Hello everyone. It's me again, Neko Alice-chan. Well duh, it's me, who else would it be on this account? –sigh- I really have no life….

Yes, yes, I know, I know, I know! I need to update 20 Ways!! Well, people, I just can't think of anything at all! Not only that, but Open Office, the program I usually use, is being a total ass as of late, so I couldn't work on it even if I wanted to.

Not only that, but I've also been made admin of the Mew Mew Academy, a Tokyo Mew Mew role play site, created by The Queen of Character Torture, who is my oneechan. Some of you might know her as the person who writes "Cat and Mouse" formerly known as "Assisting The Devil". (She's working on the next chapter, she's just been busy with collage, so lay off her or I'll slice you down the middle!!) We're super close and she's awesome—talk to her sometime, you'll love her!


So, yeah. I've been busy. And sorry if this chapter isn't all that great—right now, I'm sitting on my grandmother's couch in her house in Chapel Hill, typing up this story at 12:45 in the morning, so cut me some slack.

Well, anyways, hope you enjoy.

Disclaimer: If I owned it, Tadagay would be suffering in the pits of hell, while Amu and Ikuto would reign over the whole world as husband and wife, with a bunch of mini- Ikutos and Amus running around. Oh, I don't own the song that this is based off of. But I changed the lyrics a bit so they're easier to understand.

Roll chapter---

Who are those little girls in pain,

Trapped in a castle on the dark side of moon?

Twelve of them shining bright in vain,

Like flowers that blossom just once in years.

How could they ask me that? I can't give it up!

Have they no respect? That was a private matter!

Why can't they just listen? I've explained it countless times!

Why do they not care? I matter, too!

Why must I do this? I can't stand it anymore!

How come she gets all the attention? I was here first!

Why doesn't she care? I'm her sister too!

Can't they take a joke? I didn't mean any harm!

Why is automatically my fault? I didn't do anything!

Why am I ignored? Just because I'm oldest doesn't mean you can forget me!

Why won't they let me explain? I didn't mean for it to get out of proportion!

Why him? Punish me instead!

I leave off there cuz I'm evil. Each line is a different girl's thought, by the way. Guess which one is which, nya! Anyone who guesses all twelve correctly—and in order—will get a special sneak peak for the next chapter and get bragging right nya!

Well, I should probably work on the first girl's story. And they probably will appear in the order of the thoughts here. I'm not sure, I might switch them around some, but I think they will be.

Well, ja ne!

Neko Alice-chan