Humpty Dumpty

Humpty Dumpty Sat on a wall,

Humpty Dumpty had a great fall,

And all the King's horses, and all the King's men,

Couldn't put Humpty back together again.

I hummed quietly to myself as I chopped veggies, making a small dance as I skipped across the kitchen to the fridge.

Oblivious to the fact that I had an audience, I continued this little childish act, giggling to myself every now and then.

I clicked the button on the black stove, flipping on the heat and setting the timer.

"Done." I nodded approvingly to myself.

But when my mysterious stalker started clapping, my heart skipped a beat.

I glanced up in shock and doubled over in a fit of laughter.

"My God Kali, you just about scared the crap out of me!"

My mirrored image rolled her pretty eyes. "I thought I told you to stop calling my that."

I grinned. "But that's your name," I stated, oblivious to her annoyance.

"But I hate that name!" She whined, pouting like a refused child.

"Don't we all?" I dodged the fork she chunked at me with suck a precise aim and continued on as if nothing had happened. "After all, everyone knows that I have the best name to have ever been thought of."

I popped my nose up into the air and propped my left hand on my hip and walked the 'model walk'.

I was lucky I didn't dislodge a hip bone.

Kali echoed my thoughts with a snort. "Don't hurt yourself."

And we both stared at each other for a full silent minute before we both fell to the ground clutched at our sides.

She wiped a tear from her eye and let out a sigh. "God Riot, you're such a loser."

"Takes one to know one!" I stuck my tongue out at her as I darted past her, aiming for the stairs.

Her laughter that sounded like tingling bells bounced off the walls and resounded through the apartment.

I laughed along, more quietly as I skipped towards my room.

I snatched my towel off the back of my rolling chair and hopped into my bathroom, hurrying through my shower.

I let my mind wonder as I finished my bath and continued through blowing my hair dry.

I shivered, pulled out of my thoughts as the cold rushed air hit my exposed skin.

I watched as goosebumps spread across the expanse of my arms.

I glanced up into the mirror and stopped.

This was stupid, I thought mildly. We shouldn't be having to do this, we should be saying goodbye to our parents as they rushed us out the door and into the harsh life of college.

But no, instead we had said goodbye to them fourteen years to early.

Because they hadn't wanted use.

Because we were a problem, that had only one answer.


I sighed, yeah, some parents.

I shut off the blow dryer, guessing that my hair couldn't get much dryer.

I applied the usual, white eye shadow, black mascara, and some thick black eyeliner.

All topped off with the smell of my body wash called 'Smoky Silence'.

I slowed my steps as I stepped into my closet, assessing the clothes and finally choosing an outfit.

A simple black, one sleeved shirt and a pair of tight skinny jeans, finished with some small, black knee high boots with about a three inch heel.

I skipped over the mess of my room and popped my laptop into my white book bag along with a few one subject journals.

The familiar feel of my cell phone in my back pocket was a comfort as I made a grab for my helmet, wallet, and keys.

I called for my twin and she emerged from the depths of her room, ready to go.

I made small talk as we walked the few flights of stairs to get down the the parking lot. "You did put the lid on the soup pot correct?"

She nodded and hoisted her bag up higher on her shoulder.

"And you also checked the heat on the stove?"

She nodded again.

"Okay then, see ya at school then Sis." I said as we parted.

She slid into her 2007 Toyota Ft-HS Hybrid Sports Car and I straddled my baby.

I twisted the key and waited for her to her purr to life.

I dropped my shiny black helmet on my head and pulled my bag straps over both my shoulders.

I nodded for Kali to lead the way before I dropped my lens and sped after her, just barely staying to the limit.


It was no surprise when every head within a ten mile radius turned to take in the sight of the 'Twins' as we pulled into a parking space side by side.

We had the attention of every person in the lot.

I unclasped my helmet and yanked it off, letting my hair fly around my face and I locked and pulled the key from the ignition of my precious.

"Nice ride!" Someone called out and I grinned, yep. My baby was nice.

My sleek, white Yamaha Yzf R1 Motorcycle was very nice. And very dangerous.

My grin slipped into a smirk as Kali popped open the drivers door and stepped out, one pretty Van at a time.

Multiple gasps rose from our newly formed crowd.

