OKay, my first thing in a while (darn you school!) so I hope it's not bad. There's a little poetry, but not too much (since my poetry isn't very good). The title's from a comic strip I read, and happens to fit the story (and I couldn't think of anything better).

Clouds slowly drifted through the sapphire sky. A hawk lazily flew high above the buildings, watching the people of the village with a keen eye. Turning around, the hawk flew away from Konoha.

Hinata watched the hawk until it had flown past the Hokage faces. Then she resumed her walk. Her team wasn't supposed to meet for a few more minutes, so she had plenty of time to enjoy the scenery. Trees rustled quietly as a breeze blew through them. Light danced between the leafy branches, until Hinata came to a clearing. She looked around and smiled when she saw her teammates waiting for her. Kiba was covered in dirt, and it was obvious he had just been beaten in a fight. From Shino's smug face, it wasn't hard to figure out who he had lost to. They waved to her and she quickly closed the gap between herself and them.

"Morning Hinata. You just barely made it." Kiba reached down and patted Akamaru, who jumped up when he saw Hinata. She dropped to one knee and scratched him behind his ears. "You missed my new awesome technique! It's definitely going to help out on missions."

"If your 'awesome technique' was that stunt you tried on me, it isn't going to do anything." Kiba glared at Shino.

"That was an accident! Next time, you'll be the one eating dirt for breakfast, lunch, and dinner." Kiba struck what he thought was a cool pose. Unfortunately, he had been taking lessons from Gai-sensei and Rock Lee. Hinata sputtered, trying to hold back laughter. Shino's mouth twitched.

"Keep it up and you'll be making our enemies die of laughter." Shino and Kiba glared at each other until Kurenai-sensei showed up for the training session.

After a few hours of running, dodging, and generally being abused, the session ended. Kiba snapped his fingers and handed Hinata an envelope once Kurenai-sensei had left.

"I almost forgot. I found this when I got here. It has your name of it, Hinata. Do you know what it is?" Hinata shook her head, reading her name on the outside of the envelope. It was written in a flowing script, like a signature. "Well, open it already! Maybe it's a secret mission from the Anbu. Or a ransom note for your sister! Or…" Shino put his hand over Kiba's mouth, effectively muffling him.

"Go ahead and open it."

Hinata nodded and carefully ripped the envelope open. Inside was a single sheet of folded paper. She unfolded it and read it to herself.

Dear Hinata,

You're the girl I care for,

I wish I could see you more.

You light up my life,

I'd stand by you in any strife.

Looking at anyone else my heart turns to wood,

You fill it more than anyone else could.

If I had to make the choice,

I'd give up my loud voice,

Just to be with you.

To tell the truth, I really like you,

I hope you answer 'I like you, too'.

Love, your secret admirer

Hinata read it twice before looking up. Kiba and Shino sat staring at her, eager to hear what it said. Her eyes rolled toward the sky before everything went black.

Hinata opened her eyes slowly, to see a worried Akamaru standing over her. She sat up and saw that Kiba was doubled over laughing. Shino sat next to him, reading from the letter with a smile on his face. Standing quickly, Hinata grabbed the letter from him. Kiba calmed down enough to wipe the tears from his eyes, and looked up at Hinata.

"That," he gasped, "has got to be the worst poem I've ever read." Shino looked over at him.

"I didn't know you read poetry."

"I don't, but even if I did that would still be the worst." Kiba grinned. "I mean, rhyming 'wood' and 'could'? It's like a little kid wrote it." Shino and Kiba stared at each other, and broke down into helpless giggles.

"Well, I thought i-it was nice." Hinata huffed. "And I thought you t-two were more mature than that." Shino hung his head, shoulders still bouncing with laughter, and Kiba grinned sheepishly at her.

"Sorry, but come on. It was funny." Kiba pointed at the envelope. "And whoever wrote it wasn't a genius, since he said to answer, but didn't tell you who he was."

"I d-don't care. I'm going to find out who wrote this." Hinata looked down at the letter.

Kiba sighed. "I can only think of one numbskull our age who could write this badly." Hinata blushed and nodded. Kiba looked at her. "So, are you going to go ask him if he wrote it? You did just say you'd find the guy who wrote it, and he'd be the most likely candidate."

Hinata stood and turned away from her teammates. "I'm g-going." She told them, hoping that she sounded more sure of herself than she felt.

Hinata stared at Naruto's door. She reached out a hand to knock, and pulled it back. Hinata gripped the letter and sighed. She'd been standing there for the better part of an hour, trying to knock. But every time she reached out she was unable to touch the door, let alone hit it hard enough for someone inside the apartment to hear. Hinata turned away from the door and shut her eyes, trying to get enough courage to knock. "Go f-for it." She whispered to herself and spun around. Eyes shut, she reached out to knock and made contact. Unfortunately, what she made contact with wasn't the door.

"Uh, Hinata, what're doing?"

Hinata opened her eyes to see that she was knocking on Naruto's shirt. "S-sorry!" She quickly withdrew her hand and blushed. "I wanted t-to ask you something, N-Naruto." Hinata gulped and froze. Naruto looked at her, confusion written across his face.

"What do you want to ask me?" Naruto ran a hand through his hair and adjusted his headband.

Hinata broke out of her trance and held the letter in front of Naruto. "D-Did you write this?" She asked, turning an even darker shade of red. Naruto took the letter and read it quickly.

"Sorry Hinata, but that's not my handwriting." He handed it back to her. "My handwriting is awful. I've gotta go now, so I'll see you around." He took off down the street, leaving Hinata on his doorstep.

Hinata watched him run away, feeling her heart crumpled.

I hope that you liked it and will read the next chapter.