"What would you do if you were me?"

Morgana turned her head, surprised at this question coming from the Prince. He had unexpectedly come to her room with a heavy heart and clearly under a dilemma but she hadn't pressed him. It was simply remarkable that he had deigned to grace her with his presence. Considering him a moment, she turned from the window then walked back into the centre of the room. It was becoming dark outside and there was little light to view anything.

"If I were the glorious crowned prince?" she asked, facing the battle-weary Arthur who was leaning against her desk. "I would revel in the title bestowed on me, but seeing as you do that already I cannot help but think you meant something else."

Arthur ignored her slight dig at his expense. "If you found out someone was doing something they shouldn't... something that was punishable by death... but you really liked the person and understood their reasons for doing so - would you condemn them according to the rules?"

To say Morgana's interest was piqued was an understatement. With her heart beating, she attempting to stave off her sudden rush of hope and expectancy. She was not that much of an opportunist, but if it were to make her life easier she wanted to know exactly what was happening. That still meant she had to cover her tracks, however. "The law is there for a reason. Rules are not made to be broken. But if the person in question meant a lot to me I would attempt to stave the situation in the least damning way possible.."

A nod from Arthur. Morgana remained undeterred.

"May I ask who this person is? Or what they are doing that is so wrong?"

"You may ask but it does not mean I will answer you."

Morgana still had a good suspicion of who it was but did not speak on it further. "I understand..." Arthur did not react to this and so a silence was brought between them. It was only when Morgana allowed her thoughts to stray that she began to speak again. "Why did you come to ask me about this? Why my advice?"

If there was a question he hadn't wanted to hear even more than the obligatory "who is this person", it was one about his motives for visiting Morgana. Still, the reply was quick to come out of his mouth. "You always stick to your beliefs, however much they differ from Uther's or the laws. You believe in justice - but you always find a way of making it work in the best possible circumstance..."

Morgana smiled softly. How ironic. "Then I suggest you do the same."


Arthur visited Gaius' workshop later that same evening. It had been two days since he had seen Théa's gifts at work and he had said nothing. Uther had no questions. Arthur was glad, because he did not have the answers. He certainly did not have the mental strength to battle for Théa's corner when he had not even brought himself to get to the bottom of it, to speak to her and discuss what had happened. It was difficult to get her away from Merlin though, and once again when he arrived at the workshop the two were deep in animated conversation. Seeing Merlin's face light up, how nice they were together... It wrought Arthur's heart but he had to do something. He could not let the issue pass. If he didn't deal with it then someone else would, and the consequences would be far more severe.

Stepping forwards, Arthur made his presence known by knocking lightly on the door. Merlin lit up the moment he saw him.

"Arthur! Théa was just once again telling me of how you dealt with the creature. Brave and valiant as always!"

Théa chuckled. "Indeed. The stuff of legends, you might say."

"Oh naturally," said Arthur with a small, cocksure smile, walking forwards with his hands neatly behind his back. No harm in playing along for now. "You should know to expect nothing less."

Merlin gave an exaggerated eye roll. "Yes, modest as ever too. What would Camelot do without you?"

"Well I know what you would do, and I don't think I'd like to see you floundering like a lost little puppy so I suppose I'll have to continue being so unbelievably wonderful."

As Théa laughed, Merlin shook his head with a look that clearly said "You rascal". Amused but still aware of his task, Arthur turned to the healer at his manservant's side. It was going to be tricky. "I have been requested to approach you with a private matter, Théa. If you wouldn't mind speaking with me in a more - secure location?"

"Of course, sire." Théa patted Merlin's arm as she rose from his side, shifting her skirts. "I shan't be long. Gaius will come to dress the wounds but in the mean time eat your soup up! It will go cold, and there is no more after that!"

With Merlin told, Théa followed Arthur outside. Unknown to the Prince her heartbeat had raised. She suspected his request for her presence was not a typical one yet she wouldn't allow herself to speculate. It might be nothing. Or it might be everything. She would soon find out exactly what Arthur needed her for.

Arthur lead her to a small, compact room where they had little chance of being discovered. The light was dim, and growing darker with the pressing night but it would do for what would hopefully be a short and concice conversation.

"Let me begin by saying I am sorry for the tall tales, but my father is not the reason I am speaking to you here."

Théa drew in a breath and nodded slowly. "I suspected that was the case."

A rational woman. Rare indeed. That only made Arthur feel guiltier. "I know what you are," he began softly. "I saw you healing Merlin. I - thank you for it. I do not know what I would have done if the outcome had been any worse. But at the same time this has put me in quite a dilemma."

Something sounded outside, a footstep and a rattle of armour. Taking her arm, Arthur moved Théa further into the room, which to be honest wasn't far at all. Arthur kept his voice low, his face sidelong to Théa's. He could feel how tense she was. It was practically radiating from her. "I have chosen not to put this to my father just yet as I thought I would give you the benefit of the doubt. After all you did save Merlin's life and I will be indebted to you for that forever, we all will - but you used a means to acheive that which is outlawed in this Kingdom and my father will not allow it to continue."

With a small, sad sigh Théa closed her eyes and dipped her head. It was clear to Arthur that she was trying to refrain from crying. He would not gloss over the truth, however. She both deserved and could handle better than that. "As much as I appreciate what you did, my duty is to this Kingdom and to my father. I cannot keep this from him while you are here. My main concern is that, should he find out, he will use you as an example. And that is something I am not prepared to have happen. I am the first to admit that sometimes my father cannot see the finer details, and to subject you to that without... speaking to you first would be wrong of me. So I want to give you a chance."

Finally Théa was able to raise her eyes and meet Arthur's gaze. The two appeared to have a meeting of minds and immediate agreement on the course she should take, but neither spoke. Both knew the consequences. Merlin would be crushed...

"I will leave tomorrow night," said Théa quietly. Arthur gave a curt nod of regret but did not argue it further. Again their gaze was broken and both looked to their feet. Arthur raised a hand to her arm, almost stroking it in reassurance, but stopped short, recoiling slowly.

"I am sorry," said Arthur, meaning every word, then turned and left the room. He felt so bad for having it come to this. It was something he couldn't have ever forseen. Merlin would soon be without the friend he had connected so well with and Gaius would be without an apprentice. Gaius - that was someone else Arthur would soon have to speak with, but it could wait. It would have to, as for now Arthur made a mental promise to be there to see Théa safely on her journey.


"She has been discovered. You won't need to worry about her for much longer."

"Good." Nimueh smirked at Morgana in satisfaction. "Your doing?"

"Hers. Things just turned in our favour."

"Even better." Reaching into her robes, Nimueh retrieved a vial and handed it out to Morgana. "Once she is out of the way for definite then your other task will begin. Use this sparingly. One drop should suffice. Two if you need to be absolutely sure. The effect will be the same, only slighty intensified - and the result is our desired one." A smile as Morgana took the vial in her hands, looking it over. The silver liquid inside gleamed in the small light of Morgana's room. She took a deep breath, steeling herself.

"How do I do it?"

"Directly in the mouth. Or on the lips if you so desire. I expect it back," added Nimueh, apparently very pleased with the situation, "you cannot keep it for fun."

Morgana seemed disgusted by this fact but slipped the vial inside her own robes. Once concealed she stared at Nimueh in determination. She was not the same as her. Though they were exact in their goal, Morgana's method was simply out of desperation to get it done. "I wouldn't dream of it."

"We'll see," Nimueh replied, and with that she was gone.