Act Four: To Denounce the Goodness of Truth and Love!

Narrator: Now, the stage is set, and the pieces are in place.

Chorus: But how will Gary manipulate them, I pray you?

Narrator: That remains to be seen, but I hope and pray that he will not fight against fate.

Chorus: Let us begin!

(Scene: A room in Norman's house)
(Enter Ash, Drew, Brock, Oak)

Prince Brock: What is this strange change that I perceive in our friend Ash?

Drew: How now, good friend and companion of mine... Since when do you care for your hair? Before this day, I would scarce say that a comb so much as brushed against your head!

Prince Brock: Neither comb nor brush!

Drew: Whence comes these fine clothes, as well? Has but one more day with the Prince changed that much of your demeanor that you put such delicate care into your looks? Methinks the lad is in love.

Prince Brock: Come now, Ash! Have you lost your fighting spirit?

Ash: I have lost many things, but my fight is not among them. Come, good Oak, I have a few words I wish to speak to you which these hecklers must not hear.

(Exit Oak and Ash)

Drew: He has gone to speak to him about Misty, no doubt.

Prince Brock: Indeed! My plan has worked to perfection. Before the week is done, I am certain that the two will profess their love and admiration for each tother.

(Enter Gary)

Gary: Good Drew! I have sorrowful news to speak unto you.

Prince Brock: I pray you, give he leave then, for I would give my friend his privacy-

Gary: Not so, Prince, for this matter effects you as well.

Prince Brock: Speak on.

Gary: I must inform you that May has been unfaithful to you, Drew.

Drew: It cannot be so! The flawless maiden is deeply I love with me!

Gary: Is that so? Meet me under her balcony at a quarter to twelve, after the second watch is set... Say nothing to either her, her father, or anyone else for that matter until you have seen what I speak of with your own eyes.

Prince Brock: This had better not be one of your base tricks, Gary.

Gary: It is not, good Prince, for what benefit would I receive for slandering such a lady as May? Let the truth be known, I pray you, and do not judge until you have seen it yourself.

Drew: If this be true, I will denounce her before the entire house!

Gary: Restrain yourself, Drew, as all things will be made open in due time.

(Exit Gary, Brock, and Drew)

(Scene: the courtyard of Norman's house)

(Enter Ash and Tracey, with his mandolin)

Ash: Is it not strange, how mere strings and fingers can captivate the minds and hearts of men?

Tracey: Do you speak of music, Sir?

Ash: That, among other things.

Tracey: What other things in the world could have such an effect?

Ash: Do not worry your muddled mind about it. Sing a song for me, would you, upon your mandolin while I enjoy the fresh air.

Tracey: What song, I pray you?

Ash: Uh... That song that you sung during dinner yesterday night.

Tracey: As you wish...

(Tracey tunes his instrument and begins to sing)

Tracey: Maybe it's intuition
But some things you just don't question
Like in your eyes, I see my future in an instant
And there it goes... I think I've found my best friend
I know that it might sound more than a little crazy, but I believe...

I knew I loved you before I met you
I think I dreamed you into life
I knew I loved you before I met you
I have been waiting all my life...

There's just no rhyme or reason
Only a sense of completion
And in your eyes I see the missing pieces I'm searching for
I think I found my way home
I know that it might sound more than a little crazy, but I believe...

I knew I loved you before I met you
I think I dreamed you into life
I knew I loved you before I met you

I have been waiting all my life...

Ohh.... Oh oh oh....

I knew I loved you before I met you
I think I dreamed you into life
I knew I loved you before I met you

I have been waiting all my life...

I knew I loved you before I met you
I think I dreamed you into life
I knew I loved you before I met you

I have been waiting all my life...

Ohh.... Oh oh oh....

I knew I loved you before I met you
I think I dreamed you into life
I knew I loved you before I met you

Ohh.... Oh oh oh....

(I knew I loved you before I met you, by Savage Garden)

Ash: Yes, that was the one.

Tracey: Will you have any further need of me?

Ash: That will be all for now, thank you.
(Exit Tracey)

(Enter Misty)

Ash: A fine song...

Misty: Imagine finding you out here, Ash. I should think this would be the last place you would be...

Ash: And why is that?

Misty: I walk along this path each day, I felt certain that May informed you of that fact.

Ash (Whispering to himsef): She did indeed...

Misty: Hm?

Ash: *Ahem* No, you must have been mistaken, fair Misty, for I knew of no such thing.

Misty: Am I fair?

Ash: Only when you are not being unfair.

(Ash turns to walk away)

Misty: Stay for a while, will you?

Ash: (Pointing to Misty's hair) Bad hair day?

