
Bellatrix smirked to herself as she watched her sister struggle against her bindings while glaring at Bellatrix with the utmost loathsome expression.

"Awww whats wrong Cissy." Bellatrix purred mockingly.

"Bella why are you doing this release me please Bella I'm you're sister." Narcissa begged.

"Come now Cissy you should really save that begging for my master" Bellatrix raked her eyes up and down Narcissa's body "I'm sure he'll appreciate it." She said with a smirk.

"Your master, Bellatrix Black Lestrange what are you talking about?" Narcissa whispered in terror her eyes filled with fear. "Why has the Dark Lord ordered this."

Bellatrix cackled hysterically causing Narcissa to look at her in confusion before she tried to calm herself and chocked out a response.

"Cissy, cissy, cissy" she giggled "you think the Dark Lord ordered this oh no no no I don't serve him any more I found a new master a much more powerful master, one who can even withstand the killing curse." she said with a smirk.

Narcissa stared at Bellatrix in horror "Bella no tell me you haven't joined that Half-Blood" Narcissa hissed.

"He isn't a half-blood Cissy he is a testament to what the pure-bloods could become without all the riff-raff holding us back don't you see Cissy he is the next stage of the pure-blood in a world where muggle blood is non-existent." Bellatrix whispered in awe a vacant look in her eyes as if imagining her dream world.

Narcissa burst out laughing before saying.

"You can't be serious Bella that half-blood isn't the next stage of pure-blood he is nothing but a filthy half-blood, now stop acting so ridiculous and untie me before are true master finds out what you nearly did and as a bonus we can hand him over to the Dark Lord" she gave a breathless laugh before continuing "and then we will be honoured above all other Death Eaters Bella please see some sense."

Bellatrix strode forward and slapped Narcissa across the face, Narcissa jerked back with a hiss of pain and an angry red mark had already begun appearing.

"If you truly think that then you can say that to his face, I've already sent a letter to him he should be here any minute now." Bellatrix said smirking at the terrified look that had appeared across Narcissa's face.

Jor-EN was not happy he wasn't happy at all for one thing he was still stuck in England when he should have already found Kara-EL and Kal-EL secondly a human wizard by the name of Albus Dumbledore had interfered with his life and prevented him from carrying out his mission to protect Kara and Kal-EL. The reason he was being stopped from finding them was that Dumbledore had knowledge of Kryptonians' and might have weapons that would work against them and he couldn't risk exposing Kara or Kal-EL to him . It was bad enough that Dumbledore not only knew about him but had made him powerless for 15 years and tried to mould him into being a mindless foot soldier to defeat Voldemort for him, which would probably be the fate for Kara and Kal-EL if Dumbledore found them. No he had to find out if Dumbledore had anything that could hurt Kryptonians besides the blue meteor rock an destroy them as well as kill Dumbledore and anyone who he may have informed of Kryptonian weaknesses. Even with all of these problems it still wasn't the end as he also had to worry about Dumbledore's spies and the increasingly annoying Molly Weasley he already had an idea of what to do with her but wasn't sure he could get away with it, if Dumbledore discovered he was himself after 15 years of enslavement he would try to subdue him and wipe his memory and start all over again.

Jor-EN shuddered he definitely never wanted to go back to being Harry Potter the mere thought made him want to commit suicide. But no he would have to stick this out he had to keep Kara and Kal-EL safe at all costs and he couldn't even attempt to seek them out until he had neutralised Dumbledore and any other threat. First though he had to find Narcissa she was the easiest problems to solve at the moment.

With that Jor-EN stood up and made his way out of the dinning room to make his way to Knockturn Alley. But was stopped by Molly Weasley.

"Harry dear where are you going you're not allowed out of the house so you'll have to help us clean." she said handing him a bucket of water and a brush. "there you are dear you can clean the floor." she said as if it was some fantastic surreal privilege.

Jor-En looked at her with a raised eyebrow before saying "Yeahhh I have other things to do so I'm gonna pass." he said walking past a dumbfound Molly Weasley.

It took until Jor-EN was almost at the front door before Molly came to her senses and strode towards him yelling.

"Don't you disrespect me like that young man how dare you, you know you have been acting very strangely first that incident at breakfast embarrassing me and..." But she was cut off by Jor-EN.

"Is that Buckbeak in the dinning room?" he said pointing towards the dinning room.

"WHAT." she shrieked turning around.

Jor-EN smirked before tapping her with super strength on the back of her head knocking her head. He laughed and walked out into the streets before disappearing in the blink of an eye super speeding towards Knockturn Alley.

15 minutes later

Jor-EN stared at the front door of the Unicorn Blood Inn and stared at it in disgust the door was made of rotting wood barely handing on to the door frame and frankly if he wasn't immune to all Earth diseases he would be afraid of catching something just by touching the door knob. With a sigh he kicked the door open and walked inside.

It was equally as disgusting inside the Inn, the tables and chairs looked lice infected, the people inside consisted of hags and things he didn't even know how to describe and if he wasn't very much mistaken it looked like the walls where covered in some sort of slime. Wrinkling his nose in disgust he headed towards the stair case and towards Bellatrix's room. Once he reached it he knocked on the door and not a second later Bellatrix's eager face appeared at the door.

"Master." she squealed in excitement and pulled him inside. "Look master I caught her just like I said I would." she exclaimed proudly.

"Yes I see that my little slave." he said petting her ass as he walked by her.

He walked over to Narcissa who was sat on the edge of the bed her arms tied behind her back and the legs tied together. He smirked at her and grabbed her chin.

"Did she inform anyone before you caught her?" he asked Bellatrix.

"No master she went straight home and only the house elfs where in and I've already taken care of them." Bellatrix said happily.

"Good slave now I need you to do something else for me." he said

"Yes master anything." she said eagerly.

"Albus Dumbledore has in his possession the ship that I came here in 15 years ago I need you to find out where he put it."

Bellatrix paused for a moment before answering "Yes master I'll do my best."

"I understand this task will be difficult and you will need to interrogate people most likely Order members I don't care which order members you torture or kill except for one you are not to kill or even harm Nymphadora Tonks should she be in trouble you are to assist her to the best of your abilities is that understood." Jor-EN asked.

"Yes master." Bellatrix said slightly confused and rather jelous.

"Good now you may leave."

"Yes master." she said kneeling and kissing his feet before leaving.

Jor-EN chuckled then turned back to Narcissa.

"Please" she begged "I can help you just name your price I can pay anything.."

"You think I need money." he said laughing.

"Well then I can help you in other ways..." But once again she was cut off.

"You think I need your help" he said laughing "Your an arrogant inbred weak bitch tell me how you in anyway could help me."

She was silent, terrified out of her mind as he advanced on her.

"P p please." she begged again. "You took on Bellatrix."

"Yes but Bellatrix amuses me you well you just annoy me." He said with a laugh.

"Please... I'll do anything just please..."

"Shhhh" he chuckled mockingly before wrapping his hand around her throat and began squeezing. A few minute later Narcissa lay dead on the bed, Jor-EN looked at her with a smirk super speeding out of the room.

(Sorry it took so long and I know this chapters a little shit. Also based on one of my reviews I realised that it really is more in the nature of a Kryptonian to just kill someone instead of taking on slaves. Please review.)