Out of Control

Chapter 1: His Retrieval

By: an1m3.4sp


Ino Yamanaka: 20 years old

Shikamaru Nara: 20 years old

Neji Hyuga: 20 years old

Temari: 23 years old

Naruto Uzumaki: 20 years old

Sasuke Uchiha: 20 years old

Sakura Haruno: 20 years old

Kakashi Hatake: 27 years old

Kiba Inuzuka: 20 years old

Choji Akimichi: 20 years old

Summary: Her life was empty, and her powers progressed dangerously out of her control. With Shikamaru gone on various dangerous missions, Ino was faces with countless war missions; spying, seducing and torturing with her progressing unknown powers. Shikamaru soon realizes the double edged sword to her new technique which was killing her slowly as it broke her soul apart every time it was used, but it was needed for the village's survival as war and death reached the gates of Konoha. An action filled romance in which Shikamaru and Ino fight for their life to end up happy together, even though that was never their fate in the beginning. Ino/Shikamaru

"I will see you again Ino," he had forced a smile leaning down and kissing my cheek slowly pulling back almost immediately. I looked away keeping my emotions in check as he walked away from me. He knew I loved him, he knew I needed him, but he needed to get away and so he left me behind. "Goodbye Shikamaru…"

I cried myself to sleep that night.

After Asuma's death my team had literally gone their separate ways leaving me alone. I watched as Choji was called into mission after mission becoming distance even more after his father died. I had tried to console him, but how can you make someone feel better when their father died?

Shikamaru had been sent on a 3 year long mission on his request. I understood he had to get away, but for three years? I applied for many more missions, many more hours at the hospital, many more school activity for the children of our future. Waiting, waiting for someone to make me feel like I wasn't dying of loneliness every day.

I dated Kiba, he was an amazing lover, and even more amazing companion, but we ended our relationship quickly; I couldn't use him because he looked like a certain person I missed. He was a better friend and comrade, and I knew nothing serious would come from being with him, at least not from my part.

Next came Neji, we trained together every day; he wanted me to be stronger to be more capable in protecting myself than in helping others with my medical techniques. He just wanted me to be safe and that is how he showed me he cared. Neji reminded me of Shikamaru in a way, which is why my relationship with him lasted. He never said he loved me, but I felt it every time he kissed me, every time he slept over my apartment. But I never could love him like he loved me, and I mourned that since I didn't deserve him, yet he thought I did.

"What did Tsunade say?" I walked into my apartment. Neji stood there against the far wall waiting for me. I gasped in shock; he usually waited for me outside. I had been called to the Hokage's office earlier that day from our training session by an ANBU elite. Tsunade had needed me for an important mission that I could not or would not refuse.

"I am to retrieve Shikamaru from the Sand Village," I mumbled numb. I hadn't seen Shikamaru in over three years, the last thing I heard from my fellow spies passing by, was that he was dating the Village's Princess, Temari of the Sand. The Present Kasekage's sister.

"Why were you chosen? Sakura and Naruto could easily go and return with him, why does the Hokage need him?" Neji asked crossing his arms frowning, he didn't like the memory of Shikamaru in my life because Shikamaru had abandoned his village in his eyes, and he also didn't like the fact that I still defended Shikamaru from all the accusations, he knew I was in love with him. 'He needed to get away; this will give him more experience. He's not a traitor.' I had stopped defending him so much when I found out he actually was seeing Temari. That made Neji even more threatened by Shikamaru, he thought I was jealous and maybe I was but only because he preferred to be with her than with me. Yes, that was jealousy… But jealousy between friends, after all he 'was' my best friend…

"She said a war's coming, the Sand village has provoked it and we are not financially stable to join, nor do we have enough shinobi to send in troops. Our Village would be included if they had any ninjas assisting the sand and that would open us to enemy attacks. I'm being sent for his retrieval because I was his friend in the past, and she has given me a document of exile if he refuses to return." I explained pulling out the role Tsunade had given me. "Don't worry Neji, I will be back with him or without him in two weeks," I reassured throwing my arms around his neck noticing he was pouting adorably.

"You are mine Ino… I hope you don't forget that," he growled into my ear making my heartbeat spike in excitement as he grabbed me tightly almost painfully close. "And make sure he knows that too, that bastard can stay with the Sand for all I care, but you come back to me as soon as possible or I will come looking for you myself," he warned possessively, my face was tight against his chest and I couldn't resist, I bit him hard enough to make him jump and loosen his hold. But I only pushed into him harder allowing him to feel all of me. He was truly beautiful, his eyes instantly changed from angry to lust crazed.

He pulled my hair back and kissed my neck. I sighed into him ripping apart his clothes as he pulled me into my bedroom only to fuck the whole night, I would leave the next day, and he was going to make sure I remembered him throughout my whole trip.

