Chapter 19 The way it should be

Brenda and Dylan cleared the table and started the dishes.

"It's so quiet, I wonder why." As Brenda looked over her shoulder to the living room.

"It's nice don't you think." Dylan smiled and took the plate from Brenda's hand. He set it down and pulled her in close to him. He kissed her long and hard.

"Honey, let me finish this." Brenda said pulling away from his kiss.

"We can finish later" Dylan continued to kiss her.

"Oh my god, gross. Can't you guys just be like normal parents and not talk to each other." Emma said making a face.

Dylan pulled away from Brenda, "Don't you have homework or something to do?"

"Nope… finished. I am going out."

Dylan walked over to his 16 year old daughter. "Where are you going? It's almost 8 o'clock."

"Dad, gimme a break, I am going to Tom's, he should be here soon."

"Emma, why don't you guys just hang out here. You know I hate the fact you go over to his house all the time. His parents are always conveniently out of town." Brenda said walking closer to them.

"Mom, you let Aiden go to Jenna's all the time.

"Yeah well, we know they are staying out of trouble because David and Donna are watching, plus your brother is older than you". Brenda gave a sneaky smile.

The doorbell rang, "I'll get it, it's probably Tom."

Dylan put his arm around Brenda, "Yay its Tom."

"Shhh" Brenda said giving Dylan a kiss on the cheek and shaking her head.

Emma and Tom walked in to the kitchen, "Mom…Dad you remember Tom."

"How could we forget." Dylan nodded at Tom as Brenda elbowed him on the stomach.

"Hey Tom." Brenda said smiling.

Dylan looked Tom up and down. He had a James Dean look to him. He was wearing a white t-shirt and jeans, with black converse. He had tattoos on his arm and a piercing in his chin. As the two sat down flirting and talking at the kitchen table, Dylan kept an eye on Tom.

"There is something about that guy I don't like." Dylan whispered

Brenda looked up and looked at her daughter batting her big blues at Tom, "I think he's cute."

"Cute…. Bren, whatever." Dylan rolled his eyes

Brenda moved closer to Dylan and wrapped her arms around his neck, "He actually reminds me of you."

"Me yeah right, I never looked like that." Dylan looked Tom up and down

Brenda smiled, "Add some 90's fashion, add an ear ring, keep the white t-shirt and jeans, raise his hair about 2 inches and give him a tad bit longer sideburns and babe, it's you." Brenda kissed him on the cheek but Dylan didn't look at her.

Brenda took her hand and moved his chin to look at her. "You're acting like my father."

"Well at the time we thought your father was crazy but Bren, you and I both know, he had a point. I mean the things we were doing together. "Dylan shook his head fast picturing it. "I will kill Emma if she is doing those things with him."

"Babe she probably is."

Dylan's eyes got wide, "You think? You think they are….."

"I don't know, maybe" Brenda smiled as she looked at his face.

"Ugh I am going to go lay down."

"Mom….Dad we are going to go to Tom's."

"Your curfew is 11, don't be late." Brenda said as she started putting dishes away.

"Yep see ya." Tom and Emma grabbed hands and Dylan saw him kiss her on top of her head.

He shook his head. "So now I understand Jim Walsh."

Brenda went up and cuddled into his chest, "Aww babe it will be ok." The two walked in to the living room and sat on the couch.

Just as they were getting comfortable, the phone rang. Dylan reached over and picked it up.


"Hey Dylan, its Donna."

"Hey Don, what's happening?"

"Well…is Bren there?"

"Sure, everything ok?"

"Umm yeah….. Everything is fine."

"Ok, here she is."

Dylan handed over the phone to Brenda and shrugged.

"Hey Don, what's up?"

"Hey Bren, I wanted to talk to you, Jenna and Aiden came to us today asking if it was ok for them to go away for the weekend."

Brenda looked at Dylan, "Oh really? Where do they want to go" Dylan moved closer to try to listen in on the phone call.


Brenda laughed, "Mexico huh. Well donna, what did you tell them?"

"I told them David and I would have to talk about it but I don't know. I love Aiden, he's a nice boy but isn't that a little much letting our 18 yr old kids go away for the weekend together."

"Well it's ok with me but only if it ok with you. If you remember, I went to Baja with Dylan and I was only 17."

Donna laughed, "Yeah well you lied to Jim and Cindy"

"Hey they had originally said yes."

At this time Dylan is laughing quietly of the idea, that Aiden wants to take his girlfriend of 3 years to Mexico just like he did way back when.

"Whatever you and David decide is ok with me Donna."

"Well….thinking back to your trip, and if Aiden was the girl, would you let her go?"

"Honestly Donna, I would, I don't on the other hand think that Dylan would but…..I could change his mind. When Dylan and I went to Baja it was harmless. We danced and surfed it was a really incredible night."

"Did you guys sleep in the same bed?"

Brenda sat quiet for a moment. She didn't want to scare Donna with the truth, especially because she was well aware of the waiting till marriage speech she was giving Jenna just like her mother did to her. What Donna did not know was that Aiden talked to Dylan about Jenna and how she was waiting for marriage, he had also told his dad she gave in and had been sexually active since prom last year.

"Yes we slept in the same bed but Don, we have to trust our kids to make the right decisions. Aiden loves Jenna, I am sure he just wants to take her surfing."

"You're probably right. But Bren, did you guys….you know…do it?"

Brenda laughed, "Goodbye Donna."

"Bren? Wait"

"Did you?"

Brenda let out a sigh, "Yes Donna, we did, actually a few times."Brenda let out a giggle.

