Ch 6: Surprise

Again I am sorry for the late update. I have been taking a bit of time off from writing. I almost discontinued this story because life caught up with me. However, because I do not want to disappoint the fans, I will try to continue this story. Thanks for reading!!!!

I do not own Hana Yori Dango or any of the commercial names mentioned in this story.

" I still don't know why you need my help Nishikado-san. I am sure you do not need my help picking a gift for a girl, unless you are losing your touch"? Yuki blushed as she stood next to Soujiro on the sidewalk in the Ginza district. She was still uncomfortable to be talking with Soujiro about his lifestyle.

Although, she was in a relationship with Ichiro, she still felt slightly jealous thinking about the gifts that Soujiro bought for other girls. She had liked Soujiro for way to long and it was difficult to put her crush behind her. Yuki buried these feelings deep in her heart and put on a smiling face.

"Ahh, you know me too well Yuki-chan, but we both know that Makino is no ordinary girl. Besides, you know what she would like best. Come on don't spoil my day by backing out on me." Soujiro raised his brows in surprise. The only time he could remember Yuki being sarcastic towards him was when he first met Yuki and that is when she disliked him. He was not use to this feisty side of Yuki. Soujiro was surprised with himself that he found this side of Yuki kind of attractive. Shaking his head as to clear his thoughts. He grabbed Yuki's hand and started to walk towards the nearest shop.

It felt like a shock of electricity went through her as he grasped her hand and pulled her along. Yuki tried to pull her hand away from his grip; she wanted to resist the effect Soujiro still had on her.

"Come on Yuki-chan. I need your help with Makino's gift and I need to find a suit for a meeting. Besides I would not bring you along unless I thought you had flawless taste." Soujiro needed to distract himself from his thoughts about Yuki, and the best way was to start shopping. Anything to keep his mind away from thinking his friend was hot. Soujiro turned towards Yuki and gave her his devastating smile.

"But do you have any idea what Tsukushi-chan might want? She is married to Domyouji after all." Yuki glared at Soujiro. The devil had to be in that smile. He certainly knew how to wield his smile to get what he wanted. He also could sweet-talk any girl into doing anything for him. She resented herself for giving in so easily. But what girl could resist Soujiro and his smooth talking?

" That is why I have you, Yuki-chan. Besides I have a general idea of what she might like. I think we should start with Tiffany's." Soujiro pulled Yuki into the nearby Tiffany's store.

Yuki had never even dared to enter a Tiffany's store. She was afraid that just by looking at the items she would want the expensive items she could not afford. Suddenly, she was very much aware of the differences that she had with Tsukushi and the F4. Tsukushi now lived in the F4's world, a different world that she could not imagine. As Yuki walked along the isles of jewelry, she carefully looked over the items of jewelry, trying not to be impressed by the expensive items.

Soujiro was amazed about how Yuki was not in awe of the jewelry before her. Most girls he brought to expensive jewelry stores would be greedily eyeing the most expensive piece of jewelry and begging him to buy it for him; which being a gentleman, he naturally obliged. Yet, Yuki seem unfazed by the magnificent pieces before her and seemed to weigh out the different choices. Yuki was like no girl he had known before. She was still was a mystery to him, like a puzzle he could not solve. He had yet to figure her out.

Her pause in front of an item and shaking of his sleeve pulled him from his thoughts. As he looked at the piece of jewelry through the glass, he saw what impeccable choice she made. It was a grey colored stone shaped into a crescent moon on a thin silver chain.

"I think Tsukushi-chan would like this necklace the best. It fits perfectly with the star necklace that Domyouji got her. I think he has actually continued to get her a lot of things related to the constellations as well. What do you think"?

"I think it is a excellent choice. Hopefully Tsusaka will not be too offended that I thought about giving Tsukushi the moon first." Soujiro gave Yuki a wink.

Yuki giggled at Soujiro's horrible pun. Partially in the fact that, Domyouji would be upset that he did not think of it first and partially because if he could he would give Tsukushi the moon. There was no stopping him from pleasing his weed.

"Now, Yuki-chan, you must try it on so we can see if is nice enough for Tsukushi." Soujiro motioned to the nearby female sales attendant to take out the necklace from the glass display.