Misty: (Pointing to Ash's Face) Bad face day?

Ash: Ha! See, you do not desire my presence.

Misty: It was said but in jest!

Ash (whispering to himself): She can't bear to be out of my sight

Misty: Sir?

Ash: So, it's "Sir"? How now the change in language?

Misty: Language is only of use if one makes proper use of it, is it not?

Ash: I may assume that I am a proper "sir" then, fair Misty?

Misty (whispering to herself): He called me "fair" twice... am I twice a fair woman?

Misty (turning back to Ash): Assuming you were a proper man.

Ash: Am I?

Misty: That remains to be seen

Ash: What do you propose comprises a proper man?

Misty: A proper man is one who is strong, loyal, brave, trustworthy, and most of all... noble of heart.

Ash (stepping closer): Am I such a man?

Misty: If you were a man... Perhaps.

Ash (stepping closer): Am I man enough for you?

Misty (leaning forward): That would depend-

Oak (yelling): Misty! I cannot find my dragonite anywhere! Did you borrow him?

Misty (walking away): Excuse me, sir, I must attend to my grandfather.

Ash (whispering to himself): Poor girl, she's obviously in love... and with me, of all people! I will speak to her more of the matter later.

(Exit Ash)

Misty (whispering to herself): Poor lad... He's in love with what he knows not!

(Exit Misty)

(Enter Gary)

Gary: Perhaps I could make use of these two for my advantage... But first, I must set my trap!

(Exit Gary)

(Scene: An alleyway behind Norman's house)

(Enter Gary)

Gary: With all things in place, my plan will be put into action... Now... Where are my knaves?

(Enter Butch and Cassidy)

Cassidy: Prepare for trouble...

Butch: ...and make it double!

Cassidy: To infect the world with devastation!

Butch: To blight all peoples in every nation!

Cassidy: To denounce the goodness of truth and love!

Butch: To extend our wrath to the stars above!

Cassidy: Cassidy!

Butch: Butch!

Cassidy: Team Rocket circles the world at the speed of light!

Butch: Surrender now or you will surely lose the fight!

Gary: Keep it down, you fools! Do you have all things ready?

Butch/Cassidy: Aye, master!

Gary: This is the plan, as I have devised it: Butch will seduce "May" while I bring the Prince and Drew to observe the show. Do not have TOO much fun, but be sure to place enough poison in our trap to effect the jealous Drew's mind beyond reason.

Butch: I will do my best, sir!

Cassidy (disguising herself as May): Any other orders, sir?

Gary: just make sure Biff stays in line

Butch: It's Butch... BUTCH

Gary: Whatever, just get moving you two!

Butch/Cassidy: Aye!

(Exit Butch and Cassidy)

Gary: and not a moment too soon...

(Enter Prince Brock and Drew)

Gary: Hail, good sirs! Follow me, and let the truth shine through May's deceptive shroud.

Drew: Oh, unhappy fate! To fall in love with an unfaithful lady.

Gary: Peace, I will let your own eyes pass judgement upon her.

(Exit Gary, Drew, Prince Brock)

(Scene: a balcony in Norman's house)

(Enter Prince Brock, Drew, and Gary on the ground below, and Butch and Cassidy (disguised as May) on the balcony)

Drew: I see the villan!

Gary: You do? Where?

Drew: up upon the blacony, of course!

Prince Brock: Keep your voices low, I pray you.

Butch: Sweet May, I have returned.

Cassidy: My love! Your presence is as a sweet savor to my tongue.

Butch: Then allow me to taste your tongue...

(They kiss passionately)

Drew: I will kill the villain with my own hands!

Prince Brock: restrain yourself: here is not the place. Come, I will go with you tomarrow morning and expose this base bahavior to Norman and his household.
Drew: She will pay dearly for this betrayal!

Gary: Come, let us go

(Exit Gary, Drew, and Brock

Cassidy: Great job! They actually fell for it!

Butch (grinning like an idiot): It's not like it was fake

Cassidy: Idiot! Let's get moving!

(Exit Butch and Cassidy)

Ambezua: Heh... I thought it should be about time for them to get into some drama!

Summary: As Misty and Ash have their own misadventures involving their new puzzled state, thinking that the other loves them when it is really not the case, Gary makes his move. He calls upon his two cronies, Cassidy and Butch, to do his dirty work. Cassidy stages a scene in which she pretends to be May, and Butch pretends to be another, unnamed man. The two of them then proceed to flirt and kiss... Gary then lures Brock and Drew into the trap and think May is being unfaithful to Drew. What will befall our friends next? Will Gary get away with his evil deeds?