"Night Don, it will be fine, let me know what you guys decide."

"Night Bren." Donna hung up the phone

Brenda was now laughing, "Oh man Donna, has no clue."

"Who would have thought she would have been Felice reincarnated." Dylan said smiling

The thought of another Felice made Brenda cringe, "Eeek, Isn't it nice our kids can talk to us."

"Babe I am going to check on the kids and head to bed, I am so tired lately." Brenda said grabbing her book and walking in the direction of the stairs.

"I'll be up in a minute." Dylan said reading over his story draft.

Brenda headed upstairs and peaked in, the twins who were 12; Jack Jr and Katie were sound asleep. Aiden was probably at David and Donnas', Emma was at Tom's, and finally the newest of the bunch, which was a surprise, Danielle was in her crib and had just celebrated her 2nd birthday. Brenda lay down in her bed and thought about her life. It was perfect. She had the love of her life, she had 5 beautiful kids, she couldn't be happier. Dylan crawled into bed and pulled Brenda onto his arms. Brenda looked up and Dylan and smiled. She kissed him on the lips and she rolled over and sat on top of him. Dylan rubbed the top of her legs and moved his hands across her butt.

"Any regrets? Brenda sat up and looked at him deep into his eyes.

"Regrets? What do you mean?"

"You know life, regrets?"

Regrets no way, I love my life and I was thinking….." Pulling her down and kissing her. "I may want another baby." Dylan raised his eyebrows smiling

Brenda smiled, "6 kids huh" Brenda remembered the fantasy Dylan had back in high school. "We'll see."


It was Christmas Eve and Kelly was busy getting everything set up for dinner. Her and Brandon always had the gang over for Christmas. They had Christmas Eve and Brenda and Dylan had Christmas day. For the last 10 years, Brandon and Kelly were living next door to the McKay's. As soon as the house had been put up for sale Brandon put an offer on it. They had 3 children, Justin, Elizabeth and Megan. Justin was 18, Elizabeth was 16 and Megan was 12.

"Just, can you help me for a sec." Kelly yelled from the kitchen.

"Sure mom, hold on." Justin came into the kitchen and kissed his mom on the cheek. Justin was a sweet boy, very Brandon. He was Editor of the West Beverly Blaze, he was toying with the idea of heading to Berkeley in the fall with Aiden. He and Aiden were extremely close. They did everything together and since Aiden took after his father, they were glad Aiden had a cousin/best friend to be a positive influence on him.

"Thank you." Kelly smiled, "Why don't you go next door and see of your aunt and uncle need any help bringing anything over, since your aunt Brenda is about to pop."

"Ok mom"

Brandon came in just as Justin was leaving to head next door.

"Hey baby." He pulled his wife in close and gave her a passionate kiss.


"It smells so good in here, what time is everyone coming over?" Brandon said while lifting the top of the pot.

"They should be here at 5, which is in an hour and I still have to jump in the shower."

"ooo want to conserve water?"

Kelly giggled and moved closer and felt his lips under her ear. "Maybe"

"Alright I am going to head up and get ready, knowing Donna she will be here early. She is always early."

"Ok hun, I am going to run next door also and see if I can help Justin, you know Brenda already gave him a handful of things to bring over."

Kelly nodded and walked upstairs. Brandon headed out the back door and started his short walk next door. He opened the back door and saw his very pregnant sister piling different dishes into Justin's arms.

"Hey sis, let me help too."

"Hey Brandon, how's Kelly coming along?"

"Good, she is pretty much done; she just got in the shower."

Brenda nodded, "How is she always so put together and on time." Brenda looked frantic taking things out of the oven and moving of course slowly since she was big.

Brandon smiled and laughed at his sister, "Probably because you have a million kids."

Brenda looked at her brother and raised one eyebrow, "Well tell your friend he is sooo going to get snipped cause I am not having anymore. I am done."

Brandon nodded slowly, "Sure."

All boys gathered the dishes Brenda had made and took them next door.

It was 5'oclock and everyone had finally made their way over to the "new" Walsh house. As everyone gathered around the tree smiling and talking, Brenda and Kelly sat close to one another. Brenda looked at her friend and smiled.

As they scanned the room they saw Steve and Janet with their 3 kids, Maddy, Olivia and Steve Junior, yep Steve finally got his boy. Sitting next to them were Donna and David with Jenna sitting on Aiden's lap, John Jr. who was home from college. Andrea was there with Hannah, Jessie and Andrea had recently divorced and Hannah had agreed to come spend Christmas with her mom so she wasn't alone, Hannah graduated from Yale and she was offered a journalist job in New York. Jim and Cindy were there too, they had moved back to Beverly Hills 5 years ago and lived down the street from their kids and grandkids. Danielle was sitting on Jim's lap singing carols with him. Then it came back to Kelly and Brenda, Brenda was pregnant with her 6th child, and was due any day. Kelly was actually 6 weeks pregnant with her 4th baby but hadn't told anyone but Brandon.

Brandon and Dylan walked in from the kitchen and saw their ladies. The both walked over to the girls and placed their arms around them from the back. Brenda looked up and gave Dylan a kiss on the lips. Kelly looked up at Brandon and gave him a smile. It was perfect, friends and family gathering together on Christmas like they have for so many years. It was exactly The Way it Should Be.

Hope you enjoyed my first fanfic. I enjoyed writing it and always wanted to see this kind of thing happen. All the royal couples together, with kids happy and close still. I hope you enjoyed reading it. Thanks for all the reviews and sticking with me. I hope you continue to read my stories.