Delicate Matters 8/8

By: Hotaru

Warnings: good ol' yaoi…how can it not be? Uhm…that's it I guess


Wufei and Duo held each other close for what seemed like an eternity. The night didn't seem so cold, now that they were together, enjoying each others warmth. "Is this a dream Wufei? It certainly feels like it." Duo said into Wufei's hair. "Mm…no. Dreams are never this wonderful. And never so clear…if it were a dream, I wouldn't be able to see how beautiful you look in the moonlight." Duo broke into a furious blush and immediately hid his face.

"I still can't believe that you're here." He admitted. Wufei stroked his face gently. "But I am, and that's all that matters." He said, kissing Duo's forehead softly. "So..what's going to happen?" Duo asked finally. Wufei tilted his head. "What do you mean?" he inquired. Duo sighed and scratched his head. "Well…are you going to stay here? Or are we gonna go somewhere else…back to China?" he asked meekly. Wufei smiled softly. "I haven't thought that far yet. What do you want to do Duo?"

Duo shrugged. He wanted to get away from his parents, run away west somewhere and live deep in the woods…he'd feel awkward if they went back to China but…wouldn't Wufei feel the same if they stayed in America? "We can do what ever you want Wufei…let's move back to China! We can grow bamboo and stuff…or maybe we can live by the ocean and be fisherman!" he said eventually. Wufei took out his bag of gold and jewels.

"This is all I have left…if we were to go back to China..I could sneak into the palace and get more money when ever we need it. Or…I could go back for real…and get the crap kicked out of me. Father won't let me take over now for sure. It's up to you Duo." Duo hated being faced with important decisions. /If we go back to China…he'll be happier, plus the whole money factor. And all I want is him to be happy./ "Aw man…I don't know Wufei…I really don't know what to do. Can we at least sleep on it?" he asked.

Wufei nodded, after all, he hadn't slept on solid ground in days! They headed towards Duo's house, talking quietly. "How was the ride over?" Duo asked, walking past the front door to what looked like an old barn. "It was alright. The captain of the ship I was on was awfully nice. You would have liked him." Wufei replied, suddenly very tired. "Oh yeah? I met some aristocrat from Europe. He was pretty cool I guess. But I had to deal with my dad's shit the whole way over."

Duo sighed and rubbed his eyes. "I've been fishing since we got back. No time to even relax…here we are." They arrived at the old farm. "What is it?" Wufei asked. As a royal Chinese prince, he couldn't imagine sleeping in such a filthy looking barn but then again—he probably wasn't a prince anymore. Chen would rather disown him. "This is where all my dad's workers stay. It's okay inside…I actually stay here sometimes. They're all real nice people Wufei."

They stepped inside the dimly lit barn full of people. A fire was roaring in a ditch surrounded by stones. There were beds made out of hay everywhere, and some pots and pans as well. "Everyone, this is my good friend Wufei. He came all the way from China just to see me!" Duo said, putting his hand on Wufei's back gently. Wufei received warm smiles all around. "He's gonna be sleeping here tonight with me, so make some room." Duo seemed to be more comfortable with the workers that with his family.

They made room for him to sit, along with Wufei and handed them some food. "Yo Zak, come here." Duo motioned for a boy to meet Wufei. "Who's he?" Wufei whispered. "He's my friend Zak. He's a real smart kid too." Duo whispered back. Zak sat down shyly and smiled at Wufei. "This is Wufei. He came allll the way from China…that's a couple days away from here." Duo said, scooting over onto the hay. "You came all the way from China? Why?" Zak asked curiously.

"I came to find Duo. We're very good friends and I missed him." Wufei replied. Zak smiled and nodded. "Duo is my good friend too. He helps me catch crabs that bite my feet." He said. Duo snorted. "You should have seen him Wufei, there must have been fifteen of 'em snapping at our feet today. He just kept catching them and tossing them in an overflowing bucket." Wufei, and the rest of the workers laughed. They managed to talk about anything and every thing, but both Wufei and Duo could barely keep their eyes open anymore.

"Okay kiddo, you better go to sleep now. It's way past your bed time." Duo pursuaded Zak to go to bed so he and Wufei could be alone. Duo had a 'big brother' persona to him sometimes. "I feel so tired…" Duo moaned, falling gracefully onto a pile of hay. Wufei pulled a velvet-like blanket from his bag and laid down next to Duo. "Doesn't it get cold in here?" he asked, shivering slightly. "Not if you have some one to keep you warm." Duo replied softly.

He pulled Wufei's blanket over his body and snuggled up against Wufei's. "Goodnight Wufei." He said sleepily. "Goodnight Duo." Wufei replied, resting his face in Duo's soft chestnut hair.

By morning, Duo's arms were wrapped around Wufei's and vice versa. They both smiled sheepishly when they found out just how they spent the night. "So…what're the plans?" Duo asked, yawning. Wufei sighed. "Well…where do you think we would live easiest?" he asked. Duo shrugged. "I guess China…I mean, you're the prince after all…and maybe you can talk to your father and work things out. Just tell him how you feel…he has to let you live how you want."

Wufei smiled and stroked Duo's cheek softly. "If only it was that easy…Duo…things are a lot more different in China then they are here. It's a lot stricter. But still…if you think things would be better in China…then lets go…Tseng, the captain of the boat I was on, said he's going back tonight. Do you really want to leave everything behind?" he asked. Duo smiled. "I don't have anything to leave behind. Silly Fei…you actually have something in China. I think that'd be best…if we go." He said. Wufei smiled. Inwardly, he was hoping they'd return to China.

He would never feel at home in America. "Okay, get your things ready, and leave a note." Wufei said, standing up and stretching. Duo raised his eyebrows. "A note? What do you mean…like, 'I've gone to the country side to live my life as a lumberjack. You'll never see me again, take care of Zak, Love Duo?'" Wufei smiled and nodded his head to the side. "Something like that."

A short while later………..

"You can't go Duo! You can't!" Wufei winced. Duo told Zak they were leaving. /Poor kid…they're close as family…not my family though./ "I have to Zak. I wish I could stay but I can't. I'll miss you little brother." Duo sounded so…devestated. Truly, he was leaving his friends and even family behind. Wufei was about to turn around and call the whole thing off. "You're my best friend Duo…please be good." Zak sounded so teary-eyed.

Duo appeared outside, his eyes slightly pink as if he were crying. "Ready?" he asked. Wufei nodded. The two headed to the docks and boarded the ship that would take them back home to China. Duo stared into the woods at his house. His mother was probably in the kitchen baking muffins or biscuits. His father was probably chasing chickens to cut off their heads and laugh as they ran into walls and fences and Zak was probably crying on his mothers lap.

After the boat had departed, Annette went to find Duo so he could do his chores. Instead, all she found was a note on his bed.

Dear Mom and Dad,

I'm going away now and I won't be back—ever. Dad, I know you probably don't care since you don't really care about anything but your goddamn self, but Mom…I know you'll be sad for awhile. I'm sorry that I wasn't a good son and didn't do what I was told. But hell, I'm a rebel. I'll miss you where ever I'm going and I'll probably think about you every day. Make sure Dad doesn't hurt Zak or any of the other workers. Do me a favor, give Zak the rest of my candies that are hidden in my sock drawer…and don't tell Dad about it. He'll just get mad.

If you're wondering where it is I'm going, I can't tell you. Just know that I'm happy and I'll be better off here than there. I'll write to you if I can…but don't get your hopes up. If you ever miss me, just look out to sea and wave—I'll see you. Take good care of yourself. I love you.

Love, Duo