"I don't think that is such a good idea. I am afraid I might break it just by touching it. "

"That is why you have me to put it on for you. " Soujiro gave Yuki a teasing smile and picked up the necklace.

As Soujiro put the necklace around her neck, Yuki could not help but feel she was venturing on dangerous territory. She knew full well the physical attraction she still felt for Soujiro, as was shown by the electric shock she felt when Soujiro grabbed her hand earlier. She could feel the anxiety within her as Soujiro looked at the necklace on her neck.

Soujjiro could not help but see how perfect the necklace seemed to fit Yuki. The dark gray stone glimmered brilliantly against Yuki's flawless, ivory neck. The necklace seemed to draw him to look elsewhere further down, but before he even reacted to that instinct the sales attendant voice pierced his thoughts.

"The necklace looks gorgeous on your girlfriend. What do you think"?

"Umm… We are not together." Yuki spoke abruptly. She did not want to feel awkward anymore around Soujiro. This hold he had on her had to end.

" So are you getting the necklace or not Nishikado-san? I really have to get going and if you want me to help you find a suit we better get going." Yuki quickly undid the clasp of the necklace and placed it back on the counter.

Soujiro felt as if someone splashed cold water into his face. What made Yuki speak so coldly to him? She had not talked to him that way since they had first met. He tried to smile seductively at Yuki to make her in a better disposition, but for the first time his smile was not working on Yuki. Unfazed, Soujiro signaled to the sales attendant to ring up the piece of jewelry.

As they left the store, Yuki felt terrible about being rude to Soujiro. Although, she felt agitated in Soujiro's presence, it was not entirely Soujiro's fault. To ease the tension, she grabbed Soujiro's hand and pulled him to the nearest designer store.

"Hey, I thought you said you did not have any time to help me pick out a suit?" Soujjiro arched his eyebrow. He was mystified by Yuki's quick change in attitude towards him. First she was angry with him, now she was smiling at him with her girlish grin. He would never understand this girl.

"I did not say I did not have time to help you pick out a suit, I just said you had to hurry up." Yuki gave Soujiro an impish grin and started searching for the most fashionable suit.

"If you are in such a rush, why don't we just pick this suit"? Soujiro picked up the nearest suit next to him.

" Well, that suit is not as fashionable as this one and to tell you the truth it is sort of ugly."

" You're so right Yuki-chan, but when did you become so fashionable"? Yuki was right. The suit he pulled out was not as fashionable as the one Yuki picked out. Yet, he wondered how Yuki became s knowledgeable about fashion. It was not that Yuki dressed unfashionable, but she never expressed an interest in fashion.

"I read it in a magazine or something. You should try it on though just to check if it fits" To tell the truth Yuki had seen the suit she was holding up at the fashion shoot she did with Ichiro. Yet, Soujiro did not need to know about that one time occurrence.

Besides she did not want to tell Soujiro about her relationship with Ichiro. She had only told Tsukushi about her new relationship, but no one else because she had promised Ichiro to not spread the information about them dating. If word got out she would have to live with the paparazzi invading her privacy.

Soujiro gave Yuki a smile and went to the dressing room to go try on his suit. As Yuki was waiting for Soujiro to finish trying on the suit a sale attendant hurried over to Yuki.

"Ma'am, the dress you tried on last time you were here is ready. You know, with that really good-looking model. Would you like to try it on?"

"No, not right now. But I will come pick it up tomorrow." Yuki recalled going to this exact designer store last week with Ichiro and he had insisted she try on this designer dress and buying it for her. Of course Yuki felt uncomfortable wearing designer clothing and Ichiro buying her expensive items, but Ichiro insisted that she should wear the best clothing because she was his girl. She smiled as she recalled how lucky she was to have a boyfriend who accepted her for who she was.

"So what do you think Yuki-chan?" Soujiro's voice startled Yuki from her thoughts on Ichiro. She turned to look at Soujiro and could not help, but feel her heart flutter a bit. Did the guy look bad in anything? Somehow Soujiro could wear anything and it fit him to the T.

Soujiro wore crisp black pants with a blue, grey, and white striped shirt. On top of that was a form fitting black jacket. Of course he had to leave the top part of his shirt undone to give a tantalizing glimpse of his collarbones. All the women hushed in the store could not help but drop their jaws in his presence.

