Disclaimer: Hikaru, July, May, Lorena, Minako are my characters. The characters from Prince of Tennis are not mine, they belong to Konomi Takeshi and Shounen Jump.


TeniPuri Epic Story

Five Elements


She kept looking out the window at the trees that moved slowly with the wind that went passed them as the sun shined into the room. She sighed. She just wanted the lesson to end to go meet with her friends. It was already Friday, the day to go out with her friends without getting scolded at home for wasting valuable time that could be used for studying. She sighed again and looked down at her watch. "Just a bit more", she thought as she looked up at the teacher who kept reading out loud from her book not making much sense to anybody but herself. What was the lesson again? Oh, yes! History of the English language and culture, wasn't it? She actually liked it, but the teacher didn't come and the substitute probably had no idea what the subject was about. She looked down at the letters printed in the book. She wasn't reading at all so the words were more like black markings printed on a piece of paper and the teacher's words were completely meaningless to her. Sounds that got lost in the wind. Just a few minutes more for the bell to ring and she could go free, free from this woman's torture.

As the bell rang all the students began packing their things even before the teacher said they were dismissed. Hikaru stuffed her books inside her bag, grabbed her things and ran out the classroom. Free at last! She had her bag packed with stuff for the camping trip. She was to meet her friends at the usual meeting place, and from there they would head out for one of their small Friday adventures. It was more like their way of escaping from all the stuff that stressed them, from nagging parents and annoying siblings, and school duties. A few hours of freedom, good laughs and random chats. It was all good fun.