Disclaimer: I own it all! "I'm not giving it to you" "Come on Steph!" "NO!" -mumbling- "fine Stephanie Meyer owns it all"

Here goes nothing. And a special thanks to Erin who shares this account with me and was excited to read it before I had even posted

Rosalie Hale's Point of View

It was about a month before the beginning of winter break and a Friday. We walked into school and our phones beeped, like every Friday for every girl and guy that was listed on the gossip hotline. As shallow as it seemed it was the perfect way to stay in touch with things going on at Fork's high. Not that most of it didn't involve me and my two best friends Alice and Bella. We were the most popular girls in school and we kind of hated it. Being popular comes in handy when we need a favor or something but it is annoying that people we don't like are trying to be friendly and then turning around and saying shit about us.

And the gossip hotline is back

The newest thing happening in Forks High is

There are three new guys

Nothing is known about them yet other then they don't have money

We mean they are poor

They don't live in cardboard houses but they are definitely living the simple life

Until next week


"Three new guys?" Bella said being the first to finish reading it.

Bella was the book smart one. She was really pretty but never saw herself that way. She was a little shorter then me and had that subtle beauty going on for her. When she moved here in the ninth grade Alice and I had to turn her from clumsy, shy, blushing Bella, into bold and confident Bella. We did an amazing job. She hasn't tripped or blushed in a little over a year.

"They might be in our first bell," Alice, the little pixie one said optimistically. No one ever doubted her.

We walked to our first bell, SAT prep, and sat in the back. As said by Alice, there were three new guys directly in front of each of us. My eyes immediately flew to the largest one. He had big muscles, a definite plus, and was very handsome. Scratch that, this boy was sexy. He was about 3 inches taller then me and

"Hi, I'm Rosalie," I said while holding out my hand for him to shake.

He shook it gently but firmly.


Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Bella push Alice into the blond one, Alice apologizing like she had mouth diarrhea and then Alice glaring at Bella who was smiling innocently.

"So, how long have you been here Emmett?"

"Just a few days, my cousins and I stayed with our Grandmother until our parents got the houses ready. We live right next door to each other."

I instantly knew where. The only three houses side by side were on Liana street. This lady named Mrs. Goldbloom was born in forks in the 1920. She heard they wanted to tear down her old house and the two surrounding houses so she bought them. She had died this past spring and her daughter was trying to sell them cheap. I guess she did. The teacher stood up and gave us the questions. In this class we just asked sample questions from SAT tests. The teacher was there for supervision and occasional notes on test-taking. I asked Emmett to be my partner and he agreed. After the bell rang we walked out together waiting on the opposite wall for Alice, Bella and his cousins.

There it is. Constructive critism is highly apprecitated. If you do choose to review who's point of view do you want to start of the next update. It'll also be much longer! Alice or Bella?

Please Review and tell me what you think!
