The ramblings of a little Ichigo.
Operator, operator, I wanna know something. Does Heaven have a phone number?
Mommy went to heaven, but I need her here today.
My tummy hurts 'cause I fell down. I need her right away!
So that she can give me a big band-aid
And a kiss to wash the pain away.
Operator can you tell me how to find my mommy in this book?
Is Heaven in the yellow part? I don't know where to look.
Or is it in the whitish part? I need your help, oh please!
Because if I don't call Mommy, then she can not help me!
I think Daddy needs her too; sometimes I hear him cry
I hear him call her name sometimes, but I really don't know why.
I miss Mommy a whole bunch too
And Daddy's not even the one who has a big boo-boo.
Maybe if I call her, she'll hurry home to me.
Is Heaven really far away? Is it across the sea?
Or is it just down the street?
So close I could walk there with my own feet?
She's been gone a long, long time. I want her home right now!
I really want to talk to her, but I really don't know how.
I'm looking through the pages now
But I can't find it! My tummy still hurts...Ow...
Help me find the number please, is it listed under "Heaven?"
I can't read all these big words, for I am only seven.
Did you know my Mommy used to help me read?
My Mommy loved me very much, anyone could see.
I'm sorry, sorry, Operator, I didn't mean to make you cry.
Is your tummy hurting too? Or is there something in your eye?
Or maybe you miss your Mommy too?
If that's right, then I'm a lot like you!
If I call my church right now maybe they will know.
Mommy said when we need help that the church is where we should go.
It's okay, Operator-san, there's no need for you to cry
I'll find my church's number and that one I will try.
Thank you! I found my church's number in this page right here
So don't cry any more; don't have any more fear.
I'll call my Mommy right now and she'll be with us tonight.
Don't cry, Operator. I'm sure we'll be alright.
Ignore incorrect grammar usage. It's child Ichigo we're talking about. After all, he's only seven.
Extension of a chain letter.