Disclaimer: OMG, it's been tooo long. I actually at some point forgot this was still here. How sad of me. Any who, Chapter 13 is here! Yay! Please, enjoy the yaoiness and the humor, it's all for you.

Or is it?

Hahaha…It is…don't worry.

Pairings: Vincent/Kauffman, Harry/Kauffman, Walter/Henry

And sadly again, I don't own it; if I did… yaoi! Everywhere! Whahaha!

A breeze blew quietly over the church, swaying the leaves threw the trees, making the once beautiful town into a haunted ghost town. As the wind blew thru the abandoned buildings, the streets became covered in a fog, sucking everything into its void.

Vincent, on the other hand, paid no mind to it. In fact, he was too busy staring coldly stared at his intruder, well…if he even was that, he seemed more like an odd mental patient whom had escape from his hospital and lost his way.

Sadly, if Vincent knew better, he would have believed that.

The wind picked up a little, blowing through his hair like howling wolves waiting to strike. He never felt safe outside his church's doors, he wanted to go back inside… into the secure arms of his cathedral.

…And as well as leave this weirdo out here in the cold stomach of Silent Hill to be eaten alive by what remains had in and around the town itself.

Ahhh…that would be fun to watch from the windows.

Oh, wait…he's still standing there? Damn.

"So," Vincent seethe, "What do you know about our dear Alyssa?"

Kauffman smirked at him. What was he trying to play at? It's like he wanted him to say those exact words. Does he know then?

Doubt it.

Not a lot of people preach that they burned a little girl alive while her mother watched.

Kauffman, on the other hand, moved toward him a little, leaving a slight amount of room for his escape to his church's doors.

"I heard about her from an old friend of mine…She had come to get Alyssa a while back but I guess something happen to her, she never answer me back. Maybe her cell died or something…anyway, I believe her name was…Claudia? Yah, that's it. Anyway, she told me to come here if I wanted to see god in the flesh…at this church."

Vincent scoffed at him. Really? Claudia again? When will that bitch stop haunting him EVEN when he's dead?

Truly sad, really, he'll never get a break-

Wait…did he say god?

"And what, pray tell, were you expecting to see?" Vincent glared, not really liking where this was going.

Kauffman chuckled at him, eyes glittering with a passion that scared the shit out of Vincent. It made him shudder with terror.

"Well, I think god's here…"

Oh shit…Vincent thought.

"Standing right now…"

Fuck…no no…

"In front of me…"

Oh please god no…

"You, my friend, must be god then…"

I swear, if I EVER find Claudia, I will kill her til she's dead, and then kill her again! Like a zombie!

Wait…there are no zombies in Silent hill…

Vincent signed, taking a step back slowly, toward his doors, his haven; however, as he went up the stairs, so did Kauffman. His eyes gleaming toward him, like a wolf staring down his prey.

"So, god…" Kauffman panted out, "When will you bless me for my good work?"

For reals? He really believes I'm god? Thought Vincent.

Walter stared at the horrible window, pray tell that didn't just happened.

But it did, and now Henry was gone!

No! it's not true!

Walter lunged at the window, pushing James out of the way. He stared out onto the pavement floor, looking for signs of Henry, anything...

But he couldn't find any, not even the body.

All he could see was blood spots.

Did he run away?

Impossible…Walter thought, that fall broke at least a few bones…

Maybe… he flew away?

Well…That's a silly thought…

Walter sighed. Then where was he?

Slowly, he turned his eyes toward the devil that threw his angel, his lover, out the goddamn window. Glaring with blood-shot eyes, he felt his blood set ablaze by the mere sight of the idiotic main character, James.

James, on the other hand, was at a loss. Did he really just kill a man he JUST raped? Not even that, a man he left tied to a bed while raping him repeatedly?

What was he…Pyramid Head?

He shuddered at the thought.

Walter turned his head slowly toward James, glaring a murderous glare, mission be damned, his love was gone! Maybe dead, who knows, but still gone! And was all James fault!

"You bastard!" Walter screamed in James face, "You killed Kenny!"

James looked back, shocked. "What? D-Don't…you mean Henry?"

Walter glared harder, "That's was I said! You killed Kenny!"

James backed away, waving his arms in surrender, "Right, sure…just was making clear I hear that right…"

Walter grabbed the confused man, shaking him with all his might, "You damn right, I said that CORRECTLY, you fucking BASTARD!"

"Hey, I have you know my dad is still alive, looking after your apartment 302!"

"Gasp! How DARE you bring my mom into this!"

"Wait…what? Your mom? No…I meant your apartment…oh, by the way, it's a wreck…"

Walter slapped him, "How fucking DARE YOU SAY SHES A SLUT!"

"Sayyy Whaaaatttt?"

Standing in the corner of the room, watching the whole thing going on in front of him with his future lover and his future mistress, Pyramid Head shook his head in humor. Poor James, he had no clue what he just said, it wasn't part of his game story, and how was he supposed to know?

Walter seethe at James, baring his teeth like a guard dog, "You ASS! You stop calling my mom a hussy!"

