The Were-Vampire Ch.11

After five minuets of waiting for Edward to answer, I chanced a look at him. His expression was as blank as it use to be around me before we started to date. I don't know if that is a good thing or not.

"E-E-Edward?" His head shot up and looked to me, that's when he lunged at me. 'That's it I'm done for!' As I thought that, I felt lips touch mine in a soft kiss then pulled away.

"If it's your child, then I'm happy for it." I looked at him a few tears leaking from my eyes. I felt his cold fingers brush the tears away, I looked at him and smiled. He suddenly got a confused look on his face. "Jacob, ummmmmmm, doesn't it take cough female parts to produce a child? And more then one time?"

I looked at him nervously "Edward, with a wolf its different…. Wolves have a "Heat Cycle" which is like any other animals mating cycle. And also like most animals wolves, have a special way of "Mating". We sometimes only need to have sex once to get are imprint pregnant, and we can get either gender pregnant." I explained.

I looked at the love of my life through the corner of my eye. He motioned for me to continue with his hand, taking a deep breath I continued with my speech.

"Edward, if you do become pregnant it'll be like a normal pregnancy for a women. You know mood swings, crazy hunger issue, morning sickness and the way to give birth is the same. C-section, because lets face it babe there is no way you can give birth like a normal women. But Edward if you don't want the child… then I understand…"

As I sat there waiting, tears began to fill my eyes, because I know that Edward would never want this child, or any child with me.

Short chapter, I know…. BUT if you guys go onto my page and VOTE, then you'll get long chapters. So please go vote, or you'll never know what will happen.