I do not own Naruto or Alien vs. Predator

"Goukakyuu no Jutsu" – jutsus being announced

"Brat" – demon speech

'What an idiot' – thoughts

"Dobe" – speech

Kyuubi had just been sealed in Natsuhi and was right now behind its cage.

"Seal me will you. Well since I can't get my revenge on you Yondaime I will take it out on Konoha through your daughter. But she will experience the worst of it all. Here is my mark…….and your curse" said Kyuubi laughing evilly in the end as he sent his charka containing half his DNA and half an unknown DNA into her body changing her.

"Happy early 12th birthday" said Kyuubi starting to go into a slumber for 12 half years with one last thought on his mind

'It shall start around the middle of the 12th year. THE STARTING OF MY FREEDOM'

12 years later

For 12 years Natsuhi lived a strange life. She had a mix of blonde, black, and red hair. She had blonde Kitsune ears with black tips on her head. She had tan skin that was while soft toke nothing less sharp than an extremely charka coated kunai to at least cut her. She had 3 whisker marks on each cheek and a half blonde to the half way point of her tail length and the rest black that was soft but at the tip was sharp enough to cut through Anbu armor as if it was butter. Her eyes were also unique. Were the white's in her eyes supposing to be was pitch black with her pure blue pupil in the middle and a black slit. She wears a regular black shirt with a fish net shirt underneath and black firm fitting pants with black ninja sandals and her black Konoha headband around her neck. She was 'well' develop for her age with her assets both upper and downer being not too big but not too small causing her to get the attention of a few unwanted eyes. But were never able to catch her due to her being so fast beyond her age, reflexes beyond humanly possible, can see perfectly in the dark as if it was day, and able to climb any surface without charka. Catching her was almost impossible adding her amazing stamina.

Natsuhi birthday had just pass a month ago and for some reasons her stomach was moving around once every week as if there was something inside but she ignored it for the most part since it didn't bother her much. Today she was heading to the academy for team assignments. She passed her exam but Mizuki tricked her into stealing the scroll of sealing for extra credit. She ended up learning about her burden, beating up Mizuki, saving Iruka, learning 9 jutsu, and copied the instructions of learning another one. She was sitting in the back of the class when Iruka came and started to give out team assignments.

"Ok class settle down. Today we are going to put you into teams. Now team 1……..Team 7 is Uzumaki Natsuhi, Uchiha Sasuke, and Haruno Sakura"

"I'm with the Uchiha and his fan girl. Ooo man this is a bad day already" mumbled Natsuhi

"A fan girl and a fox girl" muttered Sasuke

"What! Why does me and Sasuke-kun have to be with that fox!" roared Sakura

"Well you should be happy no honored to have Natsuhi on your team" said Iruka confusing everyone even Natsuhi herself

"What do you mean" asked Ino

"Well while you have brains Sakura and may be the smartest female in the class-" started Iruka making Sakura feel all proud of herself.

"You are barely average in all the other things like stamina, taijutsu, trapping, and more" said Iruka putting Sakura hopes down while others smirked at her.

"Now Natsuhi may only be average in her studies she more than makes up for her 'and' you're your faults by her other areas. Her taijutsu is the best of the females as well as her ninjutsu. Her trap making skills can be good as some Anbu. Now for her stealth, stamina, and speed is remarkable. She was able to escape platoons of Anbu and even the Hokage once. So as you can see she earn her keep in this team so make sure you earn yours by improving your other areas" said Iruka shocking the gennin that she was capable of this.

"So now back to the other teams. Team 8 is Hyuuga Hinata, AburameShino, and Inuzuka Kiba. Team 9 is continuing from last year and last team is Team 10 which is Nara Shikamaru, Akimichi Chouji, and Yamanaka Ino. That is all and I wish the best of luck. Your Jounin instructors will be here in a little" finished Iruka walking out.

3 hours later

All the Jounin instructors took their teams and left except for Team 7. Natsuhi was sleeping in the back, Sakura was enraged destroying the desk, and Sasuke had a tick mark on his head when Kakashi arrived.

"I'm guessing you are Team 7" said Kakashi waking up Natsuhi

"Your late" roared Sakura throwing a chair at him which he duck underneath

"Sorry I got lost on the path of life"


"Well meet me on the roof" said Kakashi disappearing in cloud of smoke. Team 7 went up to the roof to see him sitting down waiting for him.