I didn't tell him he shouldn't worry, or reassure him of my love because in truth I wasn't 'in love' with him, I loved him as a treasured friend, a person I could settle to live the rest of my life with and but never be truly romantically in love with, that wasn't fair to him, but I tried to distance myself, punish myself into loneliness but he would follow.

I kissed him goodbye at the front gate of Konoha, in front of our friends, and comrades since he needed me too. He never liked showing that sort of emotion in front of anyone, but today he made an exception when he called me back holding his fist at his side, but I knew him enough to know what he wanted. Sakura and Naruto had teased, but I didn't care, I felt guilty about doing this hurting my special someone like Shikamaru had hurt me. I would not leave Neji, not like Shikamaru left me.

I could have refused this mission. He knew it, I knew it, and everyone knew it. But I wanted to go, I wanted to see my old friend especially if it was for the last time. I wanted to be close to him one more time before he chose to stay with Temari again instead of returning with me.

I disappeared waving to my lover as I sprinted into the trees dodging from view and running as if there was something to lose. I would get there at this speed in two days, ask him to return or wait a day for his decision and sign the papers to legally be exiles as a Konoha ninja, and return to Konoha and Neji before my heart broke. He would hear me cry and mend it, it would kill him to see me cry for another man, but he would be happy Shikamaru would be out of my life for good.

I sighed breathing evenly and keeping my quick pace, I will cut this tie like I did when someone died. To me Shikamaru Nara will be dead.

Two Days Later

I finally arrived to the Sand Village. I had expected someone to be at the front of the canyon gates waiting for my arrival to escort me into the Kasekage's office to do my proper greetings, but no one was around.

I examined the canyons making sure there weren't traps planted. "I am a Konoha Ninja, My Hokage had sent an eagle to inform about my arrival," I called in case they were preparing to ambush. Growling in frustration, Shikamaru should have taken it upon himself to meet me. I moved forward picking up into a running pace too fast and swift for a surprise attack or any planted traps, but it still placed me in a weak position.

I felt a change in the air and instinctually jumped back as knives were thrown where I had been a second ago.

"I am a Konoha ninja, here to retrieve Shikamaru Nara," I called jumping aside as another round of knives was thrown at me. One had an explosive tag attached pushing me back with so much force that I hit my back into the canyons hard rocks. "That is enough!" I screamed forming seals calculating my surroundings, I would catch those responsible, sand ninjas or not they attacked me first.

"1 mile radius, Mind jutsu control!" Chakra glowed around my person before it exploded into 10 separate directions. I split my soul into 11 pieces each finding a shinobi and entering his body completely taking over. There were 10 enemies that had surrounded me, I kept a part of my soul into my own body since I was alone without teammates and couldn't just leave my body in another ninja village.

I could feel their fear, as I forced them into view, they could not fight me even though they tried. I poured my anger into my jutsu making them scream so someone in the village would hear and come. They all jumped in a neat formation in front of me, getting onto their knees with their hands holding their heads as I tormented them with my jutsu. Powerless. Completely and entirely in control I looked into their minds, who had staged the attack? What village did they hold loyalty too? What was the meaning of this attack?

My mouth fell open as they all thought the same name, Temari. She had wanted to stop me from seeing Shikamaru, she needed him for the war, and he would leave if it was Ino who came for him.

But of course Temari had underestimated me; I had been so weak in their first encounter, now I was probably stronger than her. "Scream," I growled twisting their minds cruelly, "tell me everything."

I saw images go through all their minds, Temari's actions, Shikamaru's attempts to stop it from becoming war. Their last public fight, his reaction when he received the Hokage's message, closed.

I slammed the side of the canyon furiously. She tried to tie me up and shut me away as if I were an insect. Seconds later I felt more powerful chakras in the area. I prepared myself. If I had to I would break apart my soul and force my army of captives to fight their own, I could taste each's power. Some with the wind element, earth, water, lighting, fire. They had insulted me.

"Konoha's Ino, I presume." I looked up to an older Garra, and nodded my head sharply forcing my whimpering army of ten to rise and shield all sides. "Is it your custom to attack other ninjas?" he asked dangerously quiet.

I glared and smirked unaffected. "No. But it is my custom to defend myself when jealous women send ten professional assassins to hold me against my will. Is this custom for you sand shinobi to treat visitors from allied countries?" I snapped back, each of my warriors pulled out a massive weapon I knew they carried. He looked confused then his angry eyes turned to his older brother who nodded and left the scene. "Is he on his way to get reinforcements? Because he is you will need it to keep with your Princess' plan. I'm not a quiet prisoner," I snarled grabbing a long sword from my back hidden from view in a spine.

His eyes widened. "How did you know it was Temari who planned your capture and not me?" he asked amazed. I smirked unwilling to share my secrets.

"I also know she had a public fight with Shikamaru a few days ago," I commented smugly keeping each man I controlled attentive and fully alert.

