AN: Ta-dah!! This is it!! THE FINAL CHAPTER!! (And this time, I'm not joking ^.^) Please enjoy!!

Previous Chapter:


A missile launched on the sky all of a sudden, causing smoke to be everywhere. "What the?!" Mamori said as she coughed and coughed, until she looked at where it was from.

It was coming from the audience seat. She saw a figure holding something in the very top of the seats. As the smoke cleared little by little, the figure became all the more limpid –causing the figure to become familiar to her.

Mamori's eyes widened. "That… figure…"

"That…" The guy with the devilish smile appeared. "…would be me…"

Chapter 12: Where It All Began

"…Hiruma…?" Mamori said inwardly while looking up. The smoke faded until it was gone, and showed a lanky man with spiky blond hair and a grin sharp as ever, he was holding a missile launcher, Mamori gaped. "…It is Hiruma…"

Hiruma jumped down from the audience seat to the field, he landed just in front of Mamori, causing her to step back.

Her eyes still wide, Mamori looked at him. "…Hiruma… is that you…?" She asked.

Hiruma arched a brow. "Of course it's me… what? Fucking forgot my face or something?"

"Ah, y-yeah… I'm sorry…" Mamori bowed a few times. "…It's just that… Hiruma… you're also wearing a tuxedo…"

Hiruma glanced down at his tux, he then adjusted his necktie and gave her a grin. "Why? It looks fucking good on me?"

It did, and Hiruma's grin made him hotter, Mamori just stared at him and felt her face burn. She shook her head, wishing that she could shake off the blush.

Hiruma turned his head to Musashi, giving him a frown. "You Old Man, I told you to give her a BLACK rose!! Not those shitty common colored ones!!"

Musashi chuckled. "Hiruma, it looks like romance is really your weakness…" He smirked. "Those common colored you say ones symbolizes love. If I gave her the black one, it will loose the reason why I gave it to her, and the meaning of this plan."

Hiruma rolled his eyes. "Tch, whatever…"

"Uhm… uh…" Mamori suddenly spoke. The two guys turned their attention to her, Mamori stared at the ground. "…Well… so if Hiruma-kun did the fireworks, then… why did he do it?"

"Mamori, didn't I tell you already?" Musashi said. "He did the fireworks for you."

Mamori turned to him. "WH-WHAT?! Of COURSE NOT!!" She shouted, actually forgotten the things Musashi told her. "H-HE'LL NEVER DO THAT TO-"


Mamori stopped, for a few seconds, she turned to Hiruma. "…What…?"

Hiruma sighed. "Yes, I did those fireworks, and yes, I did it for you."

Mamori was dumbfounded, looking at his blank expression, she furrowed her brows and looked away. "…So… you're the one who ordered Sena-kun to act in front of me?"


"The sudden ambush of Juumonji, Kuroki and Toganou?"


"Suzuna-chan dressing me up while I was unconscious?"


"Yuki-kun, Monta-kun, Taki-kun escorting me here?"


"Kurita-kun and Daikichi-kun launching the fireworks?"

"Of course."

Mamori pointed a finger at him. "S-SO, THAT MEANS THAT YOU'RE THE ONE WHO PLANNED ALL OF THIS?!!"

"What happens if I fucking did?"


"Actually, I'M the one who planned this, Hiruma's the one who plans the place and settings." Musashi said, butting in to their conversation.

The two looked at him, with no expression. Musashi blinked a few times, and just when he realized it, he closed his eyes and nodded.

"…Oh… I see…" He said. "…Privacy…"

The two didn't reply, but knew their answer, Musashi turned around, and started walking.

"…Uh, well then, see you later then…" With that, Musashi walked away.

After that, the two face each other again. Mamori gave Hiruma a disapproving look. "He's the one who planned it huh? I thought that the Ex-top-ranked-Quarterback doesn't need any help?" She asked

"Feh, Its not like I have any choices." He muttered.

The two didn't speak after that, Hiruma looked down at the ground while Mamori looked around the field, it makes her happy seeing this all over again. At that thought, a sudden curiousity stroke in Mamori's mind, she looked at Hiruma and finally spoke. "…So… since you're the one who planned the place then, why here?" She asked.