Already, first day, e were going to be the talk of the school.

The thought alone was enough to knock the smile from both our faces.

We shared a look and sighed.

Day one: ruined.

Joy to the world.

I stepped down from my ride, my mood soured beyond repair.

Thanks a lot, I wanted to scream at the bug eyed kids.

Changing my approach I snapped a few words and stalked up the college steps. "What? Never seen people before?" I muttered darkly under my breath.

"Mood swing much?" Kali commented, holding her head high as her eyes slid to the side, examining my now rueful look.

"Feeling bad already?"

"I can't help it. Dammit all. I probably just screwed up all chances of catching up a few friends huh?"

She sighed. "I've told you before, Anger Management classes do exist."

I gave a snort. "Yeah right. Like I would ever step foot inside one of those places."

She paused. "What's wrong with them?"

My face turned grim. "They try to change you."

"Some things are better off left alone." She agreed and we fell into a comfortable silence.

Left, right, right, left, strait, turn, done.

I mentally checked off the directions in my head.

The moment the heavy doors clicked open, all eyes were on us, and all voices turned hushed.

Why was it that we were so different?

I followed Kali as she led the way up and past the eight rows of endless seats before she sat at an empty chair at the far back.

I dropped my bag at my feet and fell into the seat next to Kali, glaring at all the faces that continued to stare.

All but a few took my warning.

Before I could yell a word the doors opened again, but this time, instead of silence, we were met with stunned gasps.

I looked up too in wonder, and met the faces of four boys that would have gave me a heart attack had I not been in such a crappy mood.

The professor glanced up and shot to his feet as if he had been burned.

He rushed to get the door and gave a small bow, going as low as his round stomach would let him.

Now I was in shock.

What the hell was he doing?

He was a teacher, not some puppy.

He was suppose to be in his late fifties, a grown adult, not someone to be groveling at the feet of four boys.

They entered, not once looking down at the pathetic man.

They stopped at the front of the room and stared into the eyes of all the students who instantly began to speak in excited voices that couldn't seem to stay hushed.

And I knew why.

They were all so very beautiful, like models.

The one on the far left had silky looking black hair and the most startling violet eyes. They were so sharp, they almost didn't look real. I mean really, purple eyes?

The second to the purple-eyed boy had bright blonde hair with a forest green eye color. He had a pretty boy's face topped with a bottom lip piercing.

Next to him was a boy that had an annoying grin and humor filled reddish eyes. He too had piercings, two actually, one either side of his bottom lip.

Now the last boy, just taking one glance, I immediately hated him. He glared around the room, his icy blue eyes staring harshly. He, like the one next to him, had two silver pierces along with a nose stud and about five earrings on one ear, and ten on the other.

Our eyes met and his pale lips upturned into a knowing smirk.

I looked for something to throw.

The professor cleared his throat, easily capturing the attention of all eager students that were practically demanding to know the four boy's names.

"These young men have just come to join our lovely campus as the sons of the dean." Ah, suck-up act explained. "It would be very helpful if I could have a few volunteers to show these boys around, give them the heads up?" He looked around as, without a hesitation, every hand shot into the air.

Well, every hand that didn't belong to Kali or me.

We shared a look and she whispered quietly into my ear. "They're awfully pale aren't they?"

I nodded my agreement.

"Look at the one on the far right, doesn't he just make you want to throw something at him?"

She stifled a few giggles. "Try not to please? I really don't want to have to drag you down the stairs to apologize."

I rolled my eyes without thinking, reading myself to reply to her comment before I was cut off by the professor.

"Something funny young miss?" I looked up in wonder, did the man really see that eye roll?

Wow, talk about a hawk eye.

I shook my head and gave a sugary fake smile. "No, not at all"

He shook his head and sent an apologetic glance towards the boys who were staring quite intently at the pair of us, sitting so alone at the back of the room.

What? Never seen a woman before?

I returned their look, only adding a disgusted look in the process.

I didn't why I instantly felt such a harsh feeling towards some boys that I had never even seen before in my life, I just did.

Kali too, seemed to not like the looks we were getting.

When the pretty boy waved I turned away.


He had some muscles.

Kali began typing away on her black Sony laptop as I reached for my identical white one and popped it open, ignoring the dirty looks we were receiving.

