Poor Unfortunate Souls
Me: yay I got my first review!*Dances around the room with glee*
Ed: wow she looks like and idiot.
Roy: indeed she dose and what was up with the ending on the last part of the story?
Ed: and why did she put in an original character she knows its going to be a Mary Sue.
Me: BOTH OF YOU SHUT UP! And thank you to our wonderful reviewer XoXoXKaylaIsRawrXoXoX I will try to do as you said.
Roy: so can we get on with the story now?
Me: No you have to do the disclaimer first.
Roy Fine The Wild Midnight Ride dose not own us we are her puppets.
Me: Indeed you are now once again most honored viewer welcome to my theater*bows*
Poor Unfortunate Souls
When I woke up I was in a strange room lying on a couch with a pillow and a blanket and fresh clothing. I was glad for the fresh clothes my old ones were rather worn out. I pulled back my blanket and sawing my legs out from the couch I was wearing a long sleeve back shirt, black pants, and a belt with a shinny belt buckle. I sighed I then realized something as I looked down at my legs my legs weren't human they were the bottom half of a cat's back legs, my hands were claws and I slowly reached up and felt the soft black ears that now adorned my head, and though I hardly dared to look I saw my new tail back as the midnight and my hair. I looked around the room and saw just to my right a set of crutches and because there was no one else in the room at the time. I looked at them then at my feet I decided to try standing first to see if I really needed them.
I did my legs came right our from under me I collapsed on the floor and as I got back on the couch I noticed that all my stuff that I had with me was in the room with me. My guitar, my bag, my saddle, my cloths and all of my supplies were still there. I was reaching for the crutches when the door opened to reveal a blonde hair haired man with a cigarette in his mouth. I froze he stared at me and I stared at him we stayed that way for a long time. Finally I just got tired of holding my arm out in the air and I finished grabbing the crutches and pulling them to me I tried standing and found that if I stood on the tips of my new cat like feet I could stand. I realized that he thought I was scared and would not move or talk until he thought I was safe to be around. "You Going to just stand there all day?" I said hobbling over to my bag to get something I pulled out three sets of dog tags and looked though them until I found mine. As I slipped them over my ears and then over my head he spoke. "Who are you?" I looked at him my icy blue eyes had a chilling effect when I starred at people and the color of my hair did not help either back as the midnight. People said I looked like a killer.
"My name is Salem what is yours?" Before he could answer a call went out over the intercom above us the sound made my really sensitive ears hurt. "Trouble in the dining hall all units stand down Code Forest."
"I'll be right back" he said "Wait" told him "I'll go with you." "No" he started to say but I interrupted him "I Need to move around so I don't have to use these things anymore and besides maybe I can help." "Fine but where these there specially made to fit your feet they will help you get stronger." He tossed me a pair of black boots. As I slipped my feet into the boots I found that he was right and as I got up I found that I no longer needed the crutches. I followed him out of the door walking a little shaky on my legs. "First day on the new feet?" he asked a joke I suppose. "Yes acutely it is." I replied acidly. As we walked silently though the halls I could tell he did not trust me and I made it clear that I did not trust him either. How could I trust someone when I did not even now there name?
Thank you all very much I am very pleased with this story and I hope my beloved viewers are too.