Disclaimer: So I saw the Twilight movie (finally) and well frankly it was really good but the vampires are so ungraceful!! They're supposed to be really quiet when they jump, but whenever Emmett and Edward jump it's like BAM! So I went to Stephanie and asked her about it and she said 'you see the actors aren't actually vampires" so I was like oh! And I said "okay, so if I can't own you're twilight characters (*cough* Edward*cough*) can I at least own Robert Patinson?" and she laughed at me and said hell no! He's mine… and I screamed…..I was unhappy

James: How about now-

Me: NO!!...Bella?

Bella: …*sigh* fine…*holds out arm*


"Be-be!" Colton exclaimed. I smiled and waved. He waved back not moving from his spot. I sigh and shake my head, walking away.

So was it true? Am I really getting married to Colton? No. I could laugh at the concept, in fact Molly was sending me sarcastic remarks through telepathy, her power. Why? You may ask…because Colton is a werewolf. Yes a werewolf! He imprinted on my in Europe, he was with a weird pack that didn't know that vampire's existed. He started to follow us and I sent him away, then the media started asking I had ever had a boyfriend, and I called him back saying he was my boyfriend.

So why is it funny that I'm saying that I'm marrying him? Because he was only thirteen… we had met him when he was nine… though he looked about twenty, which was the age I was going for, even though that's two years off. I loved Colton, but more as a son, or maybe even a little brother, but fiancé?

I laughed out loud. I felt Molly go into my head and she started to laugh as well. "What?" Krista asked as the next band started to play.

"B is marrying Colton," Luke said, catching on quickly.

Soon enough everyone was laughing. Then there was a knock on the door and Molly growled.

Cullens! She screamed in everyone's head, even the people outside the door. Everyone growled, except me. I froze.

"Be-be? Everything alright in there?"

"Yeah, Joey everything's fine, you need us?"

"You have visitors, they have backstage passes, can I let them in?" I was about to say no when Molly answered for me.

She ran to the door and flung it open at vampire-speed, no need to worry Joey was a vampire too.

"No they cannot come in! They are the Cullens! The filthy blood-suckers that left Be-be in this pathetic town, I swear I'll tear you bit-"

"Malls!" I hollered…screeched…half sobbed.

She continued to glare at the six vampires… they all stared back at her with guilty looks, except Edward, his eyes were on me. I quickly looked away; the one Cullen I want to hug wasn't there.

"Molly, dear, get away from the door…" Krista said cautiously, still giving the Cullens her famous death glare.

"Where's Alice?" I asked abruptly.

Luke, Jeff, Krista and Molly, all gave me a funny look. I took a step closer and Esme squeaked…what's wrong with her?

She's about to explode…Molly snickered.

I half-smiled and opened my arms. Immediately Esme had me in a vice-like grip sobbing tearlessly, she stroked my face.

"Oh Bella…"

"Bella?" my coven all said in unison.

I shrugged. "Actually Esme…it's Be-be now…" she smiled and nodded.

"Yo; B!" I heard Colton's voice sound from the door. I looked up to see the five remaining Cullens looking at the werewolf with scrunched up noses, and looks of disgust.

"Hey Colton, sorry I didn't come see you after the show, I was going to change…but…I got… distracted."

He shrugged and came into the room, ignoring the Cullens. "It's no prob…really, so are we like going to the after party?" He smiled. I let go of Esme and walked over to him.

"Think you could pass for twenty-one?" Molly teases raising an eyebrow. Jeff and Luke snicker as molly continues to smirk. Krista slaps both Jeff and Luke.

"B you told them how old I am…that is so uncool!" He whined in a baby-ish voice... incase you were wondering, no he had not hit puberty yet.

"Molly can read your mind Cole, it's not my fault."

"Yeah but I hate feeling like kid!" He whined again.

I rolled my eyes. "Oh Colton, you're not a kid! You turned thirteen, you're officially a teenager."…who else?

"Molly will you stop it?"

"Stop what? Stop teasing your fiancé?" She smiled mischievously…so me and Molly weren't that close…she actually reminded me of Rosalie…so what?

"Yeah nice call on the by the way, now nobody will suspect a thing when we leave him in Europe!" Jeff was… temperamental…

"You're leaving me at home!"

"Cole, you have to go back to your mom." He cut me off by his arms slinging around my wait. I sighed deeply.

