Okay. I'm extremely sorry that I haven't updated this since sometime last year, but I've been extremely busy.

I have this thing going where I'm asking people what I should write about for my next story that has to with twilight and they are listed below. Pick one and tell me which one I should write about next and then I'll right for you.

1. Bella and Edward are still together, but Bella's curiosity takes over and she's in a race against time and a fight for control over herself and her cravings.

2. Edward leaves in new Moon and Bella has an idea to check her IM and finds Edward's on.

3. Pirates of the Caribbean kind of Twilight thing. An attack causes massive caus in Port Royal and lives are about to change( I know that's a bad thing for it, but I'll make it really good.)

Well there's that and now onto the story.

It felt like I was surrounded by nothing. Like I was nothing.

Everything around me seemed like it was surrounded in a fog and I had to give into something that might be tre, but I didn't want it to be. Edward might not love me anymore.

I could feel my feet treading along the floor at a human pace and then I could feel myself being lowered into a chair. I looked up from my thoughts and saw Alice and Carlisle staring at me with worried glances.

"'Bella are you really alright."' Carlisle asked, his voice sounding urgent witgh fear.

"Fine, perfect. I was just worried about Edward, but trust me I'm not anymore." I replied in a high soprano voice. I tried to smile while I was saying it, but it was hard to try and put on a smiling face when you're not happy at all.

I glanced at Alice and at the same moment that I did she turned around on her heals and walked from the dining room to where we had just come from.

"I'm kind of worried about Edward." I replied, turning toward Carlisle after I said that.

"'Don't worry Bella. He'll get through this and everything will be back to normal, I hope."'

"Same here."

After I made my final response Carlisle pulled out a bag full of doctor stuff and began putting it all on my arm and then before I could really think of anything else to say my arm was in a cast and Carlisle was beaming a huge smile. He was always proud of whatever work he did on anyone.

The cast was huge and red, but at least it was my favorite color. I gave a quick smile at Carlisle and then I thought I would test the strength of the cast. I lifted my hand up into the air and slammed it down onto the table. Carlisle jumped into the air and was staring at me with shock.

I beamed a huge smile and gave the quick reply of "It's good", almost as if I was making a field goal in football.

I could hear Emmett chuckle under his breath and then his low snicker was suddenly cut off by a gasp. Everything went absolutely silent and everyone was staring toward the living room and waiting for her response.

A low growl sounded from the living room and then Alice came scrambling into the kitchen, a cool expresion on her face. With every movement that she made, we followed with our eyes until she stopped next to Esme.

'We're going to have a visitor.' Alice replied in high soprano voice.

From the other room somebody shouted the name of our unexpected visitor. Jacob.

I never really knew if anybody except for Carlisle and Esme liked Jacob. It seemed like everyone else had a grudge against him. Even for all of that he was still one of my friends.

Balancing two lives harder then anyone can imagine. Jacob has to try and act human when he's a mix of both werwolf and human. All of the Cullens, including myself, have to try and act human or try to make people think we are human.

A sudden knock on the door erupted my thoughts and I was suddenly staring in the doors direction. I saw Jasper get up from the couch and walk toward the door and then Jacob was standing in the archway that led to the kitchen where most of us were gathered.

""Wow Bella. What did you do to yourself this time?""

"'Blame Emmett, not Bella."' Carlisle quickly answered.

""Bella, why don't you just fill me in on all of the details.""

I relentfully nodded my head and got up from my seat and walked to Jacob.

Side-by-side we walked out the Cullen's front door, down the steps and through the grass.

We broke through the outskirts of the Cullen's lawn and I was suddenly enveloped by growls.

I quickly noticed somehting. I was surrounded by Paul, Sam, and Jacob.

I could feel them closing the gap between us and I suddenly let out a loud screech.

I suddenly could feel other people surrounding me in a circle.

I looked around at the people surrounding me and noticed that it was almost all of the Cullens, except for Carlisle and Esme. Edward was even their, standing his ground and trying to protect me.

For the first time today I felt like Edward actually loved me and didn't resent it.

I looked up to where Edward was and heard a growsound through his barred teeth and then he lunged at Sam, while Alice and Jasper took Paul and Emmett and Rosalie took Jacob.

As the battle Comensed I stood absolutely still and didn't move an inch until it was all over and then I could feel arms on my shoulders trying to comfort me.

"What happened?" I replied, my high soprano voice cracking.

Okay, so that's chapter 4 of werewolves and vampires and I know that it's not a oneshot anymore, but oh well. At the time I actually made this story I thought it would only be a oneshot, but I guess I had more to write about.

