
This is a less serious story about what happens in Credo's afterlife, when he's in Hell. I changed Credo's personality from a angry person to a slightly sarcastic and completely irritated character because his personality could change in different environments and at the same time making it kinda funny. This is my first comedy type fan-fiction so take notice of this. Oh yeah and I thought I should write the fan-fiction as a script because I thought it may be easier for a comedy. And I also wrote it as if it was a game, e.g. giving it missions. I'll separate the chapters as three. Two are four missions and one will be three.

Story Summary:

When Credo is sent to Hell rather than going to Heaven, he has a talk to someone upstairs and they negotiated that if Credo slays 10,000 demons in 72 hours, he will be accepted in Heaven. Meanwhile a few demons take notice of this situation and decide to counter attack.


Credo (Main Protagonist).
Agnus (Sidekick for Credo).
Phantom (Antagonist).
Griffon (Antagonist).
Arkham: (Main Antagonist).
Sanctus (Main Antagonist).
Nevan (Antagonist).
Beowulf (Antagonist).
Doppelganger (Antagonist).
Geyron (Antagonist).
Berial (Antagonist).
Nightmare (Antagonist).
Echidna (Antagonist).
Bael (Antagonist).
Master Chief (Cameo Appearance).
Ghost Rider, (really, really, really short cameo appearance)
Morgan Freeman (Really, really, really, really short cameo appearance).


Lady: Have you ever heard the legend of Credo?

Trish: I have!

Lady: Yeah, I just told it to you! Anyway, it's about a person who takes on the demons in his afterlife.

Trish: Isn't it about a guy named Credo?

Lady: No, It's about a guy called Kadukadush!

Trish: Then why is it called 'The Legend of Credo'?

Lady: Okay, Trish just shut the fuck up please?

Trish: Alright, alright!!!

Lady: Anyway, he must do this task to go to Heaven as a sign of his redemption.

Trish: Hey, wait!

Lady: WHAT!?!!?!

Trish: Why does he have to kill the demons?

Lady: ….

(Lady cocks her gun, points at Trish and shoots but the screen goes black before it's seen)

Credo's voice: Do one last request.

(The scene changes to the bit where Credo falls down when he dies in Devil May Cry 4, then changes into where Credo continues falling on a red surface and with a black background which has a wall, that has two doors, one is blue, another is red. Two people come into view. One is the Grim Reaper, the other is an angel).

Grim Reaper: How pure is his soul?

Angel: Very. He tried to save his sister and his younger brother figure from a threat. That earns the man a ticket to Heaven.

Grim Reaper: You sure? He tried to kill his brother at a point of time.

Angel: No, he tried to arrest him, besides Sanctus corrupted his soul…

Grim Reaper: Well Hitler was corrupted but he's still in Hell.

Angel: But…!

Grim Reaper: Do you have a problem? (raises scythe).

Angel: ….Uhhhhh….No…..*whispers*Asshole

Grim Reaper: Right, so I claim him?

Angel: Fine. You should take this retard while you're at it. (Points at Agnus).

Grim Reaper: Fine. (Grabs Credo and Agnus and walks through the red door).

Mission 1: The Beginning of a Legend.

(Credo is lying on a red surface, He wakes up after grunting a few times, looks up and finds Agnus looking at him).

Angus: Hello.

(Credo stands up).

Credo: Wha…What happened?

Agnus: You're in Hell.

(Credo stares at Agnus)

Credo: Begyourpardon?

Agnus: You're in Hell.

Credo: Wh…Why? But I have the power of an…

(Looks at camera).

Credo continues:…Angel!

Agnus: I don't know, I'm not a ps- ps- ps- ps- psychic.

Credo: Is that a phone?(Points at a phone).

Agnus: No.

Credo: What is it?

Agnus: A f-f-f-f-phone, dumbass!

Credo: I'm going there.

