Disclaimer: Hikaru, July, May, Lorena, Minako are my characters. The characters from Prince of Tennis are not mine, they belong to Konomi Takeshi and Shounen Jump.


TeniPuri Epic Story

Five Elements


She kept pushing the man who held her tight as they rode off on that weird big bird. What the hell was going on!!? She was getting tired of struggling. Obviously the man that took her away was quite strong and had absolutely no intention of letting her go. She finally gave in and held onto the bird's neck as if hugging it. The man kept holding her tight around the waist but she saw a slight smile on his face when she gave in.

"Where are we going?" she said as she looked around. The landscape was a bit boring to her, all she saw were large green, yellow and pink fields and tall trees here and there.

"To our castle." the red haired man said without even turning to look at her.

"…and where's that?" she said as she sat up just holding the birds neck with her hands.

"You wouldn't know. It'd probably make no sense if I told you." he replied.

"How rude! I'm just trying to have a conversation!!" she said as she looked around at the other men riding big birds. "How long 'til we get there?"

"Sorry, sorry!"he said while he laughed. "A few hours, we'll probably get there by midnight if we maintain our current speed." He looked down at her and poked her cheek with one finger. "If you get hungry, tell me."

"I'm hungry" she said immediately after he finished talking.

"That was fast!" he said with a big smile and then called to one of the other men. "Oi! Can you give me something to eat!? The girl is hungry!"

One of the other guys got near and gave the red haired man a loaf of bread and then moved away. The man took the loaf of bread and broke it in half, gave half to Lore and began eating the other half.

"Hey! I thought it was for me!"

"I'm hungry too."

"So I have to share my bread with you!?"

"Yes, because you are a nice and generous girl!"

"I'm not. So don't decide for me. And don't eat my bread!"

"Hahaha!! If by the time you finish your piece of bread you're still hungry, we'll ask for more."


"I'm Bunta Marui. What's your name?"

"Lorena. But my friends call me Lore."

"So Lore it is!"

"People who kidnap me and then eat half my bread are not my friends!"

"Hmm! Well, I'm not your enemy. That's for sure. I guess we'll do the explaining once we get to the castle."

"You'd better!!"

At night, after reaching the castle Lorena was taken into a large bedroom and was asked to sit on the bed by a very gentle blue haired man while the rest stood around them.

"I apologize for the manner in which we took you, but we are in a hurry. I am the king of this land and owner of this castle, Seichi Yukimura. Our land has fallen into fear and chaos. Evil creatures are invading our lands from the north and they destroy every village and kill every being in their way. As a king, I cannot allow these creatures to go any further. We must vanquish them to the world from where they came from. But no matter how much we fight and how many we kill, more keep coming and in greater numbers."

"And what is it you want from me?" Lore said as she looked at Seichi's worried face.

"We need your power. You see, you are a chosen one. You were brought to this world because since before you were born a great god chose you and blessed you with his powers. And in this times of great darkness your powers will awaken and you will fight against this evil and help us bring peace to our lands."

" …Is this some kind of joke?" she said as she looked at him in disbelief.

"I'm afraid it's not. We really do need your help. We will protect you and fight with you, but we need you to fight to save our people and all the other beings in this world."

"What about my friends?"

"I do not know what will happen to them. They were taken by warriors of other kingdoms."

"So, if I help you fight this evil being with these magical powers you say I have, will you help me and my friends get back to our world?"

"Yes, must certainly."

"And how do we go about awakening those …powers…??"

"First we must find a mark on your body, then we'll perform a ceremony and…we'll let the gods tell us our way." explained a man with black hair who had his eyes closed.

"A mark? … and you are?"

"Renji Yanagi, the king's counselor and magician. I'll be performing the ceremony." he said as he bowed.

"Your majesty, please allow me to search for that mark!" said a younger man who walked towards Lore with a grin in his face.

"Thank you Akaya." said the King as he moved aside.

"Yeah! Like hell you will!! I'm not letting you touch me you perv!!!" Lore cried out as she kicked Akaya in the face and stopped him from getting any nearer.

"Ah!!" Akaya stared at Lore's right leg while he still had her foot in his face. "I found the mark!" and he pulled her pants up a little bit to reveal a tattoo on her leg.

"Well done Akaya!! Bring her clothes and prepare for the ceremony!!" ordered the tallest of the men, one with black hair. "Seichi, will have everything ready in no time, please take a rest from the long journey.

"Thank you Genichirou. Then, I'll leave you for the moment." Seichi said in a very sweet way as he bowed slightly at Lore and then left the room accompanied by Renji, Genichirou and some others.

"You should get some rest too. Don't worry, you can eat after the ceremony." said Bunta, and left some clothes on the bed before leaving the room.

"I just want to wake up from this weird dream." sighed Lore before laying in bed and falling asleep as soon as she closed her eyes.