This is my short attempt at humor. Hope you like it.

Han, Chewbacca, and Leia were relaxing on Corsucant in Leia's suite. Luke came rushing in, out of breath. "Guys- you're not going to believe this!"

Han and Leia exchanged amused glances, "What?"

Luke took a big breath, "I was meditating, and I had a vision. All of our adventures are being made into movies in a galaxy far, far away!"

Blank stares.

Han grinned, "You sure someone didn't sneak you a death stick?"

Luke frowned, "No, it was real!"

"What are movies?" Leia questioned.

"Some kind of entertainment. Like a hologram!" Luke explained


Luke continued, "And Han was being played by Harrison Ford! You guys believe me, don't you?"

As the medics were taking him away, Luke yelled, "Does anyone know who George Lucas is?!"