A/N: So, the very long awaited sequel to "The Last Night". Hope it lives up to your expectations!

Circle circle dot dot now I have my disclaimer shot. Circle circle square square now I have it everywhere!

Chapter 1

Anxiety was ripping me to shreds as I pushed my over sized truck as fast as it would go. It was the last day of high school for the rest of my life. I was already late for the hair appointment Alice had scheduled for me but it could wait. If Alice got the mail before me I was screwed. I was hoping to break the big news of NYU to Edward myself. I didn't want Alice to go Myspace crazy and post it on one of her random bulletins.

I turned down the road and headed toward the apartment complex where I lived with my best friend, Alice, and my boyfriend, Edward. Together, Edward and I had spent numerous hours planning where we would live and getting our schedules organized. Of course this was all depending on whether or not I got accepted to NYU. I was almost positive I would get in, but you could never be sure.

I eased my car into my designated parking spot and hopped out making a beeline to the mailboxes. I fumbled with the key on my ring and finally managed to slide it into the lock. In one swift movement the lock clicked and I pulled the door open and stuck my hand in the box picking up the mail.

"Bills, bills, bills, blockbuster, magazine, Stanford letter, bills." I read the labels on the envelopes. Wait, Stanford letter? "What the heck is this?" I pulled it from the stack and shut and locked my mailbox.

I proceeded to walk up the stairs and slipped my key in the slit of the envelope trying to tear the top off. I stopped when I was at our door just to unlock it. I thrust my hip into the door and it opened. I threw the excess mail on the counter and went into my room to find some scissors. Thankfully they did the job of opening the envelope.

I pulled out the letter and pulled off the Stanford sticker that sealed the tri-folded paper together. The off-white marble paper looked too official to be a 'we want you' paper. When the paper was unfolded in my hands the first thing my eyes flashed to was the golden seal at the top of the paper. Like I said, too official.

My eyes floated down to the letter. It read:

Dear Isabella,

We would like to thank you for sending in your application for our scholar's program. We are enthused to tell you…

My door burst open and I shoved the letter behind my back. Alice appeared in front of me and she was jumping up and down.

"Bella! Bella! Bella! I'm so proud of you. I told you you'd get in!" She was holding something in her hand. I looked to see that it was my acceptance letter to NYU.

"I guess you did." I tried to say happily. Too bad my mind was preoccupied with the letter that was burning my hand.

"Aren't you happy?" She looked beyond confused.

I nodded. "Yeah, it's great."

She looked from me to my hands that were precariously placed behind my back. "What's in your hand?" She asked me.

I tried to push the paper under the covers but she heard the crinkling of the paper. "Nothing." I lied.

She rolled her eyes. "You can't fool me."

The next thing I knew she jumped me. I mean she literally jumped me. Her small limbs wrapped around me and she was struggling to get the paper behind my back.

"Stop Alice, fine I'll show you." I gave in.

She beamed. "I knew you'd see it my way."

I rolled my eyes. "I haven't even read it yet. Close my door."

She did as she was told and then plopped on the bed next to me. I pulled the paper out from behind my back. Alice marveled at the pretty paper and then I started over.

Dear Isabella,

We would like to thank you for sending in your application for our scholar's program. We are enthused to tell you that you have been accepted to Stanford University in our young writer's program. This will entitle you to a full scholarship to Stanford University.

My mouth dropped open. A full scholarship? "Wow." I mouthed.

"Wow." Alice repeated me.

I continued with the letter.

Your scholarship includes your four years of school. You will stay in the scholar's dorm and room and board will be paid for every year if you choose to stay in the dorms. The only fees you will have to pay are your book fees. Congratulations and we hope to see you this fall.

Stanford University

"Wow." Was the only word I could form.

"Jeez Bella, this is huge." Alice said in awe.

I nodded. "Tell me about it."

She looked at me. "What are you going to tell Edward? You are going aren't you?"

I looked at her and then back at the paper. "I don't know yet. I need to think about it."

She shook her head. "Bella, you can't give up this big of a chance. This is what you've always dreamed of. People are going to pay your way through college so you can achieve your dream at becoming a writer. You can't turn that down."

"I just need time to think, okay?" I snapped at her and then felt guilty. "Sorry, it's just a lot to take in."

She smiled and gave me a quick hug. "Just consider it, okay?"

I nodded. "Sure, thanks Alice."

Alice got up and danced over to the door. "I won't say anything to Edward." She paused. "But you should. Oh, and your appointment is in ten minutes. I rescheduled it."

I gave her a quick thank you and got up to hide both my letters. I didn't want Edward to see either one of them. It would be easier for me if he didn't jump to conclusions. We had already tried the long distance relationship and it didn't work too well. I was scared, for me, for us.

I hid my letters in my bookcase and decided that I had better get ready to leave. There was a knock on the door.

"Come in." I said a little exasperated.

The door opened and I saw Edward in all his glory. He quickly crossed the room and pulled me into his arms. "Are you okay love?" He held me close and I breathed in his scent. My muscles started to relax and I sunk into his warmth.

"I am now." I whispered.

He chuckled softly and I stood on my tiptoes to give him a quick kiss. He pulled back and examined my face. "Are you sure? Do you want to talk about it?"

I shrugged. "I'm fine. You better start packing though. Alice is going to want us on the plane early tomorrow morning."

He groaned. "I suppose so. How did she talk us into this?"

I laid my head on his chest. "She's Alice."

He kissed my forehead and wrapped his arms around me. "Very well. Where are you going?" He asked.

Possibly Stanford. I wanted to say. But I didn't want Edward to carry my burden. The thought of leaving him tore me to pieces. "The hair salon."

Alice burst through the door and grabbed my arm pulling me away from Edward. "Come on lover girl. Missy waits for no one."

I followed Alice with one last glance at Edward. He just snickered to himself and I couldn't help but smile. Boys will be boys. I thought over our summer plans. While Edward and I were planning our school year, maybe for nothing, Alice was planning our summer.

This summer happened to include me, Edward, Alice, Em, Rose, Jasper, and Jake along with Conley, Jonathan, Rachel, Nancy, and Jordan. I was siked about meeting back up with Conley and the gang. They were awesome and I missed them.

Anyway, like I was saying. Alice and Conley devised this perfect way for all of us to "bond". We were all camp workers at a Girl Scout camp in the piedmont region of North Carolina. The camp was about thirty minutes away from Carlisle and Esme and it was all summer long.

There were four camp sessions each two weeks long. The ages ranged from second grade to twelfth grade. Alice, Rose, Conley, Rachel, Nancy, and I were all to be counselors. Emmett and Jasper were recreations leaders. Jonathan was the activity leader and Jordan was the entertainment advisor. Jake of course, was the park ranger. Edward was going to be the lifeguard, which means that I would have to chase all the hormonal middle school and high school girls away from him. Fun, right?

On top of all of this I had to choose between a full ride at Stanford or going to NYU to be with Edward. Most people would call it a no brainer. Most people would say, if you are really that in love then go to Stanford. But then again most people couldn't understand my point. Edward was my everything.

A/N: Tell me what you think. Bella has to choose between her dreams for free, and spending the next four years in close proximity Edward. Also, who sent in her application? Who wants to know about Riley?

I probably wont be able to update as frequently as I would like since I am still in the process of writing "Just a Dream". It's almost finished though!

Give me some feedback on the story! Also, ideas about what will happen at the camp are welcome!
