I'm getting more confident with my story writing skills! I don't care if I don't get as much reviews as other writers! Thanks to Kai19999 and a yuri-who-loves-yaoi, I'm feeling better about my stories! So for those out there who read this I hope you enjoy! Now, on with the chapter!

Chapter 1. A Heavy Heart

Tad Spencer walked the empty streets of Old Bullworth Vale alone. The bruise on his cheek still stung badly. He clutched his bleeding shoulder and forced himself against the wall. He cursed loudly before taking out a cigarette from his back pocket.

After taking out his black smooth lighter, the preppie began smoking away like a madman. A good smoke was all he needed. He'd forget about everything that happened tonight and go hang out with his friends.

But just as he shot a cloud of smoke from his lips he felt a sudden aching in his heart. Then Tad immediately thought of her. Tears formed in his eyes as the girl's face flashed across his mind.

He could still hear her screaming his name. It was getting louder and louder. The boy winced and covered his ears, but her screams wouldn't silence. The whole thing was replaying in his head over again.

"Hey Tad? What time is it?" His ex-girlfriend placed a hand on the greaser's bare chest.

Tad grinned devilishly before replying, "I don't know. Why?"

The brown-haired girl didn't answer him and without waiting for his approval, she captured his lips in a long kiss that nearly took his breath away.

Lily wasn't exactly the nicest girl, but she was the most sexiest. He had to admit that sometimes he wished his new girl was as attractive as she was.

Tad pulled her closer to his body and ran his fingers through her hair. Then a knock came on the door. Their hearts stopped. The preppie went pale and his throat tightened. The knocking went on for the second time and a voice accompanied it.

"Tad? Are you in there?"

He froze as the handle turned and the door came open with a flourish. There stood his girlfriend, Hailey Robinson, staring in shock at the sight before her.

Lily just smiled at this, saying, "Oh, hi there. Didn't mean to have sex with your boyfriend."

She had only made the situation worse. He knew that for sure. Tad stumbled out of the bed and tried to speak, but his first words were blocked out by Hailey's angry shouts, which were getting louder with each step.

The next part came way too fast. All he remembered was wrapping his arms around her waist and attempting to kiss her. Then she grabbed a broken beer bottle which was sitting on the dresser behind her, and drew a long cut into the boy's shoulder.

He cursed under his breath. The pain didn't stop there. When he turned his head, a powerful punch contacted his cheek and Tad was on the floor with a dark bruise lining his face.

Hailey began throwing books, pictures, or anything else in the room she could find. She screamed at the top of her lungs.


What made things worse was she started crying when she lost all her breath. Her eyes were full of hate and sorrow. She fell to her knees, covering her face as she did.


And with those last words, Tad bolted out of the room, but not before glancing back. The blonde's dark blue eyes met with his.

The preppie swallowed hard, wiping away the tears that were now rolling down his face. He felt like the sorriest bastard in the whole world. He shouldn't have done it. He knew he shouldn't have. If only Parker were here. Maybe he'd know what to do. He was the only one who could heal the pain that was aching in the boy's heart.

Tad glanced down at his watch. It was eleven o'clock. Curfew had just started so the cops would probably be out by now. Gathering himself together, he made a dash for his home, hoping that Hailey wouldn't do anything crazy that night.

- - -

When the amber-haired prep arrived at the Harrington House the next morning he was piled with millions of questions from his peer group. Justin Vandervelde wat the first to ask.

"So? Did you cheat on that poor girl with that bitch Lily?" His voice sounded eager.

"Yes." Tad replied rolling his eyes to the side.

"Did she cry?" Chad asked curiously.

Tad nodded.

He let out a sigh as the preppie clique cheered and shouted in happiness. They might have been joyful about this, but Tad sure as hell wasn't. In fact, the boy felt absolutely disgusted with himself. If Parker saw him right now he too would be displeased with him. Parker. How long had it been since the black-haired boy left the living world?

Tad recalled the moment when he stood in the cemetery. He remembered the look of sadness in his friend's eyes as he took the dagger and stabbed himself. The boy's stomach gave a funny lurch.

'Damn it, Parker. Why the hell did you have to die? Rachel wouldn't have wanted this for you.' he thought to himself.

A cold hand gripped his shoulder. Tad immediately snapped out of his thoughts, glancing up at Gord, who had a look of question on his face. The amber-haired prep batted his hand away and turned his back to the group.

"Tad? What's wrong with-"

But he was already dashing up the stairs to his bedroom before Justin could get his words out.

He slammed the door behind him and threw himself onto the bed, burying his face into his puffy white pillow. Tad hated them. He hated every single one of them. He hated Derby the most for forcing him to cheat on Hailey. The boy's heart hurt deeply inside because of the trouble he now caused for her. She already had a harder life to deal with. The worst part was that he didn't really love her. He hardly even knew her at all.

Tad turned on his side and stared at a picture of him and Parker standing near the beachhouse. A smile formed on his lips as he gazed at the black-haired boy. It was almost impossible to get over the death of his best friend. But he had to be strong. He couldn't lose control like Parker did for Rachel.

Tad let out a soft chuckle before closing his eyes. It was sort of strange and yet kinda funny. His guilt for Hailey was just like the guilt Parker must have felt for Rachel. The prep just let another sigh escape his mouth. Then he drifted to sleep.

End of Chapter 1

Author's note: Please R&R! I really hope you liked it!