. "You came to me for an opinion. You want to know when Alonzo will be back. Is that right?'
"Yea....yea, that's what I want to know."
"If you want to know the answer to that, here's my opinion." She lowered her voice as if passing a secret. "Call him and ask him."
Walman flushed. "I did! He won't answer. He probably doesn't want to talk to anyone after that fight you two had."
This time Julia's face grew red. "And what makes you think I do!?!"
"You know, Julia, the closer we get to New Pacifica, the happier everyone gets." Walman angrily pointed his finger at her. "All but you. You just keep getting more miserable."
He walked out, leaving her in stunned silence. It was true. Each day they drew closer, she grew more anxious about Alonzo's decision on whether he would stay or leave. She couldn't bear to think of a future without him, growing old alone while he began a new journey and remained forever young. Would she only be one of the many women he left behind?
She knew her insecurity was undermining their relationship. Instead of taking advantage of each day they had left, she found herself testing him, examining every remark and gesture for a hidden meaning, trying to find the answer he wouldn't give her. In the end, all she wound up doing was driving him away.
Julia put on her communication gear. "Alonzo? I need to talk to you. Please answer me."
Alonzo was suffocating. The convict's last words were lost as a thick tentacle passed over his ears and closed his eyes and nose. Sealed within a slithering tomb, all the fear he had managed to beat down rose in a soundless scream. Something within him snapped and he was consumed with a rage to live.
Hal's last deliberate jab with the stick wedged open a small crack in the coiled mass. The small break allowed a small passage of current to reach him. The pilot was unaware that the convict had deliberately saved him. He only knew the agony of labored sips of air which meant the difference between his life and death.
Julia approached the Dune Rail that Danziger was working on. She saw Walman stop speaking and look away guiltily.
The mechanic straightened and tapped the wrench in his hand. He caught the firm resolution in her eyes. "Something I can do for you, Julia?"
"Yes, I need to borrow the DuneRail."
The mechanic glanced at Walman before continuing on with Julia, "This wouldn't have anything to do with Alonzo, would it?"
Her eyes challenged his. He found himself thinking that, right now, they held all the warmth and color of glacial ice.
"And if it does?"
"If it does, we're going to have to have a little talk. These vehicles are our only means of transportation. Their use is limited for the sole purpose of getting us to our destination. They are not to be used as an escape from the times we happen to get on each others' nerves."
The wall around her suddenly cracked and her demeanor changed to one of desperation. "John, I'm afraid something's happened to him. I've been trying to raise him on gear and he won't answer. No matter how mad he gets, he never ignores me, especially if he knows I'm worried about him."
"How long has he been gone?"
Julia looked to Walman for confirmation. "About an hour?"
Walman supported her concern. "He did say he'd only be a few minutes."
The gear on Julia's belt beeped a signal. Her relief was short-lived as she flipped on the audio. They stared at the set in her hand as they caught the mid-sentence of a strange male voice.
"..took you so long."
Another answered from a distance. "I just wanted to be sure he wouldn't get away. I got a big kick out of seeing him squirm at the end. Get this: he claimed he was just a pilot."
"Let's get out of here, Hal. Someone's liable to come looking for him."
The other man laughed. "Let 'em. They'll be real surprised at what's left of him. About now..."
The broadcast broke off.
"Oh my God." Julia looked helplessly at Danziger and Walman.
"I had Morgan monitoring all frequencies, maybe he'll be able to come up with a fix on a location," Walman told them.
Danziger slapped him on the back. "Find out. I'll get the weapons and meet you."
"I need to get my medical kit."
Danziger nodded. It didn't sound good for Alonzo.
--end part 1--