BLUE NOTE: Im so tired of always seeing 'Authors Note' so mine are called 'Blue Notes' for now on. But anywho, definatly not one of my longest works but I believe it is still... Touching in a way?

DISCLAIMER: No. I do not own Naruto. I wish I did cause then trust me, a lot of people wouldn't be dead. And Sakura would be the main character. And it would be a very dark series ment for teenagers. But its not. So it isn't. So enjoy what I can do which is twist and turn things into fiction till I can alter the threads of time to work in my favor...

Sakura twirled around; pink hair flowing gently behind in her wake. Dressed in only a ragged gray dress, barefoot, she danced. On the street corner in the middle of winter she danced. And danced.

Snow fell around her and the growing mass of spectators. Hundreds of eyes, peering, watching the strange girl. She was numb as another gush of wind whipped her uneven hair into her face, the sharpness causing a cut to mare her porcelain skin. A line of red blood ran from the cut, leaving a glistening streak on her paper pale flesh.

But no one noticed. To caught up. To mesmerized by the little girl dancing so gracefully. Fluid movement telling of her pain. Her sorrow. And how hopeless the small creature truly was.

Her rail thin body was tinged blue, but no one noticed this either. Thin flashes of light danced upon her, reflected like fairies by the snows glistening paths.

Eyes jerked open, showing green-as-spring irises, a single tear slid down her face as she stepped on glass. Pain. The broken glass bit deeper into her flesh. A wince graced her dainty features as her eyes closed once more.

And still she danced.

It was all going to end soon. The petal haired girl knew this. Why not leave doing something she loved? Why not dance the dirt into the snow where her body would soon law?

A large patch of snow less ground, dirt, slowly met her as she fell. Eyes wide and unseeing.

Dress and hair still dancing with the snow…

Yikes. I didn't realize just HOW little it was. Meh. Its better if you read it to 'Dancing Dirt into the Snow', an amazing song. Also, I wrote this after midnight while I was attempting to fall asleep since I had school the next day. Hehe. Always keep a flashlight and your notebook by your bed. ^_^

But review, I wanna hear what YOU think the story was about. And yes. It did have a meaning. Abeit, slightly hidden but still there!!!

Also, whats your opinion of my style of writing?

Arigato Gozaimasu,
