Title: The Gift
Author: Libmix
Prompt: Lover
Words: 120
Summary: Cindy receives an unexpected Christmas present.


Cindy stared unbelieving at the envelope before her. Or, to be more specific, the contents of said envelope. With shaky fingers she slowly withdrew the two tickets from their paper confines.

Moisture gathered in the corner of her eyes as she read the attached card.

I didn't know what to get you but then remembered you're a football lover so…
Merry Christmas.
L. x'

"Oh Linds." She whispered as the tears spilled over onto her cheeks.

Knowing that Lindsay had not only brought her a gift, but really thought about it, made her heart swell.

Dialling a number she knew from memory, Cindy smiled softly. Lindsay Boxer was about to be introduced to her first football game, Thomas style.