So, this is a story that is potentially Maya/ Edgeworth though if I was to add more to it, it probably wouldn't end up as that pairing. I don't know if I actually ship this pairing but I adore crack ones. This is my first official fan fiction so reviewers, be honest but try to be lenient!

I don't own Phoenix Wright.

Note: I haven't played the third game yet so sorry if any details are inaccurate or something.


"I announce the defendant as… NOT GUILTY!"

The judges voice boomed across the court hall, clapping ensued and confetti was thrown across which made the judge frown but Phoenix stood modestly smiling at his fearful defendant who was quite overwhelmed but cautious as the twitchy prosecutor on the other side had a luring glare, undermined by his defeat. In the crowd, Maya sat clapping, watching her friend for the umpteenth time win another case. She was always happy, but gradually became less and less enthusiastic as she felt that somehow, she and Phoenix were slowly drifting apart.


In a glossy celebration dinner, a slow atmosphere of sharply dressed, clinking glasses. Maya was there, dressed in of course, her spirit medium outfit watching the groups of people in the educated refined law area- she didn't fit in. But she was there for her friend, to celebrate his victory. However, she couldn't stop thinking about it. Nick never had this many friends, she thought. Over the years, Phoenix won so many cases, he became recognisable figure and actually start hanging around with other lawyers. At first, every time Phoenix won a case, it was a free trip to the local burger joint, but now it was these dinner parties. She didn't mind, it doesn't matter that Phoenix is going to start adjusting to a new life now that he actually gets paid and has other friends. Though Maya had been at this party for over two hours now, she hadn't actually talked to him yet. He'd been at chatting away with all his lawyer friends, she felt rude to interrupt and suddenly talk about how excited she was about the upcoming Steel Samurai theme park.


At long last, she had finally caught up with Phoenix.


She run over to him excitedly, gleaming while a few other party participates opted to back away. Phoenix smiled comfortably at Maya.

"Maya! When did you get here?"

"Oh well, um, if you must know-"


A suited up woman approached Phoenix with a warm smile.

"Oh, uh hi Claire."

Phoenix coughed slightly, if a bit awkwardly. Claire was a defense attorney too. He had been spending quite a bit of time with Claire lately, but Phoenix never really talked about it. Maya also smiled, but was a little upset by the abrupt interruption.

"If you're not busy, there's someone I'd like you to meet," Claire invited Phoenix to brush away from Maya once again.

"Oh uh, I'm kind of busy actually," Phoenix stammered. He may have become more sociable but was still the nervous trooper from before. Maya decided not to cramp his style.

"Oh don't worry Nick, we can talk later."

"Really? Oh, um okay then, see you Maya."

Phoenix and Claire nodded politely and made their way towards the other side of the room, quite irritably enjoying each other's company well. Maya sighed. She started to get a little annoyed. Not at Phoenix, but at herself. Phoenix had made other friends, they have more in common with him, why can't she make other friends? He's grown up, why can't she?


Maya walked dully up the stairs, groaning at this mid life crisis she was suddenly having- at 20 years old. It was true though, she and Phoenix had outdated each other. It was time to make new friends, try to find a new purpose in life instead of helping a professional lawyer who could clearly get through on his own. She still wanted someone to talk to, someone she's familiar with also to try and make sure all her friends weren't about to ditch her. She approached the door and knocked.

Inside was the Head Prosecutor's office. Phoenix wasn't the only one soaring through his job, but Miles Edgeworth's office was even more lavish than the last. Maya loved the clear, beautiful view of the horizon he had outside his window; it reminded her of her sister because of its beauty. Edgeworth didn't really appreciate it as much, just another inanimate perk of being one of the country's top prosecutors. Edgeworth was at his desk, head buried in case files, the blueprints of his life. He heard the knock and seemed rather surprised. I'm off duty, he thought, is someone visiting me?

"Come in."

He invited Maya in monotonously. She opened the door, grinning hopefully that Edgeworth would have time to talk to her.

"Oh, uh Maya, what are you doing here?"

"Oh well um, are you busy?"

Edgeworth looked down at his papers and started, but then backed out. He saw that Maya was feeling a little down, which was unexpected. He hadn't occasionally conversed with Maya that much recently but always knew that she would be in a overexcited mood, with that ludicrously eager expression plastered across her face. He felt a bit guilty.

"No, not really. Is something bothering you Maya?"

" Um, yeah it's…"

Maya twiddled her fingers nervously. She suddenly became a bit embarrassed at wanting to tell Edgeworth about this problem. Then again, she'd usually tell Phoenix about her problems, but that couldn't exactly be organised.

