Ok... True story this one is, it happened yesterday when Nova Scotia had it's first snow fall... I was in the druggie class... And it was scary...

This is dedicated to all the druggies in my math class...


Kai moved his paint brush all over the paper, making unnecessary dramatic movements, knowing full well that it would piss Link off, and also get him covered with paint.

Link turned to glare at him after a blob of blue paint landed on his cheek. "Kai would you stop with the dramatics?"

"Kai answered his question with another swing of his paint brush that sent paint everywhere. "You know, it's been getting pretty cold outside... It's almost December! I wonder when it's gonna snow?"

Link shrugged and began painting random hearts on Kai's face.

"Zomg! You guys it's snowing!!!!!!"

Everyone turned towards the windows to look outside, and sure enough, a lot puffy white substance was falling from the sky.

"Dude! It's like, snow! I haven't seen snow in years."

"Miss! Can we go look out the window?"

The teacher nodded and went back to watching porn on her computer.... I'm mean! Checking e-mails! ...

The whole class, except Link and Kai and a couple of people who were to high to stand up, ran to the windows at top speed.

One of the dudes sitting down started grumbling. "Great, now I have to go outside and smoke weed in that shit?"

The girl bully in the class was shaking her head in agreement. "Yeah, like for fuck sakes. We had a rain storm yesterday and now it's like, fucking snowing out. It's sooooo going to ruin my walk in the woods."

"Link? Is it just me... Or are we surrounded by a bunch of idiots?"

"It's not just you..."

"Hey look! The other teachers are letting the kids go outside to play in the snow!"



"Miss! Can we go?!"

"If it will get you out of my class room, sure..."

Everyone started cheering.

Some kids made it to the doors without killing them selves, and some kids went out the windows. (Bottom floor)

Link was finished painting hearts, and was letting Kai paint pictures of doggy foot prints on him.

"So, what do we do now hero?"

Shigen sauntered into the room, covered in snow.

Link and Kai looked at him.

"What...? They threw me out of the window..."

Link raised an eyebrow. "What window?"

"On the top floor..."

"Ouch! Poor emo..."

"Shut up..."

"Fine!... But aren't you hurt or something?"


A snow ball came flying in threw the window.

"Flying balls at ten o'clock!"

They all ducked again as another one came at them.

Kai ran to the window. "Ok! Who has x-ray vision and a good arm?"

Ganondorf waved at him. "I do."

"Eww! That means you can see through clothes! So that's why you were staring at my ass yesterday!"

Ganondorf looked at him blankly. "Yes Kaiten, that's exactly why..."


Link closed the window and pulled the blinds down. "We should leave now, since there's not a lot of snow... I don't want to be caught in the middle of a snowball fight."

"Agreed sexy..."

"Let this be a lesson to you! Snow and high people do not mix!"

"What kind of lesson is that shadow...?"

"I don't know... I had to think of an ending sentence!"

"The say something cool or funny..."

Kai paused to think about it.

"Om nom nom nom! And Merry Christmas!"

Link shook his head. "Maybe would should call a priest to exercise him...."

Well... a lot of the talking is true, but there were no hot guys by the names of Link, Kai and Shigen... And the teacher didn't let us go outside... But she did let everyone catch snow in their hats randomly...

Yes, my school is crazy...

