Could107- Okay sorry for being absent the past what three months? Well I'll be back for a little while filling in for Anime High. So enjoy.

It was Valentine's day week and love is in the air at anime high.

"Okay and this does what again?" Haru asked.

"You spray this on the girl you like and they'll fall in love with you" the shady merchant told him.


"Really" he said nodding.

"Okay!" Haru said grinning. He paid him and took the mysterious pink perfume.

"Be careful how you use that" the merchant said as he watched Haru. He put a fan up to his face laughing his clogs clunking softly on the ground.


"Heh heh with this Musica will owe me big time." Haru said grinning. A turtle walked in the street and he tripped over it.

"Where the heck did a turtle come from?" Haru groaned.

He looked up and gaped. The mystery love potion was flowing into the ventilation of the school.

"Oh this is not good" Haru muttered.


Naruto leaned back in his chair trying to think of what he was going to do for the rest of the day. He knew he was going to the something with Sango but what. He sniffed the air curiously then half smiled at the fragrance. He looked straight ahead of him and noticed Hinata watching him. He now noticed how beautiful she was.

Why am I with Sango now with some like her around?

Naruto waited for the bell ring before he got up and walked to her. He talked smoothly to her and she nodded a few times before smiling at him. Naruto smiled back leaving for his next class.

"Hey Naruto what was that thing with Hinata just now?" Ichigo asked.

"I've just asked her to go with me to the dance and she agreed." Naruto said proudly.

Ichigo gaped at him like he had gone insane. "Are you insane?!" (See told you) "What about Sango?" he asked.

"Who?" Naruto said.


Sango, Keiko, Kagome and Winry were at Kagome's house

"Kagome who are you going with to the Valentine's dance?" Winry asked.

"Inuyasha of course" she replied.

"Whaaaat!" she exclaimed. "I thought he was going with Rukia!"

"No Rukia's with Ichigo now" Keiko said.

"Huh?" Winry said confounded.

"Alright listen closely Winry" Sango said. "This is who's going with whom"


When the time for the dance came around it was really strange. pair. Everyone was having a good time but it felt looked artificial. Well everyone except Haru. He was slumped against the wall lost in thought.

Okay I gotta find away to fix this.

"Hey Haru what's up?"

"Oh hey Syaoron" Haru said looking up. "Okay I need your help"

"Sure what is it?" he asked. Haru quickly retold the story of the shady merchant, the potion and how it got into the school. "So can you help me?"

"Sure" Syaoron agreed.

"Thanks man" Haru said. "So how do we get it out of the school?"

"Air ducts" he said pointing up.

"What?" Haru asked confused and looking up.

"If we turn on the air conditioners it should fumigate the school of your potion" Syaoron said nodding.

Haru agreed seeing the reasoning behind this. "Alright let's go he said." Haru said.

(Several minutes and bad air duct jokes later)

"Okay that should do it" Syaoron said dusting himself off.

"Thanks man" Haru said lowering himself from the duct.

"No problem" he said. He nodded at him walking back to the dance.

"So it seems you've corrected the problem"

Haru spun and he saw the shadow merchant from before.

"You!" Haru said pointing at him. "Why didn't you tell me that could happen!"

"Because you never asked" he said laughing. "Here's my business card" handing him a thin slip of paper.

"Till next time" he said disappearing still laughing.

"Hey I don't want your stinkin card!" he yelled but he was already gone.

The card read-"Urahara Shoten: the place to find all your odd ins and outs"

"Great" Haru mumbled scratching his head. He scratched his head walking back to the dance.

Could107: Well that was fun. I thought it'd be fun to do a love potion thing and all the strange pairings would be the cannon ones or most liked ones. Read and Review. I'll be back for a little while so stay posted.