I don't own GH, ABC or any of the characters... unfortuneately I never will or you wouldn't be seeing the crap you currently are seeing on your screen!

I know I owe like 100 updates on my other story but this idea has been stewing and I had to start it before all my ideas left me, lol. The rating is T... for now. You never know!

Chapter 1


Her face lit up as it did every time he called her. "Hey. You aren't calling me to cancel are you?"

"No. I just want to tell you that I am looking forward to this weekend."

Elizabeth looked around to make sure no one was in listening distance. It had been a hectic morning at work and she didn't want to take any chances. "Everything is good. Lucky is picking up the boys from daycare. I'm leaving here in about an hour and I will meet you there."

"Good, you got the directions then?"

"Yes, Spinelli slipped them to me when nobody was looking."

"Ok, I should get there just before you. The drive shouldn't take any longer then an hour." Jason sighed. "Just be careful, make sure there is no one following you and…"

"I know, I know. Everything will be fine. I have to go or I will never get out of here on time. I'll see you in a couple hours." Elizabeth gave one more look around. "I love you." She quickly whispered then closed her phone and placed it back in her purse beneath the desk.

Jason was not kidding when he said the cabin was secluded. It had been a good twenty minutes since she had even seen another car on the road. Her ears were popping so she knew she was pretty far up the mountain so she knew it wasn't much farther. For months after the cancelled trip to Italy they had played their game of push and pull. Time and time again they'd sneak a kiss and try to meet up but something would come up and one of them would cancel the plans. Jason was determined to make it up to her though. She was not sure what it meant or if this was a sort of 'one last time together' trip but she had to come to find out. Not to mention any chance to spend time was not going to be passed up by her if she could help it.

She slowed her car when she saw the small drive that was described in the directions. Spinelli had been very thorough all the way down to the mile markers from the main highway listed in the directions he had printed for her. The driveway was long, probably about a fifth of a mile but it eventually opened up to a large clearing with a small cabin and she immediately spotted Jason's SUV in the driveway.

Elizabeth hurriedly climbed out of the car and was instantly hit with the warm scent of a wood burning fireplace. She smiled and hurried to the door. Before she could reach for the door knob Jason opened the door with an anxious grin on his face.

"Hey!" she squealed and threw herself into his arms.

Jason wrapped his arms around her waist and breathed in a sigh of relief that was sweetened by her floral scent. "I was worried about you driving on all those dark roads that you weren't familiar with." He mumbled as he took a few steps backward and closed the door.

Elizabeth laughed and pulled out of his hold, "Are you kidding me, Spinelli all but drove the car for me with those directions he made for me."

Jason smiled, "Good, I told him that if you got lost I'd break his finger."

"Well that wasn't very nice." She teased as she shrugged off her coat and threw it over the chair beside the door. "Remind me to do something nice for him."

"No need, I pay him well, he'll deal." He said reaching for her hand. "Are you hungry?"


He led her through the small cabin. It was decorated perfectly for a cabin nestled deep in the woods. The fireplace was massive and filled over half of the length of the back of the house. The furniture appeared to be handmade and she had no doubt that Jason had this place for year and probably hid out here many times by himself. They entered a small kitchen that had a table in the far corner beside a large window. She was sure that in the daylight she'd have a breathless view of the woods.

"I uh, I picked up some food on the way up here. There is a good café about ten minutes down the road. They were about to close so they limited me to what I could order."

Elizabeth shook her head and slid into the chair, "Whatever you got is fine with me."

He chuckled and reached in the old refrigerator. The refrigerator looked like it belonged in a house in the 1950s, something her grams would probably refer to as the icebox. Jason closed the door with a strong kick and turned with two small containers. "Ham and cheese or roast beef and cheese?"

"The ham and cheese sounds perfect."

"I'm sorry, I had hoped to give you a better meal then this but I guess I never really considered what time it would be that I got up here." He grumbled as he sat in the empty chair beside hers.

"Stop Jason," she said rolling her eyes. "I am here with you. You could have had lobster for us for dinner and I wouldn't like it any more or any less." She picked up her sandwich and took a large bite. "Speaking of which, are we really here… together? Far away from everyone else. Is someone going to call with an emergency that is going to make one of us leave?"

Jason shook his head. "For one weekend, it's just me and you. I promise."

Elizabeth laid on the blanket in front of the fireplace. Her head was resting on Jason's bare chest. "I can't believe it's already been almost a whole night. We only have a day and a half left up here."

Jason chucked and Elizabeth sat up. Jason watched her as his t-shirt draped over her body. It looked so much better on her then it ever could on him. He knew that he would never forget the way she looked at that moment. "Don't laugh at me Jason Morgan. I'm serious. It's going to be hard to leave on Sunday."

"I know, I wish this weekend wouldn't end either."

Elizabeth shrugged, "What if it didn't."

Jason sat up and let out a deep breath. "Elizabeth." He warned.

"I'm not kidding Jason. I'm not saying that I want everything… just something. Can't we just have a little something that can just be ours. Even if it's once a month or once every three months. Can we try… for something?"

Jason linked their fingers in one hand and took his other hand to brush her hair from her face with his fingertips. "I don't want to keep letting you down." He admitted.

"Jason, I don't care how often we can be together… as long as I know we will be. The promise of it is all I need. To know that this is not the last time we will be together."

He nodded, "I want that too."

"Can we just leave it at that? Promise that we'd try and not push each other apart because you know Jason, I'd still marry you right now even if you'd let us." Jason's eyes widened at her admission. "I mean I will take it all or a little, I don't care, as long as it's something. I love you"