Soujiro winked at some of the cute sales attendants in the corner giggling at him. He knew he could wear any suit well. If he was lucky he might even get a number or two out of this shopping experience.

"I don't have any complaints, and I think the rest of the female sales attendants would agree with me." Yuki gave a knowing look and an impish smile. Yuki tried to act indifferent to Soujiro's appearance, but the truth is that he had a strong physical affect on her. The only way she could resist him was to play along in his little flirtatious game and try not to be bothered by his advances on other women. Besides she had someone in her life now.

Soujiro gave a chuckle, but in truth he was surprised by Yuki's reaction. He thought she would be peeved or sad when he flirted with the other women around him, but she seemed indifferent. He used to be the center of her world and now her mind was elsewhere. As he changed back into his everyday clothes he could not help but feel like he had lost something.

Soujiro came out of the dressing room and asked the sales attendants if they could charge it to his account and send it to the Nishikado mansion. Of course the sales attendants were begging him to call on them soon, but he no longer was in the mood for picking up girls. Anyways, this was his time with Yuki, and he did not want to waste it. Thus, he left the girls with a pleasant smile and left with Yuki.

"Hey Yuki-chan, are you sure you don't have any time for dinner? I promise to treat." Soujiro gave Yuki one of his devastating smiles in the hopes that he could spend more time with Yuki-chan. Life was boring without her and he had nothing better to do with his time.

"I have to go Nishikado-san. I promised to meet someone for a study session for the med school exams. I will make it up to you, ne"? Yuki felt slightly guilty about abandoning Soujiro, but she knew he would not be without company for long. Anyways she already made plans for the evening with Ichiro. Hopefully Soujiro would leave soon so she did not have to deal with an awkward situation when Ichiro arrived to pick her up.

However, it was too late with Ichiro pulling up next to her on his motorcycle. Yuki felt tension building in the air around her.

"Yuki-chan ready to go? We better get started soon because you only have a couple of weeks left until the big exams." Ichiro took off his helmet and revealed his perfect features. He gave Yuki a smile before turning to eye Soujiro warily.

"I thought you have a study group today Yuki-chan." Soujiro balled his hands into fists at the sight of Ichiro. What was he doing here? For some reason, Soujiro could not help, but hate Takeda Ichiro.

"Although, Ichiro-kun is in Business Grad School, he doubled majored in business and pre-med. I was hoping he could help me in studying for the med school exams." Yuki eyed the two perfect men timidly. What was with these two? They seemed to clash whenever they met.

"Yuki-chan we better get going before all the good library spots are taken up. By the way, I also made dinner reservations for later as a study break." Ichiro smiled at Yuki, but still kept his eyes on Soujiro.

"Okay, Yuki-chan, you can treat me out on a later day. I will look forward to it. Oh, before I forget here is a small gift for spending time with you." Soujiro returned Ichiro's stare while placing the Tiffany's bag in Yuki's grasp. If Ichiro was trying to make him jealous by revealing his plans with Yuki, he would definitely lose at the jealousy game. He was the one who made guys seething with jealousy.

"I can't take this. This is Tsukushi's gift." Yuki tried to return the gift to Soujiro. Why was he trying to give Tsukushi's gift to her? Why was he acting so odd?

"I already got Makino a gift, I used that excuse to spend time with you because I have not seen you in an age. Besides the necklace was meant for you before you even put it on." Soujiro gave Yuki a heartfelt smile and turned walking away. Let see if that Takeda Ichiro can beat that.

Yuki heart beat a little faster after hearing Soujiro's excuse. She should be furious at him for lying to her, but she was not. Of course Soujiro would never actually mention that he missed her, but his excuse showed Yuki that he did care at least about their friendship. As she turned back to Ichiro she hoped he was not jealous, but Ichiro's face showed no expression of jealousy.

"I am really glad to see you, Yuki-chan. I missed you this week. I am sorry we have not had time to hang out much this week, but I think it is better because I want you to ace your exams." Ichiro eyes twinkled at Yuki as he helped her put on her helmet.

"You are not jealous, Ichiro-kun? I am really sorry. I should not have accepted that gift in front of you. I am still not use to the way the F4 hand out gifts worth this much."