Why should we care that their were some new kids?

Sure they were new, but their dad was the dean.

Shouldn't they already know their own way around the campus?

Really, come on people. I do believe we are in college now.

Kali began e-mailing me, forgetting the fact that we were within whispering distance as the overweight teacher droned on about how we should all get to become friends with the Dean's 'Boys'.

When Kali forwarded me a picture that had been sent to her by one of our old friends, I started cracking up, trying to stay as quiet as I possibly could.

People began looking back as I started to disrupt their day dreaming and Kali whacked me on the back.

"Shut up! It wasn't that funny!"

"Yes. It. Was!" I giggled back, bitting my lip in an attempt to silence my laughs. Still didn't help my shaking form though.

"Okay, Miss Waters," The teachers voice boomed across the now quiet class. "Pray do tell what you find quite so funny about these boys."

That stopped my laughing pretty quick.

Words tumbled out of my mouth before I had even the slightest chance to think them over. "What makes you think I would be even thinking out those kids?"

Pretty boy began to protest. "I am not a kid!"


I opened my mouth again but this time it was the old man that cut me off once again. "Miss Waters, see me after cl-"

I jumped to my feet as Kali made a mad grab for my laptop that was one its way to tumbling to the floor.

She gave a small sigh of relief as I began to shout in agitation. "Listen here old man," I watched as his face turned a lovely shade of purple. "My name is not 'Miss Waters', Hell I don't even know where you got that name, my name is Riot. Learn it if you're going to use it."

I wanted to pick a fight with someone. Yes, stupid I know, but I just wanted to. So maybe that was why I was shouting over a long distance at a teacher, just because he was saying my name wrong.

Yeah, I was stupid.

His mouth was agape, opening and closing like a fish out of water.

Kali shot out of her seat and slapped a hand over my mouth. "I am SO sorry Mr. Bantinea. Riot here doesn't have much manors, I sincerely apologize on her behalf and my own." I began to protest loudly, though my words were nothing more than mumbles.

Kali gave a sweet smile that no one could ever resist.

We were total opposites, though, you couldn't tell one from the other.

Mr. B. flushed a reddish color and I wanted to chunk something at him for even thinking about my sister that way.

But she had gotten her way.

"Well then, Miss Brook," Great, so he could get her name right. We had the SAME LAST NAME! "Just keep a close eye on your," cough, "sister."

Kali just nodded, that sickly smile not once leaving her face.

I rolled my eyes again.

God... He was such an idiot.

I looked towards the four boys and found that they were lounging either against a desk, the white board, or sitting in chairs with their chins propped up on their arms. All watched the scene like it was some movie.

I knocked Kali's hand away and slumped back into my seat and flicked the professor off as he turned away.

Kali's hand, for some reason, collided with the back of my head.

I gave her a shocked and fake teary eyed look with which she waved away.


"Takes one to know one." She smiled, echoing my earlier words.

I grinned back.

Leaning back, I allowed the constant talking of Mr. B. lull me to a light sleep.

Yeah, I wondered how I was passing college too.


I jerked awake as a pair of icy hands touched my face.

"What the fuck!" I snarled, taking in the beautiful face of the fourth boy that had stood at the front of the room, also ignoring the teacher as he had talked non-stop about them.

"Wake up, you're going to be our new guide." He growled back.

"The hell I am." I jumped from my seat and bounded down the steps, forgetting my bag.

"Yo, Old Man, there is no way in hell, I will ever have anything to do with people like them!" If he had looked surprised before, it was nothing compared to now.

"And do tell when you were ever given the choice." He raised a bushy brow and I had this sudden desire to shove my fist into that little face of his.

"Me, when it became me that was to show around a couple of idiots that should know by now that," I turned to the guys. "THEY HAVE INVENTED MAPS!"

I whipped back around to glare at the teacher as Kali too was shocked awake from the back.

"My decision had been made Miss Brook, you are to show these young men around the campus."


His face changed from purple to red to blue to back to purple before he barked back. "WATCH YOUR LANGUAGE!" Then on a calmer note he added, "say another word and I'll see that you are thrown out of this school system, and you can kiss any possibility of having a proper future goodbye. Do I make myself clear Miss Brooks?"

