Disclaimer time!: I don't own twilight. AT ALL.

Took a while, I know. But my computer reached it's downloads, and it wouldn't let me on the the fanfiction site, or any other site for that matter. I was really bored for 13 days with no internet. How did I survive!?!


"Oh no." Alice replied. "If you do that, Edward will come here, and he'll be mad at us, real mad."

"Who cares Alice?" Bella said. I knew she would care a bit.

"Yeah, Bella's right, if her plan works, it will be much worth it. To be frank, I wouldn't care at all." I said to Alice.

"I guess. Just be ready to face the wrath of Edward Cullen."

Bella smiled and leant back into her chair, she was definitely looking forward to this.

"So when do we get started?"

Finding Bella

Chapter 14 – Our secret plan.

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Rosalie's POV

"I don't get the point of saying 'Na Na Na Na Na Na' all the time." Alice stated stupidly.

"Honestly Alice! You still don't get it?"

"No I don't, please explain." Alice said with a smile on her tiny face.

I knew better, of course. I told Bella not to bother, but of course she insisted of telling her, being the smart arse she is at the moment.

"I'm teasing him, you know, little kids say it all the time."

Alice finally understood and said, "Oh right, I thought you were making a reference to Batman."

My eyes drifted from the tree to Alice. "Huh?" I questioned her.

"No..." Bella said. "That... uh. Wouldn't exactly match what I'm trying to sing." She coughed conspicuously, "and it would be so weird."

Alice immediately perked, "Good suggestion though, hey?" She said as she nudged Bella's elbow. "You should use it in another song."

"Sure thing." Bella laughed. "Now, are we ready to roll?"

The three of us stared at the large tree that was right next to us. My eyes lingered on the chain saw that was on the bench, I sighed. "Do we really have to kill the tree? It's sad don't you think?" I said.

"Yeah, Bella, do we have to. It's such a beautiful tree. The leaves so green, the trunk so brown and strong..."

"Shut up Alice. The tree is going, it will be worth it in the end, and besides, I knew you two would complain. So I brought some seeds from the shop. See Alice? You can plant some new ones tomorrow. You'll even be able to see them grow, because you'll be alive." Bella explained.

"You'll be alive too, you know." I said to Bella.

She grinned stupidly and laughed, "You going to make sure of that?"

"Sure will."

Bella rolled her eyes, and motioned us to get back on track. I had payed an old man, with my charm and money to act as our neighbour for this scene. I explained what he had to do, and how he had to act before hand, so we were all set and ready.

"Hurry up sweethearts, I want my cash." He slurred his words then winked at me. I smiled sweetly, eager to get him out of the way.

I heard Bella whisper to Alice, "Is he drunk?" she said.

"No, he naturally slurs his words like that. Strange man." Alice responded.

Bella nodded, "Oh."

I rolled my eyes and turned my attention back to the old man. He was now looked at me up and down. I said to him, "It'll be over soon, and then you can have your money. Now go stand on the other side of the fence."

The man who I remembered his name to be Tobias trotted his way over to the other side of the picket fence.

"Rolling in a 60 seconds." Alice said, holding the expensive camera equipment , while perfecting Bella's already perfected makeup and costume.

"Get into place, Bella, and Tobias."

"It's Toby! Tobias sounds like a cat." The old man said.

"So does Toby. In fact, your grey hair also resembles the hair a cat I had once. You look just like him, actually." Bella said.

Tobias or Toby started to walk away. "I'll give you an extra hundred bucks if you stay and do what I told you too." I said to him. We needed to get this scene done with. Of course, he came back and stood into place.

"Fine..." He said in a small, meek voice. Strangly enough, it did sound like a small 'miaow'.

I walked to the footpath to stand in place. Everything was set up perfectly.

"We are rolling in 10 seconds." Alice said.

Bella revved the chainsaw up, before Alice started to record, we only had one take for this. I watched in pity and amazement as the once thick tree fell to the ground and landed on the neighbour's fence. Tobias thankfully did as he was told and looked appropriately aghast.

"Perfect!" Alice squealed.

"Thank god for that, it was our only take." I sighed, my voice full with relief.

"Of course not, we could have cut down that one too." Bella pointed to the identical looking tree on the other side of the lawn.

