A/N: It started out much cooler than it turned out XD

Playlist: Hot Blooded by Foreigner


Orihime often wondered why someone as kind and compassionate as Kurosaki-kun could hit Rukia over the head as often as he did.

Whenever they were arguing they would always smack each other around like young siblings. It was amusing but it still bothered the Inoue girl.

And yet she felt guilty that she took pleasure in him administering this discipline. Certainly it meant that he had no romantic intentions towards her if he abused her so. And he was always so gentle with her. She wondered if that was a sign that he cared for her, as more than a friend. Her heart swelled in a giddy burst of air, making it soar.

But then one day she said something that she knew would make him angry, but it had been needed to be said. He had looked angry for a moment, and then turned away coldly, never laying a hand on her and not taking her opinion into consideration. "Just mind your own business Inoue."

"Baka!" Rukia had shouted, "Listen to Orihime-chan!" she flew at him and kicked him in the back.

"Bitch!" he immediately grabbed her in a headlock and they fought to stay in control. When finally Ishida broke up the fight they both huffed and turned away from each other. The conversation was quickly diverted from the pair. Only Inoue had observed the tiny smiles that appeared on their faces as their gazes slid to the corner of their eyes to look at each other. To challenge each other.

It was than that she knew that the tension wasn't a sibling like rivalry; no it was passion, born of love. And it was the way they expressed it to each other.

The way they fought was intimate. Beautiful in its own sweet, twisted and horrifically strange way.

He would never lay a hand on her for that single reason.

Because when Ichigo would pull her hair he made sure to pull her towards him.

Because when he smacked her upside the head he quickly checked to make sure he hadn't hurt her before attacking again.

Because when he held her in a headlock he made sure not to grip too tight.

Because he loved the feeling of holding her.

And because she wasn't Rukia, Kurosaki Ichigo would never look at her that way.

Like he saw something he loved.

A/N: Im so mean to her....Sigh, oh well! I like writing Ichiruki in her POV for some reason, because despite her being a waste of dialogue and screen time she has good insight and is pretty perceptive.

Sorry if you like her.

You know you love me xoxo (I cant believe i just pulled a gossip girl... -.- i hate that damn show)