"Crystal," I ground out through clenched teeth.

"Good, now you best be on your-"

I closed the door on the last of his words.

I stalked the halls as Kali ran to catch up to me. "Wow," She huffed. "Ever thought of trying out for track?"

And through the tension of the moment, I laughed.

"You loser."

I grabbed the bag she held in her outstretched hands. "Right, thanks."

She nodded and continued on, ignoring the four boys as they followed us.

"Why is it, that you two are so distant from the others?"

I stopped.

She stopped.

We both turned and spoke at the same time. "You still here?"

Eyes darted between us silently as if they were trying to which twin was which.

"Um," Pretty boy spoke up. "Who are you?"

"Actually, since you are following us," I started.

"The question is, who are you?" Kali finished.

His eye twitched.

"Right, um well, I'm Leo." he grinned and popped out his hand which was quickly dropped as we continued to stare.

"Viper," One pierced dude stepped in.

"Emmet," second pierced dude echoed, the pointed to the distant one, the one that made me want to smack him just by taking one glance at him. "And that he is Skylar."

We nodded and turned away, two hours had passed as the stupid teacher had talked about four boys and we were hungry, our classes didn't start up for another twelve hours. But that's what you get for taking a two hour class in daytime and three one-hour classes at night, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and one morning class on Saturday.

Yep, we had pretty unique schedules.

"Hey!" The Viper guy grabbed my wrist.

An involuntary shiver slid down my back, his hands were so cold... It was as if he was-

"Are you not going to tell us your names?" He cut off my thoughts.

I took a glance at Kali. "Kali and Riot."

I turned again but still didn't make it very far. "But which one is Kali and which one is Riot?"

Again, Kali and I spoke at the same time, "Me."

Viper let go in confusion as we darted away, and once out of reaching distance we slowed again. Yep, we had the tendency to think alike.

We almost laughed at the growl that emerged from behind us.

Idiots, if they had been paying attention, I was the one with the white bag, and she was the one with the black, not to mention the shoes. Totally different because mine made me slightly taller than Kali.

"May I have your schedule please?" Too nice Kali, too nice.

"Um, yeah, here you go," Pretty boy smiled and reached for his little white slip that he had apparently hand written his classes on. Dammit, I should have thought of that, it would have made things so much easier...

Kali just grinned back and took the paper as I read silently over her shoulder.

We both stopped at the same time.

Together, we whispered, "No. Way."

The little bastards had EVERY class with us!

"Fuck," I groaned.

"YOU! You're Riot!" I looked over my shoulder in confusion. "Um, right, whatever you say buddy."

I pulled my bag up higher over my shoulder and led the way out of the building.

The guys followed silently as Kali gave the slip back and moved to take a spot next to me as we walked.

"Hungry?" She asked.

I nodded.

"Then where to?" I thought for a moment, I wasn't entirely sure.... "We could go by my work...."

"Not a chance, you don't get actual food." Ah. She was right. I was a bartender, working at the newest club called Passion. Already, I was dubbed 'The Best Damn Bartender Since 1680'. Yeah, long name, and hell, I doubt that anyone of the idiots even knew anyone that had been through 1608.

Then again, there were some that had, lived through that time period.... though they were exactly alive.

Then there were the others, and they were alive... but they weren't as normal as the usual people that came through while I was on my post.

Yeah.... Vampires and Shifters.

I could feel my anger rising at even the thought of those bloody creatures.

It had been six years ago when several bodies began to show up suddenly. The police were puzzled, not only because their blood had been drained out completely, but because there was no wound to show how they could have bled out.

There was just no answer.

Until someone came clean.

Or sort of.

They had gone to the authorities, and told them that they had seen things. Thing that weren't normal. Things that had enlarged teeth were their cuspids should be and glowing eyes. And they bit, on the neck of the people they had found, and they drank from the wounds.

They were vampires.

The man... was dead two hours later.

And that finally caught the police's attention.

A few months later, they had another sighting, and another, and another.

But the killing was stopping.

People were just being attacked, and left alive.... with no memories of what happened.

But they let them go.... alive.

And though I knew little information over the whole ordeal of how they convinced the people to allow the vampires to live within the cities, and to have jobs within the towns, they just did.

