Author's Note: Alright so originally this was going to be a one shot but I changed my mindd. It's the one year anniversary of the end of the war (and Voldemort's downfall) but can Harry gather the courage to do what he's been wanting do for almost a year?

Disclaimer: It kills me to say it but I do not own Harry Potter or any of the characters from Harry Potter. JK Rowling does. And I worship her for it.

It It was a new experience for him. He didn't know how to feel. One year. One year to this day he had defeated Voldemort. One year to this day he had died and come back to life.

Harry was sitting with his legs curled under himself on a large old arm chair in the living room of the Burrow, before a crackling fire. Ginny had taken this oppurtunity to lie half her body on top of his, her face buried in his chest. Harry knew she was silently crying. Ginny always hid her face behind her thick red hair when she was crying.

Harry completely understood, today was the anniversary of the day her brother died. So Harry just sat there in complete silence, and held her.

Eventually Ginny stirred. She looked up, her eyes filled with tears, at Harry, who was gaxing fixedly at her.

"I love you, Harry," she whispered sincerely. Harry smiled,

"I love you too, Ginny"

"No, I'm serious," she spit out, "I love you with all my heart. More than you will ever know. I always have," she looked away, embarassed by the words coming out of her mouth.

"You know," Harry started, "ever since I first saw you, at King's Cross Station, I thought you were the most beautiful girl I'd ever seen. And I was right. But from that day on you were just Ron's sister. My best friend's sister," Ginny looked genuinely hurt but Harry went on, "And since I never really got to know you- us being in different years and hanging out with different crowds- I never really thought about you like this," He gestured to them cuddling, "until my sixth year, when it really hit me hard. To see you work your magic on your broom during Quidditch practice and walking back to the common room with you...and then to see you with Dean..." Harry's voice trailed off, "But what I'm trying to say, Ginny," he looked back into her piercing eyes, "is that I think I've always been in love with you, too, I just didn't know it until I would let myself feel the way I felt. Actually, I didn't know what I was feeling for you...but when you were mine...all mine...I was the happiest I'd ever been-" he was rambling now and Ginny shut him up by kissing him. Ron walked in right as she did this, and Harry pulled away, got up quickly, and ran to Ron. Ginny sat on the chair frowning, she had forgotten what it was like to not have Harry by her side- especially when she was upset.

But Harry had made it over to Ron and whispered in his ear, "Do you think now is a good time?" Harry looked uncomfortably nervous. Ron was staring at his sister but whispered back,

"As much as it pains me to let her go, I think now is as good a time as any, and I'm glad its you," he said honestly. Harry nodded at these words and took a deep breath. He looked over at Ginny, fingering something in his pocter, and walked over to her. When he was right in front of her, he immediately dropped to one knee, before he had the chance to change his mind.

"" he fumbled around his pocket and pulled out a small red box. He held it up in front of him and finally looked up at her. She looked stunned, shocked, speechless...

"" he said steadily, "Ginny will you marry me?" he said quickly and waited blankly for her response. Ginny stared amazed at him and nodded furiously, with her lips pursed.

"Of course, Harry!" she shrieked and tackled him to the ground. Ron smiled, but looked disguested at the same time, and took this as his cue to leave and announce the news to the rest of the family.

Ginny was now laying on top of Harry. Harry was so excited he didn't care how odd they looked, he just kissed her. He pulled her up, hugged her with all his might, and whispered softly into the ear, "I've been dreaming of this day..." before he was separated from his new fiancee by the masses of Weasleys throwing hugs of congratulations.