So I had originally intended for this to just be a one-shot deal here, but I wanted to do more one-shots so I figured I'd just group a bunch of drabbles. Let me know what you want to hear from me! I write for you! ~

I obviously do not own Harry Potter. If I did, it wouldn't be the story we all loved so much, would it?

To say Ronald Weasley was pissed would be a mild understatement. He was fuming from his toes to the tip of his copper orange hair. Storming into Transfiguration for his last class before graduation, he slammed himself into his chair, fist clenched and teeth grinding, not even Harry thought it wise to approach him. He was sure that whatever was on Ron's nerves was something petty and NOT something that he wanted to get involved with on his last day of classes at Hogwarts. However, much to Harry's dismay, Ron decided that Harry would be an excellent source to vent to and swung his body around until he was facing Harry and angrily jerked his thumb over to the other third of the Golden Trio. Hermione was, per usual, reading. And trying to ignore Ron's fevered glares and scowls.

"Have you seen what she's got on her neck?" Ron whispered furiously to Harry who looked at him with a confused glare.

"Um, her skin?" He suggested hopefully and received an evil snarl from Ron

"A Hickey! Hermione's got one whaler of a hickey on her neck; it looks like she was attacked by a toothless vampire!" Ron hissed pointing to his neck as if to prove a piont. Harry looked over at his bushy haired friend and felt his eyes widen in surprise and he grinned like a goofball.

"Wow, didn't think 'Mione had it in her!" He caught her eye and gave her a good natured thumbs up which she smiled shyly to.

"HARRY!" Ron nearly shouted, drawing Harry's attention from his blushing friend. Harry looked surprised and glowered at his redhead friend."Dude, what the hells your problem? So she has a hickey from another guy, it's no big deal!"

"No big deal?" Ron spat out. "Harry, she would let me come near her with a twelve foot pole when we were dating, and I've known her for seven years! Seven! Who the hell would she let do that to her?"

Harry sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose in annoyance. It was a good thing that McGonagall had let them have a free period, otherwise he was sure that Ron would have been given a detention. "Ron, are you seriously jealous? I seriously, she dumped you before you both got in to deep. I can't see why you can't get over it. She's your best friend. Be happy for her that she's obviously with someone that makes her happy!"

"But who Harry? Who could she possibly be with?"

"Who cares? Ron, she doesn't want to spill every detail of her life to us. I can totally understand that! Just give her a break!"

Ron sighed angrily and faced forward. Refusing to look at either one of his friends. After a moment, he swung back to Harry and said, "I couldn't pry her legs open with a crowbar. Even when we were kissing, she seemed like she was just putting up with it? The girl doesn't have an ounce of desire in her! Not one bit!"

Then he faced forward and didn't say another word to his friends. Content to let the matter sit as is for now.

The little blow didn't go unnoticed by Minerva. She found herself gripping her quill quite tightly, and what was supposed to be a semi-relaxing period was making her very upset. Hermione not having an ounce of desire? Ha! The though nearly made Minerva chuckle with mirth. If only the Weasley boy was privy to her knowledge. A shiver erupted down her spine as she thought of her encounters with the young witch. A weaving of limbs and skin together. Minerva bit her lower lip in the saucy memory, looking longingly at the glossy curls of her lover across the room. How she would have loved to walk over to her and run her long tapered fingers into those lustrous locks and pull that beautiful face out of that book and…

Minerva shook her head to get her mind out of fantasy mode. The fact of the matter was, she and Hermione were technically free to do whatever they liked with each other since he students took their N.E.W.T.S. and were now for all intense and purposes adults in the wizarding world. A wicked smile crossed her feature and as the signal for the last class for these students rang she called Ron over to her.

The angry redhead stood in front of her desk, Minerva could help but want to hex him for what he said about her lover. However, she decided that a little tact before the final blow would make her feel better. After a bit of small talk Minerva looked him straight in the eye and said in a low even tone,

"I heard what you said about Hermione." Ron had the decency to look a little embarrassed and shuffled his feet a bit before looking back up at Minerva, who rose up from behind her desk and walked over to him."And I must say," she drawled, enjoying the look of discomfort on Ron's face. "That I have a hard time believing what you said."

Ron head shot up and he sent Minerva a questioning look. "About her not having any passion." She drawled, smirking a little bit.

Ron finally said "Why would you think that?" and Minerva let her smirk widened into a full smile before she bent down and whispered into Ron's ear,

"I have a hard time believe you Mr. Weasley, because Hermione seems to particularly enjoy it when I fuck her"

~Yay for stories! Tell me what you all think, and what you'd like to hear from me. I lurve all of you!