Chapter 3.

Peanut sat alone in his bedroom staring blankly at a picture hanging on the wall. It was a photo of Johnny working on his bicycle. The short greaser took out a bottle of beer from under his bed and sucked it dry.

That was the seventh beer he had drank tonight. He couldn't stop though. He was too depressed to do anything. Ever since the death of his best friend Peanut had been a lost soul.

His eyes narrowed as the image of Parker Ogilvie stabbing Johnny flashed across his mind. The look of satisfaction on the prep's face made Peanut's blood boil. He hated him. Everything about that black-haired prep made him sick.

What he didn't like the most was that everyone at school considered Johnny a bastard after finding out what he did to Rachel. They called him a monster, but Peanut knew he wasn't.

Peanut knew the real reason why Johnny did what he did. It was pure jealously.

"Larry, I'm going out tonight." Johnny said as he made his way to the door.

"Why?" Peanut raised an eyebrow in question.

But his friend didn't respond. With that Johnny gathered some beers and sauntered outside. Peanut looked through the foggy window and saw him get into his black mustang, slamming the door shut behind him. Then he drove off.

The smaller greaser seemed very concerned about his leader so he went outside and followed his leader on his red BMX bike. Where Johnny led him was least expected. He was slightly startled when he saw the boy's car parked outside Rachel Patterson's apartment. What the hell was Vincent doing?

A few seconds later he spotted Rachel coming out of the building. She looked like she had been crying. Peanut's eyes widened when he saw her get into the car. After that, the black mustang made it's way down the road again. Strangely it was leaving New Conventry.

'Oh well. What harm could he do, right?' Peanut thought.

But he was wrong. At about midnight, Johnny came back to the tenaments and told Peanut about the car wreck. Tears were building up in his leader's eyes.

"A-And...Rachel?" Peanut's throat tightened.

"She's...she's dead."

Peanut knew that Johnny was drunk when he drove that night. But why didn't he stop him? Maybe Rachel wouldn't have died. Johnny really loved her. More than that Parker Ogilvie guy. That's why he did what he did. Johnny wasn't bad. He was just trying to convince the girl that he wanted her to be with him. She didn't need to hang out with that Parker guy if she had given him a chance.

Peanut stared back at the picture of Johnny before taking another beer bottle from under his bed. Then he started drinking again like crazy. He wouldn't cry. Peanut Romano never cried.

Author's note: Sorry for the short chapter! I just wanted to clear up the reason why Peanut hated Parker so much! You should read Drive, the first book, to understand how this all got started. Anway, review! PLZ!