"Why here?" Hiruma repeated. "You don't get it, do you?"

Mamori nodded – she could be clueless some days in her life.

Hiruma looked around, still with a grin on his face, somehow not annoyed by her cluelessness. "This…" He putted his hands on the side pockets of his pants. "…is where it all fucking started…"

The sentence jabbed into Mamori's mind like a knife stabbing her. He was right, this is where she became the Manager of the Devil Bats to the ceremony of the Second Year's Graduation – the last time she saw Hiruma.

Hiruma's grin turn into a small smile, he looked at her. "…I knew that… the fucking dress will suit you well…"

What…? She thought and looked down at her dress. …He… picked this dress for me…? Surprised, but as she looked at it, there is one feature of the dress that made her believe that he was really the one who chose it.

The color of the dress.

Yes, the color, the color red.

It was the signature color of their team, the Deimon Devil Bats, it was the color of his cell phone, it was his favorite color (I think XD), but most of all, the color of the dress made Mamori stunning.

She smiled. "Yes… it does look good on me… thank you…"

Relieved by her responses easing up little by little, Hiruma frowned at the ground. Not letting his expression from the inside be readable and evident from the outside. She thanked him, but it was not enough to put it back to its place. He needs to apologize, and he knows it. He raised his eyes to her. "…Uh… about two weeks ago…" He said deliberately.

Mamori listened. The upsetting thought of that day still remains in her memories, taunting her. But she despised it as she had something different inside her mind. Will he… apologize? She thought. As she thinks about it, he wouldn't do this all this for her for nothing. But then again, it would be impossible for him to spout out those words.

"I…" Hiruma tried to retain his sight to Mamori, trying to make his voice to its normal state as possible, neither showing timid nor stutters. "I'm… because I fucking made you… I was… because I'm such a… there, I said it."

"…" Mamori gawked, baffled of his unknown speech.

Ah, yes. Not showing timid or stutters indeed.

"Hiruma-kun!! Say that one more time!!" Kurita yelled abruptly with Daikichi and Musashi with him at the very side of the field.

Hiruma looked at him, his vein popping out. "YOU FUCKING FATTY!! HOW THE HELL DID YOU KNOW WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT?!!" He yelled back.

"Never mind that!! Say it again because she didn't understand it!!"


"Uhm… actually, Kurita-kun's right. I uh, didn't really get it…" Mamori said, smiling sheepishly.

Hiruma gaped, can't believe he needs to repeat his so called apologies. He sighed, this time, his annoyed.

Suddenly, he grabbed both of Mamori's shoulders with his hands rapidly, clinging to it as if it was a part of her body.

Mamori's eyes turned wide as an owl as she looked at his earnest face. Breathless as she felt Hiruma's long, bony fingers surrounding her shoulders, clenching it.

"Look, I'm fucking sorry that I made you fucking depressed, I don't know what the fuck got into me, but I'm a dick sucker idiot for me to fucking do this to you. You heard me?! A DICK SUCKER IDIOT!! AND I'M FUCKING SORRY!!"

Silence came after. Mamori continued looked him, motionless, like a statue.

He let go of her slowly, a little surprised too when he found himself shouting more than apologizing. Late to catch his raging actions.

She put her right arm across her body, holding her upper left arm, to dizzy to stand still. She let her eyes rest by looking down on the greens, her two blues still like the midnight bird. She could hear Hiruma catch his breath, he let out more than enough breaths while shouting the words at her. But besides all that, surprisingly, He… apologized… She thought.

Hiruma looked at her staggered face, and knows it. He knows himself well enough that he isn't the type of guy who would say a simple 'Sorry', more like pride took away those courteous words from his head and cusses took its place. And just by looking at her expressions, she is also thinking of the same thing. Mamori knows him like the back of her hand. He took a deep breath, and let it out after seconds. "…And I was also fucking harsh on that day when we were in my place…" He said. "…the day when you and I uh, and I refused to-"

"You… you don't have to apologize to that." Mamori blurted out, interrupting Hiruma. "You loved me once, and I understand that you want to move on… I get it." She clenched her left arm, bit her tongue inside until it bled. She felt like beating herself up, her heart ached like a hammer was pounding it second by second, warning her that she is once again – lying. She swallowed, but what will she do? Force him to love her back? She's a burden to his heart, and there's nothing she can do about it. She knew that she didn't really moved on – and she thinks that she never will. "If that's what you want, then I wont make it a hassle, I'll not bother you."