(Credo and Agnus walks to the phone)

Agnus: What are you going to do? Calling for p-p-p-p-…

Credo: No, I'm not going to calling for pizza. I'm calling Heaven.

Agnus: Yeeesss. Pizza was exactly what I was going to say. Not any other word that starts with p and then an e and then….

Credo: Enough!!!! You're so irritating

(Picks up the phone and dials 555-0123)

Agnus: What makes you think that that is Heaven's phone number.

Credo: It was Gods phone number in Bruce Almighty.

Agnus: You're fucking k-k-k-k-kidding right?

Person on phone: Hello? This is God's office. How may I help you.

Credo: I'd like to know why I'm in Hell.

P.o.p: What is your name.

Credo: Credo.

P.o.p: Last name?

Credo: Uhhhhhhhhhhh…..I forgot.

P.o.p: You forgot your last name? *Whispers*Dumbass!

Credo: Well everyone else doesn't have a last name!

P.o.p:…Right. Okay I think this is your file. Credo Beholdyness. Hmmmmm, it says you tried to kill a young man?

Credo: What!? I didn't even get to touch him!!! Damn his Devil Satisfier…!

P.o.p: Devil Bringer.

Credo: Same thing!

P.o.p: Well yes that's why you are in Hell. However, Morgan Freeman is in a good mood so he said if you kill 9,000 demons then I give you the right to go to Heaven.

Agnus: Can I c-c-c-c-come?

P.o.p: Tell that stuttering piece of shit that he can come if he kills 5,000 demons.

Credo: What!? He's more eviler than me but has an easier task than me??!!!!

P.o.p: Well since you swore, you now have to kill 10,000 demons. Ha, ha, bitch!

Credo: I didn't swear!! Fine, I'm going anyway….(Hangs up phone)…time to kill this demons.

(Credo and Agnus walk into a demon bar, with demons drinking, having bar fights, etc).

Credo: Demons. Beware!!! I am the Captain of the Holy Knight's and I am here to slay you!

Scarecrow: …

Hell Sloth:…

Marionettes:…What's a Hole Night?

(The whole bar laughs).

Credo: How dare you laugh at me! Do you not know who I am!?!

Agnus: Great, now I'm not cool for hanging out with y-y-y-y-you!

Hell Sloth(Imitates Agnus in a mocking voice).

Agnus: That's it!!!! Let's kill these m-m-m-m-motherf….

Hell Sloth: (Imitates Agnus again)

Agnus: Stop it!!!

Credo: You've made a grave mistake laughing at me and my friend here…well actually you've made a mistake laughing at me!

Agnus: Hey!

Credo: Well you said it was uncool to hang out with me!

Agnus: That's it! (Agnus closes his eyes and windmill punches Credo)

Credo: Hey! Ow, stop it!!

Agnus: You dare oppose me boy!!!

Credo: THAT'S IT!!!(Credo punches Agnus off his feet and on his ass)

Agnus:…Sorry…!(Stands up).

Credo: Do not forget the real enemy here!(Point his sword to demons).

Mission 1 starts.

Mission 1 ends.

(A Hell Vanguard walks into the now completely wrecked bar).

HV: Wha…What the hell happened to my bar!?

Credo and Agnus pointing to each other: HE DID IT!

HV: (Goes insane).

Credo: Why is he making funny noises?(Refers to the weird noises that he makes when HV uses the Hell Gate move)

Agnus: I don't know but I love it. Finally, someone that talks even worse than m-m-m-m-me!

Boss Fight

Fight Ends

(HV cowers away)

Credo: Hah, flee if you must! Tell your demon brethren to fear the holiness of….Credo!!!!

HV: Dude, I'm going away, what more do you want? Can't you leave me with my dignity!?

Credo: …Please…!

HV: Okay, fine!!!

Well that's the end. I made a next mission already, well actually two (because I'm so damn bored) so yeah. Feedback is very welcome. A newcomer would definitely need it.