"Ok let's introduce ourselves like your likes, dislikes, hobbies, and dreams" said Kakashi as the Natsuhi, Sasuke, and Sakura sat down in that order.

"Why won't you go first sensei" said Sakura

"Well I'm Hatake Kakashi, my likes and dislikes are none of your business. I don't have a dream but I do have a hobby" said Kakashi eye smiling.

'We only learn his name' thought everyone

"Ok you go now pinky since you asked"

"I'm Haruno Sakura, my likes is (looks right), my hobbies is (looks right), my dream is (looks right and squeals)" said Sakura

'Poor Uchiha' thought Natsuhi

'A fan-girl great' thought Kakashi

"And your dislikes?"

"Ino-pig!" yelled Sakura

"Ok you emo"

"My name is Uchiha Sasuke, I don't' have many likes, and I have many dislikes. I have no hobbies and my dream is more of an ambition. It is to kill a certain someone" said Sasuke

'As I thought' thought Kakashi

'Cold' thought Natsuhi

"And last"

"My name is Uzumaki Natsuhi, I like to train and I dislike this village. I have no hobbies. My dream is to be free" said Natsuhi sadly

'She really hates this place. Is it that bad to make her want to escape the village. I know Hokage-sama always keeps and eye on her when he can't he has Anbu watch her but I thought it was only for her protection. Now I see it is to keep her inside the village as well' thought Kakashi

'Why does she hate the village' thought Sakura

'What does she want to escape from' thought Sasuke

"Well now that, that is settle meet me at training ground 7 for your gennin exam at 7. It is a test to see if you will truly become gennin. There is a sixty percent chance of passing and I suggest you not to eat. You might puke. Ja!" said Kakashi disappearing in a smoke again. Natsuhi left as soon as Kakashi left getting ready for tomorrow.

The Next Day

Natsuhi was ready and heading across the rooftops. She had on her back crossing each other were 2 green windmill shuriken. On her lower back lay a strange black cylinder that was the same size from the starting of her risk to her elbow which were around 9 inches possibly a little less. She had a kunai pouch on her right side of her leg and a special pouch on her left that was shaped like her box kunai pouch but held shuriken, a scroll, ninja wire, etc. She came to the training area to see that she was that she was the first to arrive. She decided to sit down against the tree and started to wait for her team and sensei until on actually showed up. It was Sakura. She stood a little bit away from her.

'Since she is on my team I might as well get use to her and be on at least neutral grounds with her' thought Natsuhi

"Haruno" spoke up Natsuhi alerting Sakura

"Yes what is it?"

"Since we are on the same team I think we should get along for now. Don't worry I'm not going to steal your precious Uchiha. I won't even bother or come between you two. Just let's have a temporary truce with each other deal" asked Natsuhi leaving Sakura to think for a little before she answered.

"Why is it temporary?"

"Because as soon as I become a chuunin I am going for Hunter-nin or ANBU. I won't be a part of the team any longer"


"Ok deal" said Sakura

'She won't interfere with me and my Sasuke-kun so I guess it's fine' thought Sakura

"Good" said Natsuhi as she closed her eyes slowly falling asleep as she wrapped her tail over her body.

5 minutes later Sasuke appeared to the scene of Sakura sitting down waiting and across from her was Natsuhi laying down asleep against the tree peacefully. As soon as Sakura notice him she got up and walked over to him.

"Sasuke-kun would you like to-"

"No" said Sasuke cutting her off as he leaned against the tree Natsuhi was on when a smell enter his nose.

'Strawberries. She smells like my favorite treat. Hmmm' thought Sasuke

3 hours later

"Yo" said Kakashi entering the clearing waking up Natsuhi

"YOU'RE LATE" yelled Sakura

"Sorry it's just that there was an old lady trying to cross the street and I had just to-"

"LIAR!" yelled Sakura

"Ok, ok now come here you three" said Kakashi heading to the 3 logs in the clearing and putting an alarm clock on one and took out 3 bento boxes outing them next to them alarm. He pulled out 2 bells and held it out in front of him.

"Ok you have until the bell rings which is at 12 to get a bell. You must get a bell from me or you won't get lunch and will be tied to a log. Also the person who doesn't get a bell gets sent back to the academy. Come at me with the intent to kill or you will never get the bells" said Kakashi as the three gennin got into their stances.

"Ok ready begin!" said Kakashi as all three jump into the forest.