Hiruma stepped forward, his brows twitching. "You fucking idiot!! What I want is you!!" He yelled once more. She quickly look up to look at him. unaware that a blush crept up to her cheeks. He frowned. "…Shit…" He cursed. He hated this, he hated the fact that he needs to do this. Like whenever they had no stock of sugar free gum, he hated that so much, but right now at this state, when it comes to win back Mamori, he'll do anything, and it surprised him.

At his sudden confession, Mamori did nothing but stand there and stare. Her heartbeat pounded promptly, she breathe while her mouth's opened and felt her breath shiver, same as her body shuddered. Even no that these actions told Mamori that there maybe still a chance, she opposed it, and thought to herself that maybe she heard him wrong.

Hiruma exhaled once more, closing his eyes – and agreed to continue what he had already started. "…I fucking thought that I want you out of my life, and I thought that it was my final decision. But I realized after my mind clarified all those confusing thoughts, why would I fucking want you out of my sight if you're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen? Why would I want you to fade in my thoughts if I took a fucking glimpse of you, it comforts me…?" Hiruma opened his eyes looking at his feet. "…and, why would I want you out of my fucking life if you're one of the fucking reasons why I want to live…" He looked at Mamori straight in the eye. "…Why would I fucking forget about you if I fucking love you?"

With that, Mamori's heart felt like bursting. Mixed feelings started running thru her veins: Joy, anger, bewildered, wordless, relief. All those sentiments made her feel dizzy, she hoped that she wouldn't faint. She wanted to reply, but it seems something took her voice.

Hiruma examined her reaction. Neither happy nor upset. She looked surprised, but it wasn't her usual surprised face. It was the first time to see Mamori's face and not being so specific about her reaction. He ahemed and went on. "I fucking love you. And that's a damn fact." He said. "But, the question is… do you still love me back?" He asked solemnly, giving his right hand in front of her, gesturing her to hold his hand.

Do I… Mamori looked at his hand, hearing nothing but her heart beating, and her thoughts thinking. Do I still… Sudden memories went buzzing around her head. The times with Hiruma in high school, memories with him working together in the gun company, times with him and with the gang, the reunion that he planned for them. …love him…?

He cares for them.

He loves them.


"What the f-?!" Hiruma's eyes as wide as ever as he saw his hand pushed away.

Anger took over her – she slapped Hiruma hand.

Mamori clenched her two fists at her side, her head slightly down, causing half of her face covered, and breathed helplessly, her lips quivering.

His eyes still wide, Hiruma looked at his hand – all pinkish red because of the slap, it stings.

He glared at her. "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?!!"


Hiruma stopped, his daggered stare disappeared when he looked at her face, still down – but tears started coming out, dripping down from her face, like raindrops dropping from the roof.

Mamori greeted her teeth. "I'll… I'll…" She started sobbing. "I'll never believe you…" Her whole body once again shivered, her face flushed. "…you… you… you made my heart fall apart, and you did it again… and now, you're just gona say 'I love you' to me? DO YOU KNOW HOW HURTFULL THE THINGS I BEAR RIGHT NOW?!!"

Hiruma didn't give back an answer to her; instead, he gave her a stare. Looking at her weeping made his insides sting, more than his hand slapped away.

Thought that he planned everything just to make things better, unfortunately – he just made it worse.

"…When it was the right time saying my true feelings, you left…. When I told you already for more than six years, you showed that you don't want me…. Heh, what's next? Dump after a week when we get together?" Mamori laughed falsely, but her face still flowing with tears. "I'll… never fall for your games thrice, Hiruma."

"…Do you think this all fun and games and shit…?" Hiruma finally replied, his face crumpling up, his anger releasing second by second like a bomb ticking to be exploded. "DO YOU THINK I PLANNED ALL THIS JUST TO FUCKING PLAY WITH YOU?!!" He shouted louder than the previous, his voice echoed around the field. "The fucking fact that I love you and I want to be with you is fucking true!!"


