So I tried to update this last night but of course, FF was being mean and was causing me problems so here you go and the second chapter of the Prequel will be up today as well, as planned. Sorry about the wait, but told me no.
Disclaimer: I do not own Ouran or it's characters
Takes place a month after the end of 'If I had only'
There was a knock at the door and Akio went running to answer. "Hi Kyou-san!" He said happily, grabbing Kyouya's hand and pulling him inside.
"Mommy said she's going to be a minute, she's still getting ready."
Kyouya just nodded, smiling, as he went to sit in the living room.
"My birthday's soon" Akio told Kyouya bouncing up and down on the couch.
"How old will you be again? 2? 3?" Kyouya asked, face serious as he watched Akio stop bouncing to look
at Kyouya annoyed.
"I'll be 4!" He exclaimed.
"Really? 4? I don't know if I believe you, I'm pretty sure your going to be 3" Kyouya answered with a smirk.
"Mommy, tell Kyou-san I'm going to be 4" Akio whined as Haruhi walked into the living room.
Haruhi smiled, shaking her head at her two favorite men. This month had been a hard one but they had gotten through it, one day at a time.
"He's just teasing you, he knows very well how old you're going to be." Haruhi told Akio.
Kyouya made a face at her "Ruin all my fun why don't you?"
Akio giggled at them before jumping off the couch and running to the door, "Let's go!"
"He sure is excited for tonight, maybe we should just stay home" Kyouya stated, smirking at Akio.
"I want to go! Please mommy! I want to visit Tamaki!" Akio whined."Stop teasing him!" Haruhi demanded Kyouya, sighing loudly at the two.
"Alright. Alright, I'll stop." Kyouya replied, still smirking. He got up and went over to Akio, by the door, and slipped on his shoes.
"Let's go" He said, mimicking his son from five minutes ago."YAY!" Akio yelled as he ran out the door, to the car."About what we talked about earlier" Kyouya started.
Haruhi gave him a look, "Not now, Kyouya. Later"
Kyouya frowned, she was always so stubborn. He knew her, however and he knew that tone meant that she wouldn't talk about it now. He'd have to wait, as usual.
"Coming?" She called. He looked and saw both Haruhi and Akio at the car already, waiting on him.
He nodded and shut the door, locking it on his way out, and walked over to them. He gave Haruhi a look, to let her know he wasn't finished with the conversation. "I know" she replied, out loud, before getting into the car. The car ride to Tamaki's was silent, except for Akio's happy babble.
You'd never know that he had absolutely hated Tamaki just over a month ago. Now Tamaki was his favorite person to try his pranks on. He still got annoyed with him but it wasn't as bad anymore.
Haruhi stared out the window, trying to figure out what to say to him. She knew she couldn't keep avoiding him but she wasn't ready to have this conversation yet.
Kyouya kept his eyes on the road, but all the while he was thinking about how he was going to get Haruhi to talk with him, tonight. He was determined.
And so it starts, the cliff hangers and the mysteries. Coming up a serious convo between Kyouya and Haruhi, News on Honey, Akio and Tamaki time, and a lot more. Keep reading, just as in 'If I had only' the first chapter is short but they get longer. Enjoy!