"Of course I am a little jealous, but not really because I trust you. I know you are good friends with the F4 and that two of them are lady-killers, but I trust you. I know you would never try to purposely hurt me. Besides, why would you still be here with me if you liked Nishikado Soujiro? Now hold on tight, my heart." Ichiro looked deeply into Yuki's eyes before helping her onto his bike.

As Yuki grasped Ichiro's waist she thought she had to be the luckiest girl in the world for having such a trusting boyfriend. Although, she still had some remaining feelings for Soujjiro, her feelings towards Soujiro were slowly turning to friendship.

As the motorcycle started to speed down the street she hoped that she could keep Soujiro as a friend while being with Ichiro. She certainly felt that Ichiro might be the love of her life, while Soujirio was just a passing crush that would turn into one of her closest friends. She giggled as she thought about what Ichiro called her, his heart.

As Soujiro slowly walked down the sidewalk he heard the girls giggling nearby.

"That was Takeda Ichiro. Oh my god, he is so beautiful. I am so jealous of that girl. Do you think they are dating"?

As Soujiro heard the motorcycle leave behind him he could not turn around and look. Although, he knew he had made Ichiro slightly jealous, it did not help. Soujiro was burning in anger and jealousy as he walked down the street. He was supposed to be the center of every girl's attention, not Takeda Ichiro.

And for the first time in his life, Soujiro became jealous of another man. He had always been the center of attention, especially when it came to women, but for some reason his charms and appearance did not seem to capture Yuki's attention. That was the whole point of this trip was so he could spend time with her. Yet, Ichiro managed to steal Yuki's attention away from him.

Soujiro kicked a can on the street with all his might as he angrily walked down the street. He would not lose his first place status in Yuki's heart to that bastard. He was Yuki's best guy friend and no one else would steal that. The war had begun and he was going to fight dirty. Soujiro whipped out his phone and dialed the newest number in his phone.

"Hey darling. Are you busy Friday night? Want to go to this new club, I promise I will treat? Also bring all your friends."

Akira's head hurt this morning. After breaking up with his latest girlfriend, he spent a night clubbing with Rui and Soujiro. Rui was quiet as usual, but Soujiro was unusually quiet. The man had not said a peep all night and seemed to pay no interest in the girls trying to flirt with him. He had hoped that spending some time with Yuki-chan might cheer Soujiro up, but instead he just settled into a world of melancholy. Soujiro just kept on taking shot after shot and goading him into trying to be drunk as well.

As Akira walked into the kitchen to get breakfast he saw Emu and Memu, his twin sisters eating their breakfast as they pored over the latest gossip magazines.

"Hey, how are my favorite girls doing"? Akira patted his twin sister's heads as he entered the kitchen.

"Horrible, absolutely horrible. It is not fair." Memu scowled as Emu continued to pore over the magazines in front of her.

"Memu, you did not actually think that Takedo Ichiro would be dating you. We are only thirteen after all. However, I have to agree with you this sucks." Emu pouted.

"What are you talking about, girls"? Akira was so stunned, that he nearly spilled the cereal he was pouring into a bowl.

"Your friend is dating Takeda Ichiro, the hottest model ever. She, probably met him on this photo shoot where they are pictured posing for Vogue. I did not know your friend was a model? Can she get us into the modeling industry"? Memu showed the Vogue cover to Akira as Emu passed the tabloid magazine over to him.

Akira could not believe it, but sure enough on the front of Vogue was Yuki in Ichiro's arms gazing into Ichiro's eyes as she looked like she was closing in for a kiss. Also, on the cover of the latest magazine was Ichiro and Yuki holding hands as Ichiro kissed the top of Yuki's head.

Oh, good god he was never going to hear the end of this once Soujiro found out. He was also probably the one who was going to feel the full brunt of Soujiro's anger. Although, Soujiro usually had an even temperament, his temper rivaled that of Tsusakas. And unfortunately, Akira was the one who ended up soothing Soujiro. He was so F###ed.

"Girls, can I borrow the magazines for a bit"?

"Sure, it is not going to help us to staring at Ichiro with another girl. However, you did not answer our question.

"Ask your mother, I got to go." Akira rushed off with the magazine thinking to himself that he would never let his sister model for every man to see; over his dead body would he let his sisters be models. But that was the least of his concerns. He quickly dialed Makino's number.

"Makino, we got a serious problem."