Mamori was interrupted by a sudden movement.

His lips were on hers.

It was silent, she could feel her lips tingled at the moment she touched his fine lips, making her motionless as the tingly feeling went down to her spine. His lips were dry, but his efforts made it passionate at the same time, passionate kissing is one of the things she least expects from Hiruma, but she never tried kissing back.

After seconds, the two finally departed slowly, his face still near to hers, close enough for the side of their noses touch.

"…Please… I don't want to see you fucking cry…"

Mamori's eyes widened. "…Hiruma…"

He pleaded to her – his voice sounds like it cracked, she could feel his hand on her shoulders shaking endlessly. Somehow all of those created one last tear and it cascaded from her face.

He backed away his face, Mamori looked at his emerald eyes, and saw something from it that she never saw before – sorrow. Her heart was crushing.

Hiruma furrowed his brows. "I've always been aggressive…" He said. "But this fucking time, I can't be. It can't be helped, I'm sorry that I made a fuss on your damn schedule… later." With that, he turned around, and walked away.

The further he walked, the more Mamori's lungs became tighter, the squishy sound of footsteps stepping on grass made her anxious, worried that he'll leave and probably the last time seeing him, what will she do?


He stopped, not willing to look back. Mamori made a fist on her right hand and nestled it on top of her chest, she squinted her eyes – not allowing a tear flow down anymore. She relaxed herself by releasing a sigh. "…If… you do love me… how can you prove it to me…?"

Somehow, a small smile formed slowly on Hiruma's face.

He spun around, walked towards her. With a grin on his face, he put out a pistol at his back. "See this? If anything goes wrong between us and if I'm thinking that I'll leave you again, I fucking promise that I'll shoot my fucking brains out so I won't."


"Kekekeke!! Just joking." Hiruma said, his voice softened when returned his pistol back and grabbed something in his side pocket with his other hand. As he held the thing inside his pocket his face turned serious. Mamori prayed that it won't be an AK47 this time. (AK47 is an assault rifle, it's higher than any sub machine guns (SMG) and its like an M4, but a M4 is better and its used more in the military, AK47 is used more often by terrorists).

She saw Hiruma's eyebrows twitched, he shook his head – removing his tense feeling. He looked at her for the briefest moment and looked away, he scoffed.

He grabbed Mamori's left hand and putted something on it hastily. Mamori gasped.

It was a ring. A ten karat pink diamond ring with little red rhinestones around it, Mamori's mouth hung open when the brightness of the ring shimmered her.

"That's a real pink diamond, a pain in the ass to find that. Well, it's supposed to be an engagement ring but ever since that Fucking Old Man told that rose shit, I'll buy you another one, if the fucking simple one means the true meaning of 'Death do us part'."

"…Hiruma…" Mamori looked up at him, and noticed he isn't looking at her, more like looking on the right side of the field, not making eye-contact at all. …Is he nervous…? She wondered. No… he can't be… he's never nervous… can he? She stopped thinking and looked down on the ring, and thought of an idea. For a few moments, Mamori looked at back at him, this time – it's with a scowl. "Y-YOU CAN'T JUST PUT A RING INTO SOMEBODY'S FINGER, YOU KNOW?!!" She shouted once more.

Amazingly, Hiruma didn't respond and continued to look away, her scowl disappeared and started looking at him blankly. She was convinced that he IS nervous. Her left side of her lips twitched – it felt weird. It felt weird, strange, different. But not just that, it also felt… … Hiruma… is … nervous…?


Mamori burst out laughing. Hiruma glanced at her. "What's so fucking funny?"

"N-Nothing…!!" Mamori replied, still laughing. "…It's just that… you're just… nervous…" Mamori laughed even louder.


"Oh, Hiruma, you don't need to hide it… it could see on your face!!"

"Why you…"

Mamori continued to laugh so hard that it might be her loudest yet. But she laughed gorgeously and cheerfully. And Hiruma noticed it. Looking at her smile yet laughing made him feel warm. He made a small smirk.

But unfortunately, it isn't done yet, Hiruma looked down on his feet, kicking the grass beneath it. "…So… do you…"

Mamori stopped laughing, wiping her tear of joy in the corner of her eye. "Hiruma-kun, you must be a billionaire to buy and modify this pink diamond. I also realized that you only did this for me, you and Musashi-kun even wore a tuxedo for me!" She glanced at his wardrobe and chuckled.

