Disclaimer: I own nothing.

Beta: hermione snape

Chapter 15: The Date

Hermione was tucked under Remus' chin as they rode to the lighthouse, his right arm around her waist as they flew over London's countryside, the other steering the broom in the proper direction.

She was amazed at the view she was getting, since she'd never tried this before until now and decided that she would have to do this again. And soon, maybe even with Anna if she was up to it.

Remus leaned down and told her to hold on, since they were going to start the decent back to the ground. Hermione tightened her grip on him as they came closer and closer to the ground. She may have liked the flying part once she got used to it, but she would never like the landing because she always felt as if she was going to crash.

Once they were safely back on the ground, Remus shrunk the broom so it would fit in his pocket and turned Hermione so she could see the place they would be spending the evening.

"What do you think love?" where his whispered, slightly nervous words.

"It's…beautiful." she breathed.

And it was.

They were standing on a grassy sand dune and up above them, on the edge of the cliff looking out over the sea below, was an old lighthouse like the ones she would imagine in the stories her father told her about when she was a small girl.

The lighthouse was a soft ivory and had ivy twining up and around the sides. At the very top where the light was to warn the ships about the approaching cliffs, were some flickering lights. More soft light illuminated the path up to the front of the lighthouse, and as Hermione squinted, she could make out small floating candles.

Remus took her hand, since it seemed she was too awed to move, and gently pulled her forward.

They walked up the sandy illuminated path to the front of the lighthouse. Remus opened the door with an old skeleton like key and led her inside. They walked up the old wooden circular staircase slowly, content to have the date last as long as they wanted. Once they reached the top of the stairs, they had to climb up into the top part of the lighthouse. Remus went up first, and then gave Hermione a hand up so she would not slip on the small ladder.

As soon as she'd got up the ladder, Hermione was instantly blindfolded and unable to see. She started to panic before she heard Remus' deep baritone wash over her through the darkness.

"It's alright Hermione, calm down. I'm just setting up the finishing touches." He led her over to a comfortable wooden chair then scooted it in. Hermione guessed she was now at a table.

Soon after the scraping of another chair, Remus said it was all right to remove the blindfold. Hermione did but then had to blink so she could see after the darkness she'd previously been in.

She looked around in wonder at the soothing, romantic setting Remus had created for them. It took her breath away that he did this for her and cared enough to actually plan it out.

All around them were lavender, jasmine, and vanilla scented candles that flickered and danced on the surrounding surfaces in the soft sea breeze. The table had been enlarged so that the meal would fit, along with a small vase of flowers that had a candle in a glass bowl on either side in the middle.

She glanced up after taking in everything to see Remus' scarred face illuminated in the soft glow. His body language screamed that he was tense and his eyes were dark. She reached out a small hand for his bigger one and he took it quickly, giving it a squeeze.

Hermione smiled and said, "This is lovely Remus. Thank you for doing this for me, but how did you know I'd always wanted to visit a lighthouse, let alone eat in the top?"

Remus smiled sheepishly and his body relaxed. "I was trying to pick a place for us to go and couldn't decide, so I called in reinforcements. Anna told me that this is something you'd wanted to do for awhile now, and since she vetoed all my other places, I stuck with this one."

"I'm glad you did. This is simply perfect."

"Are you hungry yet or would you like to wait?"

"I'm starved! I hope you've made something good."

"As a matter of fact, I made your favorite dish of mine, baked spaghetti with extra cheese and rolls along with that sweet tea you got hooked on after Bill brought some back from the states."

Hermione almost moaned aloud at the thought. Remus' spaghetti was divine!

After they had a small salad, they ate the spaghetti and settled in for a much-needed talk and curled up on the couch Remus had conjured from one of the spoons. They talked for a few hours then Hermione leaned up and gave Remus a quick kiss. Remus was surprised but didn't tense up or pull away as she expected him to do, although he didn't kiss her back.

"What was that for Mione?" he asked once she'd pulled away.