And once the vampires were here, they had to have something to eat right? And animals... well, that was like eating dirt. So there had to be something done.

Then came the 'artificial blood'. The stuff that was named, "Real Blood" and came in: 'A' negative or positive 'AB' negative or positive 'B' negative or positive, or 'O' negative or positive.

Yep, such an original name right?

But the thing was, scientist had somehow found a way, to make this artificial blood, taste exactly like real blood. Only problem was, they still hadn't found a way to make this "Real Blood" have the same 'filling' effects on the vampires as the human blood did.

But then came along the Shifters. Mostly wolfs, but there were the few occasional cat family shifters (ex. Panthers, tigers, house cats) and other animals. But the difference between these 'Shifters' and these 'Vampires', was that the Shifters came right out and said what they were. Showed people too.

And they too, became part of the community, thing is, they didn't drink human blood. Sure the occasional catch in the woods, but those were always animals. But they ate. A lot.

And since they were considerably stronger than the average man, they were instantly welcome to join the authorities, and they, like the vampires, were welcomed to the homes, cities, and towns.

And now, they were everywhere you looked.

Though, I hadn't really met too many.... it didn't mean they weren't there. Because people have the tendency to not see what they don't want to see.

"Hey Riot," Kali started, waking me from my thoughts. "Are you going to tell me where you want to go?"

I looked up in confusion. We were already at the vehicles...

"Um, I... don't really know."

She sighed. "How about Lou's Lou?" Oh right, I remember that place, the people who owned that dinner were brothers who happened to be named the same thing. Funny huh?

"Sure, why not?"

I started to make my way towards my bike as Kali took my helmet from her car but I stopped.

"Hey," I asked the guys. "What are you going to do? Classes don't start up for a long time."

"Twelve hours actually," Kali pitched in. She hesitated. "You can come with us... if you'd like."

I turned to her wildly. My mouth open in shock.

She just ignored me and waited patiently for their answer.

"Sure, why not."

Kali beamed and I growled.

WAY too nice Kali, way too nice.

"Did you bring your own cars?" She asked suddenly. "You can follow us, unless of course you already know the way."

"Actually," Pretty Boy speaking. "We took the bus downtown and walked here."

"You walked from downtown?" So what? I was curious.

"Yes." He turned smiling towards me.

"Why didn't you just hitch a ride?" Kali laughed.

"What?" I asked.

"Nothing, but that would be so like you to stand on the side of the road with you thumb out hitch hiking.

I stared.

"Thanks a lot. Really, it means the world to me." She just shook her head.

"Would you like to ride with us?"

"Why?" I grumbled. "They took the bus here, they can take it back."

Then, for some reason, my helmet hit me quite hard in the back of my head.

"Ow..." I pouted, nursing my head and checking my helmet for marks.

"It's okay," I told it. "That mean lady isn't going to hurt you any more, I promise."

She snorted. "Yeah, you know you're crazy when you start promising things to plastic objects."


"I heard that."

I ducked my head, just in case some other 'magical' objects came flying my way.

"Sure..." Viper answered her previous question. "That would be quite helpful." He was eying me as I stayed in my ducking position. "Hey, are you okay?"

Kali started laughing as I shook of my bag and tossed it to her.

Ha ha, I knocked the air out her!


"I heard that!" I sang as I watched her place my bag inside her car.

"Hey," She said from inside the car. "I can only take three people in here."

"What." My voice was flat. There was absolutely no way in hell...

"Yep," Kali said again as she emerged, "Remember all those things we had from that one party we went to? Well, we never cleaned it out from that in window seat in my car. So... it looks like one of them, is going to have to ride with you."

I was in shock for thirty seconds before I began to back away.

"Then throw it all in your trunk!"

"I can't, trunk's full too, remember, we threw the tables, the chairs, the stereo, all those things back there."

"Then cram it!"

"Can't," She turned to the four guys. "So, who wants to ride with her?"

Okay, so I'm sorry, I have decided to create another story.

This one might actually turn out better because it is my own idea and not that Vampire Knight.

I don't really do well when copying other people's story lines.

Besides, it's funner when you come up with something yourself right?

Soo, this is my new, and improved, story.

Hope you all enjoy.
