
Star Wars and all associated material belong to Lucasfilms Ltd.

The Clone Wars is entering into its second year of turmoil. Having just relieved the planet Naboo from a Separatist siege, legendary Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker makes his way to the planet sufrace in search of his secret wife, Padme Amidala.

Meanwhile, something else is at play, which will drastically change the fate of the galaxy forever…

Chapter 1- Beneath The Shadows of Theed

There was a beautiful resonating silence to the atmosphere on Naboo. Night slowly began to settle over the smoking city of Theed, but Anakin Skywalker found it most unsettling. The battle had ended too quickly, even for his own liking.

There was always something unnerving about the end of a battle when it comes as quickly as it did today and one is left to ponder on whether things could've gone differently, or if more losses could've been prevented if he had been quicker, faster or stronger.

He sat in the cockpit of his starfighter once it had powered down on the platform which overlooked the streets below and the domed buildings ahead. There were very few illuminated windows than he was used to seeing in his nighttime visits to this city. The peace was clearly disturbed here, but he knew it shouldn't be too long before the citizens returned to their homes.

He only hoped it would be the last time.

A pleasant echo in the Force jolted his attention and he quickly clambered out of his starfighter, "Stay here, Artoo."

He made his way across the platform towards the only door. It was adorned by vines, which greeted him with its flowery smells and slid open to allow him through. He excitedly stepped inside and glanced down the pillared corridor. The cloaked woman he was looking for waited for him at the bottom.

"Padme." He whispered and they ran into an embrace in the middle. He lifted her and spun her around before putting her gently back down, "I'm so glad you're alright."

"Anakin, I was so worried." She said, detaching herself from the hug and stroking his long hair.

"You don't need to worry about me." He replied then brought her head closer to him and smiled, "Droids are terrible pilots."

She looked up at him and showed him a toothy smile, "I'll take your word for it, Master Jedi."

He shook his head bemusedly, "I told you to stop calling me that."

She kissed him, and his mind became a blur of excitement and wonder. He tightened his embrace on her and allowed the moment to last a little bit longer.

Captain Typho watched the senator with much disdain.

Before this war began, before his dear homeplanet of Naboo- the flower of The Republic- fell under siege, he never suspected they would have to relive the nightmares of the past. The dark days of occupation when the battledroids of the Trade Federation forced their will on the people.

But today, he shadowed Amidala and stalked her every footstep across the streets of Theed. It was littered with droid parts and clone corpses. The black smoke that loomed over its beautiful gardens brought the same nightmares from all those years ago back into his memories. It cut open the same old wound.

But he knew he could rely on his heroes. He knew he could rely on her, Padme Amidala, and The Jedi- to do what they did before. To serve the Light and The Republic and restore peace, justice and order to his home.

That was until he witnessed this new surprise. It tore his heart in two- a betrayal. It was a betrayal to the people of Naboo. To the Jedi Order, and to The Republic.

He tightened his fists and felt his teeth clench with frustration. No words could describe the disappointment he felt witnessing the two individuals who were hailed as heroes and legends on Naboo embrace and kiss again, engaged with one another as if they were long time lovers and the war was nothing but a distant memory or just a story on the side.

It was a betrayal.

He knew his duty. He knew what he must do now. As the only witness he should inform The Jedi Council- they will know how best to respond to this crime. He waited until the lovers walked out of the open corridor and on to the streets before he opened his intercom, "This is Captain Typho. Prepare my ship for immediate take off. I'll be there in under an hour."

"Yes sir."

He took one last glance as the couple rounded the corner. He almost felt terrible about having to divulge the private relationship the two shared and confirm the suspicions he had about the senator for so long, but he knew he had no other choice. It was a dirty job, but someone had to do it.

Afterall, it was for her own good.


I have rewritten this chapter. It's now lengthier than it was before.