"I can't leave you! I love you Isabella!" he sobbed….great he was crying.

"Help me." I mouthed to Molly.

"Do I want to know?" Suddenly Alice appeared and I screamed ripping the teenager off me.



We hugged still shrieking. "Wow…mood swings much? B, do you love or hate the Cullens?" Molly asked with a confused.

"I love them! Well…" I glanced at Edward, then back to Molly, "most of them."

"Bella you look hot!" Alice said abruptly looking me over.

I snorted. "I looked like a slut, I have to get this crap off my face and change before we go to the club, and by the way…It's Be-be…or just one B."

She frowned…"I knew you would say that, though I hoped you wouldn't."


"Because that's just the beginning of the changes that I am not going to like…" She trailed off moving toward Jasper.

I looked at the sobbing werewolf. "Joey makes sure he gets home safe okay?" Joe nodded and I went into the change room.

I came out with no make-up on but the Cullen's all gasped, and Rose covered Emett's eyes when he whistled. My coven look at me and then back at the Cullens.

"What's wrong?" Jeff asked Carlisle.

"We're just used to Bella Swan, still warming up to Be-be Swan." He says not looking at me.

I smirk and look in the mirror…I was wear a blue plaid mini skirt that barely passed my but, and a white off-the-shoulder shrug…with no shirt underneath… in fact with nothing underneath. I also wore white stockings with those clippie things to clip in to my underwear to keep them up. (pic on profile) Oh yeah, I was hot.

"B?" I looked at Colton and smile sadly. He had his bags. I guys I will miss him a little.

"You're leaving now?" He nods.

I give him a quick hug and a kiss on the cheek before sending him off. "Bye sweetie." He smiles and turns to everyone else.

They all nod and he walks off. "Good, finally I hate dragging him around." Molly says smugly.

I sigh and look back at the Cullens….I'm surprised that I'm not scared or something, it just seems so normal to be around them, like they're not the Cullens at all, but just some other coven… had I changed that much?

I looked at Edward, who was still looking at me, I felt something snap in my chest and realized that the hole was coming back, the hole that I thought went away when I became Be-be, but it was there, stronger than ever.

Are you okay? Molly sent me a worried glance.

"Yeah Malls I'm fine, let's go."

As we walked past the Cullens I turned around to face them. "It was good seeing you again, come visit me whenever." They all murmured, and then Molly growled menacingly at Edward….great she knows which one Edward is.

"Would you like to join us?" Krista asked Esme suddenly.

I glanced at her and Esme smiled, so did Krista. It was then I realized they looked almost exactly alike. Both had brown hair, beautiful (obviously) pale skin (even more obviously) and they both wore that motherly expression that could make anyone feel better. But there was one tiny difference…

"I don't know…want do you think Carlisle?" She looked at her husband.

"I don't thi-"

"We'd love to come!" Alice said racing to my side.

"Alice…if you come you might….end up hating me." I looked down-hiding my eyes. It was true… they would hate me… let's just say I was different.

"Bella why are your eyes brown?" Edward spoke. I look up at him and almost gasp, I forgot how beautiful his voice was. Immediately, I placed a hand on my chest retracting a sob, the hole opened wider.

"She's a shape-shifter," Luke explained, placing a hand on my back.

"And don't talk to her!" Molly snapped, Luke added a growl to emphasize the warning.

Alice, ignoring all of this, smiled and hugged me again. "Bella, of course we won't hate you." She kissed my cheek and then I sighed, feeling slightly better being in my best-friend's arms.

"Yes you will." I whispered.

She let go and looked me in the eyes. "Why would we hate you?" She asked cautiously, before gasping and taking a step back shaking her head.

"No!" Edward growled and looked in the eyes of my coven…

"What?" Molly demanded.

"Malls, they drink animal blood…" Luke said.

Just then all the Cullen's gasped. "Bella!" Rosalie hissed. "I knew you were a traitor…human blood, you're disgusting."

I looked up at her angrily…greet I don't like it when I'm angry, it kind of causes my shape-shifting power to falter…my eyes became their real color…red.


A/N: OOOOOOHHHH Bella's not a vegetarian!!! OMG!! Sorry for not updating I've been reading stories on this one site it's exactly like fanfiction, it was done by the same people/person, but it's not fanfiction it's REAL stories like the person's plot, it's (don't copy and paste I put spaces so this STAYS on the website):



. -- (period)