"Feh, never gonna wear this ever again…" He mumbled.

"…So…" Mamori stepped forward to him, wrapping around her arms on his shoulders and gave him a soft peck on the nose.

Hiruma smiled impishly. "Is that a fucking yes?"

Mamori smiled back as the two were face to face. "Well, let's just start as an ordinary couple, the marriage will not happen yet. Oh, and, I want to keep the pink diamond ring, may I?"

"Tch, I can't fucking argue with that, since I've heard that 'Diamonds are a girl's best friend'."

"Haha, well, if you DO leave or break up with me, remind you that I'M the one who'll shoot your brains off."

He scoffed. "…Girls…"

The two finally kissed once more. Passionate and wonderful indeed, and this time, Mamori's kissing back.

Sena and the gang, (Lolz, yes! They've been watching the whole time!!) Stared at the two, bug eyed, like idiots in the side of the field.

Suzuna clapped her hands. "YAY!! Yay, yay, yay!! The two are finally together!! Mission completion!!" She sang.

Musashi sneered. "Heh, well… I'm kinda jealous you know… since I like her."

"WHAT?!!" The gang said in chorus, their bug eyes went to him.

"Th…this means that…" Spoke Sena.

Musashi shook his head. "Nah… I knew that Mamori likes him and vice versa." He said. "…But someday, I'll find my own girl…"



Hiruma and Mamori broke off, with smiles on their faces. The gang continued to cheer as the new couple of Deimon hugged under the starry skies.

--Three Months Later--

"YOU FUCKING ASSISTANT!!! YOU'RE FUCKING LATE WITH YOUR DAMN PAPERWORK!!" Hiruma stood up, yelling at Mamori who was just in front of him, his table between them.

"Well, you gave me thrice the many of the paperwork, there's no way I could finish it in just an hour!!" Mamori yelled back.


Ah, it seems that the two went back to work, fighting like nothing happened in the past months.

Matsuo smiled awkwardly. "Uh, please you two… it's childish for you to argue, so please stop." He said for how many times he warned them.

Hiruma turned his head to him. "SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU FUCKING GRAMPS OR I'LL SHOOT YOUR FUCKING HEAD OFF!! GET BACK TO WORK!!" He grabbed a MAC10 out of nowhere and pointed it to him hitman style.

"Gah…!! U-uh, yes You-sama…!!" Matsuo scampered out of the office, leaving the two behind.

Hiruma closed his eyes, rubbing his forehead. "Ah… just next time don't be fucking late!" He said.

Mamori frowned. "Eh? What's that supposed to mean? You'll not give me a time extension for my extended paperwork?" She asked.

Hiruma sighed as he sat down on his chair. "Fine, fifteen minutes time extension, you late again and you're one thousand less yen on your pay."

"Wha?! That's unfair!!"

"Just get back to fucking work now!!"

"Hmph…" Mamori huffed, turned, and walked away. "…This is so unfair…" She muttered.

"And, oh yeah, Fucking Assistant!" Hiruma called out after Mamori just opened the door.

"What?!" She spun around, spreading her arms wide, gesturing him the question.

"…Fucking love you…"

With that, she stood still, after seconds she gave him a small, warm smile as all of her stress faded.

She opened the door, as she was about to leave, Mamori turned her head back to him.

"Fucking love you too… Youichi-kun…"


AN: WAAAAAAAAAHHH!!! That's it!! The last chapter of this story yay!! I'm happy that this story successfully ended!! But I'm also sad because not just I'll miss the times I type this story, but THIS WILL BE MY LAST STORY EVER!! Sorry guys! I'm giving up my account for huge reasons… But I'll miss you all!!


Haha, after I spent the whole half year typing this, and pm-ing a beta reader, in the end, I still have NO beta reader yet!! Haha, isn't that funny?

All of you please review and describe me about the whole story!! I would like that!! :D

Goodbye to my friends, Goodbye to me readers!!

This is Sachi Uzumaki, signing out!! *Salutes*



Sorry for my lame chant XD