"I knew you could control minds, but I had no idea how many at a time, and that you could actually read all their thoughts and memories. You have become useful Ino Yamanaka," Garra smirked impressed. His shinobi looked confused as he waved them away jumping from the cliff he stood at to my ground level. So now I was surrounded with the Kasekage in front of me.

"I suggest you keep your distance." I warned moving one of my soldiers forward to keep him and his men at a safe distance. "I'm sure you do not care for the safe return of your men, but I can use their abilities, and my attack with their experiences and mine put together, and looks here that Temari sent all of her best. So I am safe in my wall of casualties." I wanted to gulp in air, but feared that would make him see my nervousness. He was the Kasekage for a reason. I've seen him fight, and watched his demon transform his form.

"Is that a warning?" he mused carefully keeping a closed face.

"Yes," I grunted going to one knee and seeing through all my men's eyes. Being able to watch every one all at once, my real body wet quiet and stood solid still.

"I will admit, Yamanaka this is a sexy show of only a tip of your power. But you are safe, I sent Kabuto to bring Shikamaru since I'm sure you will not release your defenses until he is present. Only then will we able to talk like civilized ninjas," he smiled as my real body had a blush forming across its cheeks, the Kasekage of the Sand called me sexy… Awkward in this situation. But he was smart, I would not release any of my captives until Shikamaru was present and I relayed my message.

"I'm glad you understand my predicament," I mumbled breaking my view of all my body's perfectives and coming back to move my main body. My soldiers relaxed a bit moving from my front to protect me from the sides and back.

Garra nodded bowing slightly leaning against the side of the canyon watching me curiously. "Why hadn't I heard about you before, I mean about your abilities? Shikamaru hadn't even mentioned this about you," he asked curiously too innocently.

"I am Konoha's private secret," I shrugged sitting on a stone rock crossing my arms, changing my main views as if changing the channels of a remote in front of my eyes lids to check the broadcast from each of my ten captives. They had all stopped struggling, having felt my fury and the strength of my attack on their minds the first time.

"I see," he nodded impressed. He turned his back to me and waved to incoming people, my stomach gave a flutter of butterflies as I spotted Shikamaru leading the way, his long legs almost running ahead of everyone only seeing me as he reached us. Temari wasn't amongst them, or else I would have sent her back her own ninjas full force. His hair had grown longer but he still wore the traditional spiked pony tail and jounin Konoha gear, of course a cape billowed behind him since it was common daily gear in the village of Sand. His eyes were a beep drown which darkened whenever he was angry or very serious, they would look almost a reddish brown when he would laugh and smile.

"Ino are you okay? Are you hurt?" He asked worry lining his forehead looking older. A lot older than 20 years old. I stared at him, since my soul was separated and the smarter part of me still relayed in my own body I just stared at him indifferently. This was one of my jutsu's gifts; it sent all my personal feelings into the other bodies leaving me only with the logical fighting strategic abilities, making it easier to, in other words run my own slave army.

"I am not hurt," I reassured looking back to Garra, "if your sister tries this again during my stay I will personally torture her and anyone who gets in my way." I warned seriously, I went into each's mind and moved their bodies away from me, on the other side of Shikamaru and Garra so they would be my shield if the sore ninjas tried to attack me again. I formed a few last signs and whispered the last of my jutsu, "release."

All ten ninjas fell to their knees holding their heads in pain. It would take them days to recover, a placed the distance between us in case they managed to be strong enough to attack. I sighed exhausted, sitting more heavily on my rock. That technique really took a lot out of me.

"Ino, how have you been? You look good," Shikamaru rushed to me smiling his old smile receiving weird looks from the ninjas around him as he moved forward to help me up. I grinned.

"Of course I look good, I am still Ino Yamanaka after all," I joked feeling as if it were old times again, not exactly the same but of course it would never be the same. "We need to get to the Kasekage's office and wrap up my mission over with, I would like to return home as soon as possible."

He looked at me a little dull nodding his agreement; he couldn't blame me for not wanting to spend too much time in a village where I had just received such a grand welcoming party. But of course the attack wasn't the only reason I wanted to get this over with and head home for. I wanted to cut these troublesome feelings from my heart and wish him the absolute happiness before I return to Neji.

I didn't notice how Shikamaru watched me from the corner of his eyes, or the way he kept in constant contact with me from the moment he greeted me. I only allowed myself to notice the number of ninjas around me, and the swelling of my heart being in Shikamaru's company again. For the first time in years I didn't feel lonely, I felt safe and unusually happy.


I have already written the last chapter to make sure the story leads in that direction. I hope I get review even if it was not to the reader's liking. I'm trying to work on my writing and hope for your participation in bettering my story telling. Next week, Dec 3 2008: Chapter 2: The Long Awaited Sin.