"I'm not quite sure honestly. I probably lost the right to kiss you by now, since I'm the one that left, but I just had to see if it was the same. And it's something I've wanted to do since I saw you at my front door."

"Well? Was it the same?"

"Yes, yes it was."

"Good, because this is something that I've missed the most besides your company." and with that, he leaned down to kiss her softly yet surely.

Soon the kiss grew more heated and eventually hands started to explore long ago mapped out paths, running over them like long lost friends.

Hermione lost her sweater, having taken off her coat earlier, Remus lost his jacket, then her skirt, and his button down that had surely lost buttons in action at Hermione's eager hands. His pants and shoes were almost the last thing to go after her boots, though the underclothes were still left on their heated bodies.

They broke apart panting loudly to look into the others eyes to see if this is what the other wanted. All they saw was the same heated desire they felt in them mirrored in the other's dark eyes.

Lips met again and soon Remus allowed himself to explore Hermione's long graceful neck with his lips as she moaned and arched into his touches, mewing like a cat in heat. He nipped at her pale skin, leaving small red marks as he went, showing that she was his and his alone. No one else was going to even attempt to touch her again.

Hermione's hands roamed over his work toned shoulders and she dug her nails into the scar-lined skin there as he took her nipple into his mouth, leaving small, angry red crescent marks in her wake. She sighed then moaned again as his talented mouth moved to her other breast, leaving the other pebbled and glistening with saliva.

His hands skimmed her soft flesh and down to her stomach, rubbing softly at the expanse of skin she had that wasn't perfect and chiseled like so many women wanted there's to be. This was something he loved about her, the fact that her body held imperfections just like his. It made her seem perfect in his eyes and him love her even more.

Her legs were the same way and he knew she fretted over them because they were slightly larger than normal, just as she did with her stomach. He knew this because of the way her body tensed slightly at his loving touches but these facts didn't bother him. He loved her just the way she was and wouldn't change her for anything.

He liked his women a bit bigger because if he wanted a pencil he would've gone with someone like Tonks or Bill's slim wife. He liked his women with more to love because if they were bigger than a pencil it was actually more to love and that was the perfect woman in his eyes.

Hermione knew that Remus loved every part of her and her body but it still bothered her when he spent large amounts of time touching her stomach or legs; they were the parts that she worried over the most and she hoped that in time she would be able to learn to love them as Remus had. She ran her hands down his narrow back, gently tracing the curve of his spine and pale bottom. Her hands grasped tightly, kneading the soft flesh slightly and relishing in the response she received. .

Remus gasped and thrust his hips into Hermione's as his eyes closed briefly at the pleasure the action brought. Hermione knew that he liked when she did this to him and he was surprised she remembered. He knew that she knew what she was doing, since he could feel the small, satisfied smirk on her face.

Remus gently pushed her down onto the soft bed like surface and continued to kiss and love her as he slowly stripped away the remaining barriers between them. She arched into his touch as he slipped her bra from her chest, freeing her breasts to his roaming eyes and greedy hands.

He began to touch her and soon had her worked up into a frenzy of want. He was in no better shape than she was, since he wanted her just as much. He looked up into her hooded brown eyes to make sure she was all right with this, and then thrust into her warm heat.

They both moaned loudly at the heavenly feeling. Hermione wrapped her legs around his slim waist as her hands scratched at his pale skin. Remus was kissing all the exposed skin he could reach, especially her sensitive neck. Soon they were working there way to the final peak of pleasure. They came with loud cries, Hermione falling first before Remus soon came seconds after her, pumping the last of his release into her willing body.

After it was all over and their breathing had returned to normal, they lay side by side on the bed spooning. Remus had his arm across her stomach and Hermione was tucked under it, snuggled tight to his chest. Hermione soon got a curious feeling in her stomach and the nagging feeling of a question at her brain.

"Remus?" she murmured into his arm.

"Yes, love?" He continued rubbing small circles on her soft flesh.

"Why are your socks still on?"

Remus laughed and pinched her gently as he rolled over onto her once again to continue their lovemaking.