"Oh no, you haven't falsely been accused of something have you? Again?"

Maya looked up, raising her eyebrows. Obviously Edgeworth had never been approached with something that didn't have anything to do with legal issues.

"No, of course not! I'm just… really bored."

"Oh, you're bored. Well, I guess you could try to… do something?"

Edgeworth struggled to say something useful. She's bored? She came to him because she's bored?

"I was at this party for Nick's case. He won and some of his friends helped him celebrate. I went there but it was like I totally was out of place. I feel like, maybe I'm kind of holding Nick back. I don't want lose him as a friend though but I kind of need to make friends of my own. But then again, how many 20 year olds do you know that still watch Steel Samurai?"

"Well, there's one I might know of."

"Really! Oh my gosh, who?"

"Uh, you."

Maya sighed acceptably.

"Oh right, yeah."

She slumped onto the chair opposite Edgeworth and put her head down onto the desk, messing up Edgeworth's files. He grimaced a little but decided to let it go. He watched her sulk tediously, crossed his arms and rolled his eyes.

"You can only expect Wright to upset a girl like this and be so oblivious."

Maya looked up and wiped her eyes and shook her head.

"It's not Nick's fault. But I have tried to make friends, but most just avoid me for some reason. Nick's the only person I've known that didn't think I was weird."

"Oh really?"

Maya nodded. Edgeworth tapped his fingers on the desk. The poor girl, he thought. He came up with a way to help.

"I think I might have some self-help books here that can aid you."

Maya, despite the rather condescending suggestion, seemed intrigued.

"Self- help books? Uh, wow Mr. Edgeworth, you've used them?"

Edgeworth chuckled a little nervously.

"Possibly. Look, I'll have someone bring them over to you sometime."

"Why can't you get them now?"

She pointed at the large stacked bookcase on one side of the room. Edgeworth hesitated.

"It's well, the books are on the top shelf and if you must know, I'm not very fond of heights."

"You're afraid of heights! I'd think you weren't afraid of anything! But heights!"

Maya giggled.

"Yes it's all very amusing."

Edgeworth sighed.

"Oh, sorry Mr. Edgeworth. Hey, I'm not afraid of heights, and look there's a ladder, I'll get the books."

Maya rushed out of her seat and made way to the ladder on the bookcase. Edgeworth brought his hands to his face and followed as Maya began to climb the ladder.

"Maya, I don't think you should be doing that. You'll slip and fall and injure yourself. Then I'll have to deal with Wright lecturing me."

"Oh, lighten up Mr. Edgeworth. You're worse than Nick."

She stopped for a while and remembered times like this when Nick would advise her not to do things like this. "You'll electrocuted yourself!", "You might get sued!", "That's not a burger Maya!". The worries Phoenix had for Maya were endless, but it was all good fun really.

Unknowingly, Maya didn't seem to pay attention to the slippery ladder while lost in thoughts of Phoenix. Her foot lost balance, and she found herself hurtling towards the floor. But she was saved, in the rather secure arms of Edgeworth, on whom she had landed on, but probably caused injury onto his back as he lay, moaning, trying not to lose it and shout. Maya gasped worriedly.

"Oh, my god, Mr Edgeworth!"

It was an awkward position, she was on top him and their faces were very close together. Both were quiet, and didn't speak nor move for a few seconds. Maya didn't know what to do from there, but both were startled at the sound of a third person at the door. They looked, and it was Dick Gumshoe, eyes wide with disbelief, lips trembling to avoid bursting out laughing. He was not expecting this.

"Um, sorry sir, I see you're uh, occupied. I'll come back later… or tomorrow. Whatever's good for you."

Gumshoe scurried away and Maya and Edgeworth looked at each other nervously. Edgeworth cleared his throat.

"Maya, please get off me."

Maya nodded obediently and did as so. They both got to their feet and wiped their clothes. Maya gritted her teeth and blinked cautiously.

"You don't think he got the wrong idea, do you?"

Edgeworth scoffed.

"In a perfect world, he wouldn't. But this is Gumshoe we're talking about."

"Right, yeah."

In a desperate attempt to completely rid of the discomfiture…

"So, um send me those self- help books sometime! I should be going now. Bye, Mr. Edgeworth."

"Goodbye, Maya."

Edgeworth stiffly greeted Maya away. She tread with unease towards the door and left the room. In the hallway, she panicked a little, as did Edgeworth. Maya felt she humiliated herself, Edgeworth thought about what this will do his record if Gumshoe put the word out. But above all that, a strange feeling cropped up. In those few moments that they were so close, it actually felt…nice. And the same question rose into their minds:

What just happened?