Alice's eyes opened wide.

"Joking, Alice. We would have scrapped the scene... of course." Bella said. I could see she was lying, as could Alice.

Alice walked inside with a huff, to upload the scene on the computer.

It was now there along with Bella getting a fake tattoo, as she refused to get a real one. There were so many more scenes to do. And the most difficult one was coming up next.

"Do we have to do this one, Bella?" I asked her when we were finding a street in the directory. "It's going to be really difficult."

"It'll be fine Rosalie."

"The police will come!" I argued with her, but she was infallible. Her decision to ride the busy street in a borrowed bumper car, that I reluctantly made a real engine for, was just plain dangerous! If it were Alice or I doing it, it would have been fine. But Bella is human, and fragile.

"Your rich, bribe them to leave."

"Angry motorists? Ever heard of road rage?"

"Stop acting like Edward." Bella said. It did the trick, shutting me up.

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When I first read Bella's breakout song, So What, I was shocked at how much it related to her life. It described her perfectly; every single word and phrase matched a part of her life. Especially the parts about Edward, I would imagine that she wrote everything she wanted to say to him in the song.

Truly, the song was a piece of genius.

All of this escalated when Bella was recording the song, in a studio we hired. Bella was just perfect, so getting the final product was easy.

"Don't change my voice please, I want to go all natural."

"What about sound effects?" Alice asked Bella.

She flicked her hand in the air, "Whatever, just make it sound goof. I know you can do it great."

Alice stilled looked puzzled, she ran her tongue over her teeth and popped her lips, before looking in my direction, and asking a question. "Any suggestions Rosalie?" Me, busy counting my money didn't respond. "Rose, are you there?" She asked again. I didn't respond as I was deep in thought. Where did all my money go...?

Bella came up to me and knocked me on the head. "Rosalie!" she said. I looked up at her, my lips formed in a sad pout.

Bella and Alice raised an eyebrow at me at the same time, in any other circumstance it would have been funny. I opened my mouth and blasted my words at them, "Did you know, that I've spent sixty thousand dollars, paying and bribing people for your video?!"

Bella looked taken back, probably because she's never dealt with that much money in her life, but a few seconds later, she adjusted herself. "Well, you're rich." she said.

"Yes, that may be true, but I can't keep on taking out money, someone is bound to notice, especially my family!" My eyes darted from Alice who was looking worried, back to Bella, "Do you know what that means? It means that they will come down to see why I'm making these huge transactions. And your plan would be over."

"That can't happen..." Bella said, "Just say that you've gone on a huge shopping spree."

"Not going to happen, we are only half way through filming, and with more things coming up next, we are bound to triple that amount of money. Even I don't spend that much money on shopping." Alice said, giving a small laugh at the end.

I breathed out in distress. "So what now?" I said.

"...need another way of bribing people..." Alice said in between adding random sounds to the music recording.

"Like what?" Bella asked Alice.

"Um, I don't know... flirting?" Alice shrugged

"Yes! Perfect, perfect but gross, but perfect!" I said. I was now literally jumping up and down.

Any male would do anything to our command, all me and Alice have to do is lie and manipulate. It was going to be interesting.

"Wait, I thought you were trying to be inconspicuous. This is bound to make you more noticeable, walking around in more revealing outfits than you do now." Bella crossed her arms and made a face. I raised my eyebrow at her.

"It's either this or no music video..." I said softly to her.

Alice butted in, "I thought you wanted to stand out?"

"I want to stand out, and I don't want you to be stealing the lime light from me."

I smiled at Alice, we were having one of our sister moments, "Oh don't worry Bella."

"We'll just lie and manipulate in private," Alice added on.

"Then swat them away like nothing happened, in public." I finished her sentence.

Alice smiled staring at Bella, "Of course, we swat them away after filming. They'll have no use anyway." She flicked her hand to her right.

"And they won't tell anyone because you'll threaten to bash their faces in?" Bella asked sarcastically.

"Oh, good idea!" Alice said.

I nodded. Bella smiled, as I know she liked this idea.

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Lets say 25 reviews is the goal.

89 alerts, and 71 favourites for this story, but I only get 20 reviews for the recent chapters.

So review!!!