"Ahhh! I have no clue what we're talking about! Is this still the apartment we're reference to? Cause you lost me!"

"Ahhh!Die you homo!"

"Oh my god! What the fuck is wrong with you?"

Pyramid head giggled.

Ahhh…he could end this…sorta argument…but, that would take too much effort. He'll just wait til they cool off a little before snatching James away again, thus leaving Walter to find his precious boy toy…wherever he is…

In the mean time, he'll just sit back, and watch the fun.

Darkness…Darkness…Darkness…that's all he could see.

That, and a god forsaken smell coming everywhere around him.

Wait a minute…

Oh my god, did that Asshole Vincent throw him in the garbage?

"I guess The Order doesn't approve of rapes..." Harry rasped.

Suddenly, he felt an arm grab for him, pulling him away from the awful smell and darkness…Almost like pulling him toward the light.

And then falling on the hard cement.

Owwww…my head…

Staring up slowly, he noticed a being above him…was it a monster? No…they can't grab things, especially not arms. If they did, silent hill gamers would get mad. Was it Vincent? No…he probably was still mad with the whole 'raping your ass' idea, though it was fun at the time.

Then…who was it?

As his eyes came into focus, he noticed the being was a male, average height and size. As his eyes focus some more, he noticed the man was hurt, bleeding out of his head and his mouth. He was also panting hard. Was he running away from something?

Harry thought for a moment on that statement.

Ok…its Silent Hill…what WASN'T he running from?

The man came closer to him, wrapping his arm around his back and helping him up slowly. He looked nervous, and shy.

Awww…That's cute…thought Harry.

The man turned to him, staring at him with his honey-coated eyes, "So…" he stammered, "W-what we're you doing in the trash? Does someone not like you are something?"

Harry laughed, oh! He had a sense of humor too! Lovely!

"Hahaha…yah, you could say that…" Harry said, wiping a tear from his eye.

The man seemed in thought, and then looked up at Harry with a serious face.

"What are you doing in silent hill, my friend? This place is dangerous! I'm trying to escape…I was…uhhh…oh fuck, light-headed…crap-"

"Haha-wait, what?"


He fell over…

Harry didn't see that coming.

Harry stared for a moment at the unconscious man on the ground below him, blood pooling in a puddle around his head. On closer look, it seemed some of his bones were broken. Looking farther down, he also notices his friend's ass was bleeding hard too.

Who could have done that?

…okay, he understood his was bleeding, but did that much blood causes that?

Maybe…it IS a lot…

Well, in any case, he knew of a hospital near here…

That Goddamn fucking 'die die die!' hospital…

Ahhh…Might as well pay a visit…

Vincent laughed. This was too good. What an idiot!

Him, Vincent, was GOD? Hahaha!

Throw him a bone! He might do a trick!

"You think…hehehe…I'm god?" Vincent stammered through his fit of giggles.

This was too funny!

Kauffman stared at him with all his seriousness, looking away he muttered under his breath.

Vincent stopped. "What was that?"

Kauffman stared at him, blushing, "I said you're a very cute god…"

Vincent stopped giggling. Cute? Him? Not possible.

"You're sick…"

"Your god…"

"Get of my church's land…"

"Make me…" Kauffman said, stepping closer. Vincent was too pissed to even notice his advances.

"Why you little…Get out of here now! You don't pay the taxes on this building!" Vincent screamed.

"Why my friend, Churches are non-taxed…shouldn't GOD know that?" Kauffman said with a smirk, steeping once more closer toward his 'god.'

"Argh! Fucker! Leave! Now! Or I will summon Pyramid Head to kill you!"

"Ohhh…Go ahead and try…I know you can't…" Kauffman egged him, getting closer still.

He was soo close! He could also touch him!

"Fine!" Vincent yelled, throwing his arm up in the air, "Feel the wrath of-"

Acting fast, Kauffman grabbed Vincent's arm, twisting it behind his back and throwing him onto the cement floor. Vincent screamed in pain and the suddenness. Kauffman, above him, smirked at his success.

Before Vincent had time to act, Kauffman grabbed his other arm and brought it behind him. Oddly enough, he was preparing for something like this to happen; so he pulled out his duck-tape. I mean, really, in logical reason, was god going to come that easily to him?

No. Not really…

In man's terms, Duck-tape solves everything, even in the event of controlling a Silent Hill god…

Ahh…miracles of tape.

"So…" Kauffman panted, holding down the struggling god, finishing up tying his arms together, "You, my friend, are coming with me…"

Wow…that was fun! I haven't down that in…a year. A whole year. Lame. I missed it…Kinda, but checking my email every once in a while, I noticed reviews coming still. So, I said, what the hell, I should continue it. So, I did. Fun. Well, I actually have NO IDEA WHAT KUAFFMAN IS DOING. And to me, Vincent was crazy, but really hot. Voice sounded familiar though…anybody knows why? Anyway, hopefully Chapter 14 will be up soon. Until Next time!