I listened to the noises outside change from bullfrogs and crickets to birdsongs and the barking of dogs, and I knew that it was going to be light soon. I was yawning as I crossed the room to close the window so that the noise didn't wake Iggy. I tripped over one of the trays of food that I had brought in last night and had to catch myself on a table to keep steady, making a lot of noise in the process.

"Gah!" I whispered to myself, cursing my clumsiness. I made my way to the window, but before I reached the frame I felt strong arms grab me from behind. One shot over my mouth, the other twisted one of my own arms behind my back almost to the point of snapping.

Sure that it was a Whitecoat or some other faceless enemy, I reviewed defensive tactics in my head. I was forming my plan when I heard his voice in my left ear, "Howdy. If you scream I WILL break your neck. Clear?" He paused and I nodded. "Good. Now, where is my flock?" He moved his hand from my mouth and lowered it to my throat, the pressure was enough to cut off airflow altogether.

"Dude, ease up a bit would ya!" I managed to say with a raspy voice. I felt a ripple of recognition move through his body, but he quickly controlled that. He squeezed my neck tighter and said in a fiercer tone, "I asked you a question."

Okay, that was it.

I bent forward, ignoring the pain, and twisted so that my left hand was released and I was facing him. His right hand was outstretched and still grasping my neck. Before he could make a move I grabbed his manhood in my palm and squeezed. I watched his face change from complete shock to pain and embarrassment, and I couldn't help but smirk.

"I'll let go of you, if you let go of me." I said, trying to sound firm.

"Not a chance, Sweetheart." he said trying to suppress a cocky grin.

I squeezed harder on his manhood and said, "I'm nobody's Sweetheart." And I attempted a punch to his left cheek which he blocked easily.

"Just because I cant see, doesn't mean I'm blind." he said, in an annoyed voice.

I smiled. "Understood. And for the sake of our alliance, I will release your… um… genitals." I released him, and attempted to speak clearly with his hand still clasped around my neck. "Your flock is up at the house. We helped you guys fight the flyboys. Remember? Annabel Lee?" He released me then and I chuckled at the memory of us reciting my favorite poem. I saw his mouth twitch, trying to hide a smile, but that disappeared as he remembered his wound and looked to his shoulder.

I stepped forward, one hand clutching my bruised neck. I raised the other hand to his wound and stroked the bandage lightly. I looked up at his face, merely inches away from mine.

"You saved my life." I said. And stood on my tiptoes to kiss his cheek. "I owe you." I whispered in his ear. "And I always repay my debts." We quickly pulled apart as the door came crashing open.

We were surrounded then by many young voices, simultaneously exclaiming their happiness and worry to my blind hero. I found Max's eyes over the hubbub and she mouthed a Thank You, trying to suppress the tears in her eyes. I mouthed Your Welcome in return and made my way to the door, knowing that this was a family moment.

Fang blocked my way and I readied myself for a hateful remark, but none came. I looked into his stern eyes and he looked back with ice in his. He still didn't trust me. I could see that. Part of me didn't give a flying fadoodle about him liking me, but trust in each other was all us mutant freaks had. And I vowed then to earn that trust. Somehow.

"Make sure they don't over-exhort him." I said, motioning to the horde behind us. "He still needs his rest. Call us when your ready for Mom to check on him."

He nodded and stepped aside as I pushed through the door into the cool morning air, feeling Iggy's sightless eyes on my back.