Disclaimer: I own nothing. Bright Eyes owns the title while Gilmore Girls is owned by the WB.
Thank you all so much again for the reviews, I love hearing what you think.
Alright everyone, this is the last chapter. I hope to post a new Jess/Luke centric story after this, but I don't know when I'll start posting, or if I'll ever. I guess it just depends on how I feel about it when the time comes that I consider posting it.
Well, thank you all for reading my first FanFiction! Please review my last chapter!
Jess burst through the apartment door, followed by his uncle. The boy sat on the couch and looked over to Luke.
"Our deal?" he asked, crossing his arms.
"I know," he said, grabbing the presents from under the tree and handing them to Jess, "I put them under the tree while you were gone."
Jess smiled and grabbed a present off the pile. He examined the nicely wrapped box, then looked over at his uncle.
"Went all out on the wrapping paper, did we?" he teased, shaking the present in his hand, "Your love for Christmas movies and now festive paper? My, aren't we just full of surprises?"
The older man rolled his eyes and replied, "Just open it, Jess."
"In a minute, I'm just trying to admire your excellent wrapping job," he smiled, staring down at the present, "Like the red bow."
"Jess," the man warned. He was just too tired for Jess' sarcasm.
"Alright, alright," he said, raising his hands up, "I'm opening it." He ripped off the green and red paper, revealing a new book.
"Nice," he nodded in approval as he flipped through the pages, "How'd you know I wanted this?"
Luke shrugged and sat down beside him.
"Rory told you, right?" the boy asked, placing the book on his pile.
"Yeah," Luke nodded, "I needed some help finding stuff to get you and she told me she'd help."
"Hm," Jess nodded, heading over to his duffle bag and grabbing something out of it.
"I got you some stuff too," Jess shrugged, handing his uncle his gifts, "Didn't want you to feel left out while I opened stuff."
Luke smiled. He would have never expected Jess to get him anything, and the fact the boy actually did was quite a surprise. Luke looked over to see Jess tearing through another present, revealing a CD that he had wanted. The man unwrapped his present and smiled as he saw his gift: it was a collection of movies.
"I thought you might want to add onto your pile of amazing movies," Jess admitted, "So I picked you up a few. It ranges from A Nightmare On Elm Street to The Beatles' Yellow Submarine."
Luke smiled as he flipped through the DVDs, stopping on an odd one.
"About a Boy, Jess?" he asked with a smirk.
"What? I told you it was a wide variety," he shrugged, "Anyway, I thought maybe you'd surprise me with your love of Hugh Grant movies like you did with Christmas ones."
Luke laughed, placing the stack of movies down on the floor.
"Thanks Jess," he said, "You didn't have to do that."
"Yeah, well, I thought it'd be nice," Jess ran a hand through his hair while flipping through the pages of another book, "I mean, for all the crap that you have to put up with because of me--"
"Jess, you're not a bad kid, don't say that," Luke said with concern, staring at the boy, "You're not a problem. I want you here."
A small smile formed on Jess' lips, "Thanks Luke...for everything, I mean it."
Luke smiled and hugged his nephew. It was usually an awkward thing for Luke to do, he wasn't the touchy-feely type, but it felt right at the time. If Jess had left to go New York City for Christmas, he knew he would have been devastated. He had gotten used to Jess' presence and the kid had grown on him. His cockiness and sarcasm made things much more interesting for Luke. If Jess had left and decided to stay with Liz, Luke didn't know what he would have done. He would miss the company that he had gotten so used to, all the nights that they talked and watched movies, all the funny moments between the two, he'd even miss Jess' constant taunting of the sassy Lorelai. He'd also miss the help that Jess gave him at the diner, all the extra shifts the boy took. He knew Jess was there for him when he needed it, and he could tell the boy truly cared about him. He realized that he needed Jess as much as the boy needed him.
He released the boy from his hug and handed Jess another present.
"It's from the Gilmores," he told him, smiling.
"Looks like they outdid you on the wrapping job." Jess smirked, the paper on the present covered with cartoon Santa Clauses.
Luke rolled his eyes once again at the boy's comment.
"Even though you look exhausted somehow you can still be as cocky as ever," The man said, shaking his head.
"It's just natural," the boy shrugged, "But be thankful I'm not like those sassy Gilmores."
"Trust me, I am." Luke chuckled, watching the boy begin to tear the paper off.
The boy's face lit up as he held up a book.
It was a brand new paperback copy of Oliver Twist.
He smiled and opened the book, finding a note written on the back of the cover:
I thought you could use a new copy of this. Your old one is falling apart and I took it upon myself get you a new one. Merry Christmas, Dodger.
He shut the book, smile still intact. Rory just seemed to know exactly what Jess liked, and that made the boy like her even more. Her amazing tastes in books and music were exactly like his, they had so much in common. He hoped that one day they could be more than just friends, but right now Dean was in the way. He'd work on that.
"Don't you already own that?" Luke asked, leaning over to look at the cover.
"Yeah," he said, taking out his old worn copy of the book from his pocket and replacing it with the new one, "Rory wrote I was in need of a new copy."
"I see. I guess she picked that out for you too?" Luke asked.
"I don't think Lorelai knew that I liked this book," Jess smiled, crossing his arms, "She probably would have bought me Rebel Without A Cause. 'Cause that just screams 'me.'"
Luke laughed and bunched up the wrapping paper on the floor, picking up the pile and heading to the trash can. Jess stood up and helped him finish cleaning up the remainder.
"Thanks," Luke nodded to the boy. He turned his attention to the clock and placed a hand on his head.
"Whoa," he said, "It's two in the morning."
Jess just shrugged and yawned, "So?"
"I think we should get to bed, it's late," Luke told him, stopping the boy's protest with his finger, "Remember the deal."
"The doctor didn't say when I had to go to sleep, he just said I needed to 'rest.'" Jess mumbled.
"Bed. Now." Luke said, crossing his arms.
"Fine," the boy sighed, taking off his shirt and placing the book Rory got him on his pile. He flopped down on his bed and turned on his stereo.
The older man sighed and shut the lights off, laying down in his bed.
"Merry Christmas, Jess," Luke whispered, smiling to himself.
"Merry Christmas, Uncle Luke." He heard a tired voice say from under the covers.
Alright, that's the end. I hope you guy's liked it and thank you all so much for reading and reviewing.
Happy Holidays!