Hinata was a angry. Very angry. That might be the reason she was lasting so long. She couldn't believe that she the Hyuuga heiress was being used as some kind of… Whore! She hated it, nearly more than she hated the one who caused it. But there was nothing she could help the current situation that she could think of. That is if she wanted Hanabi not to get hurt. She had no doubt that the Uchiha would not hesitate to hurt her young sister. He was cold. Very cold. Like ice in the middle of a snow storm. She hated him with everything she had, it consumed her and became her life as days, weeks, and finally a month past. Every time he was with her she felt like scrubbing her skin off, or just clawing his eyes out. The quite timid girl Hinata Hyuuga had once been seemed to have disappeared. She didn't even stutter anymore. Though, it was not like she had many chances to speak at all. Not that she rally wanted to talk to that bastard. All conversation she had with him were pretty much the same: short impersonal and submissive on her part. They when something like this:........................

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READ THIS!!!!!!!!!

And that's all I've got. I know this is very unprofessional of me but... I need help! If anyone's got any ideas please tell me! For this fanfic, though I have some of it planned out but this part of it is kinda foggy and I'm completely out of ideas. The reason if have not been updating is that #1 my grandma who has tons of things wrong with her (like kidney failure, and diabetes) got worse than usual sick then she thankfully got better after a while. #2 I have had some conflicts having to deal with a nasty half brake up and trying to divide my attention between my two friends who are being odd these days and my other friend who is getting on my friends nerves and the other new friend who I think likes me and is acting a bit creepy right now and freaking the rest of my friends out. #3 I have had soooo many different tests and quizzes and projects and stuff that I have had to do I feel like I'm drowning!

I know those aren't good enough reasons for not updating for this long but I really am out of ideas! Pease if you have any ANY ideas tell me! Even if you think they are silly or stupid!