Another update for all of you! And it's around eight pages! Lucky you!
Yuugi: &sniffle& Not for me! I HATE you Kurumi-chan! &sobs uncontrollably&
Me: ^^U Uh... Well I had a spur of plot bunnies and-
Yami: For once, I agree with Aibou on this! What is the meaning of this- this- DESPICABLE chapter?
Me: &Looks to the side& Er... Building relationship and dependency. I thought you'd like that...
Yami: Fuck yes I do! But to do- that in order to obtain it! No! No I do NOT!
Me: ...Well! Onto the comments! Also guys, my email was hacked so I didn't realize all of you guys were sending in more comments! But I have a new one now, so hopefully this one will work XD. Take it away Yuugi-kun!

Yuugi: &sniffle& God... F-fine...:
2010-01-23 . chapter 1

B: -throws confetti into the air- WHOOPIE!

BB: It's about time too. This thing went un-updated for so long, I thought you'd abandoned it! B and I love this fic, and we want you to update again, SOON!

B: What BB said!

BB: So, as soon as you can, UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE!

Yuugi: ... &cries&
Me: Thanks! Sorry I'm so infrequent~ Here's another update after nine months~
Yami: Next is:
2010-01-23 . chapter 7
I've just read all 7 chapters and this story is AWESOME!

I love Psycho Yami! I'm really looking forward to the next chapter, Yugi should just give in to Yami, it would make things a lot easier for him! =P

Please update soon!


Yami: Who doesn't? &laughs softly& And I completely agree! Hehe... Everything... &smirks, nosebleeds slightly&
Yuugi: Never! I'll never surrender! &kicks Yami in the shin in his anger&
Yuugi: &wipes tears from his eyes& N-next is:
2010-01-23 . chapter 7
Run all you want Yugi, but deep down you know that Yami is going to win. Yami totally rocked in this case you can't tell Yami is both my favorite character and I love reading him insane. I can't wait to read more interaction between the two.

Oh, can I request that Yugi cracks and goes to Anzu with the intent of either telling her what was going on or asking her out just to prove to himself that he isn't gay and that what Yami was saying and doing didn't invoke the emotions they really did (because no matter how much Yugi denies it deep down he KNOWS what it really was he felt.) And Yami, well he does away with the competition to his hikari's affections.

Anyway, update soon.

Yuugi: I... I just don't know what to say...
Yami: &pushes Yuugi out of the way& I DO! Indeed! He needs to bow down and realize his undying lust for me!
Yuugi: &tackles Yami& DIE!
Me: Hehe~ That'll be coming up in one or two chapters! &looks back at Yuugi and Yami, who are currently pulling at each other's hair and screeching& Uh... Next is:
Sakamoto Itoe
2010-01-23 . chapter 7
aw, Yuugi, you didn't mean that! XP you just want some loving like Ryou got! ^-^ this chapter is just awesome!

but, might i suggest, could you please put translations up for the Japanese words you use? because i know the basic terms like Hai, Iie, Okaa-san, Otou-san, things like that. ^^; so the other words you use i have no idea what they mean, and they confuse me... so could you tell us what they mean, please?

Please update soon!


Me: &snicker& Indeed he does~ Sorry about that ^^U I posted up the translations at the bottom this time! Next:
Alice The Walker
2010-01-25 . chapter 7
One thing that somewhat confused me was that Yami says he's going to make Yugi pure by bathing him in blood. The thing is, earlier wasn't he saying that Yugi is already pure? So he wouldn't actually need to make him pure since he already is. Right?

What I want in the next chapter, if you don't mind my opinions, would be some backstory about Yami to explain how he became how he is and the like. And more jealous Yami with submissive Yugi. It's too cute how you write those scenes. ^^

Yami: &Battered and bruised& The reason is, is that I see Yuugi as a being of sweet corruptible goo. If you think of it in the way of the Greek Goddess, Demeter, whose followers bathed themselves in bulls blood to be forgiven, its kind of like I want to make him sinful rather than really purify him. But to me, a sinner is purer than any goody goody... Besides, I'm batshit crazy. What do you expect?
Yuugi: I... hate you...
Me: That's coming eventually!
2010-01-31 . chapter 7
I love this. So much. I love your writing, I love psychotic!Yami, I love innocent why-do-I-feel-this-way Yugi, I love this whole thing, okay? I lovelovelovelove how you portray more-than-a-little crazy Yami.

I'm sorry I keep gushing, but I, like, never review stories, and I just had to review this one. Also, please don't let this die! Keep going!

Me:... Lol you're quite the skilled lover eh? &Waggles eyebrows, is smashed over the head by a vase&
Yuugi: Hah... hah... hah... &drops shard of vase& A-anyway... She updated... Next is:
2010-02-13 . chapter 7
its quite funny that yami is a physo*snickers*

but i feel sorry for yugi*hugs him*

but it´s a great story and i hope you update soon

Yuugi: &blinks& Heh... Um... thanks. ^^ That makes me feel a lot better actually... At least I have one person on my side! &hugs back&
Yami: &Yanks them apart& Get offa him hoe! You been callin' mah man? The hell do you think you are? &drags Chibi into a cat fight& I'll take you DOWN BITCH!
Yuugi: &sighs& ...Why me?
Me: Next up:
Shroud Ishtar
2010-02-13 . chapter 7
You should write more, I'm wondering if this will force Yugi to run away from his home in order to save his friends and Jii-chan...

Yami+Me: &wipes tears from eyes&
Me: Hey... Hey, hey Yami, is Yuugi going to run away to save his family and friends? &snicker&
Yami: Hehe... No.
Yuugi: &pales& Uh... next...:
2010-03-24 . chapter 7
Here is a idea have yuugi try to kill himself and Yami find him and stop him or save him


Have yuugi find out that the puzzle is the cause and throw it away on the way to school, then it misterisly apperas when he get home. NO MATTER WHAT HE DOSE WITH IT!

love yuugi and love yami

be kind to yuugi stop his sufferinf :)


Yuugi: ... I find it odd that you tell me to kill myself and also to have me tormented, only to say for that not to happen to me... &goes to be emo for a bit&
Me: That... is kind of confusing... But I used your comment for this... Just to let all of you know, I hate willing suicide attempts and the whole 'boohoo me...' thing... HOWEVER! When they are controlled to do so, or have a valid reason for being so depressed-a demon spirit mentally fucking with your mind-then, I like it... Sometimes... Rarely...
Yami: Next:
2010-09-12 . chapter 7
I LOVE THIS STORY i love Crazy yami and i was thinking what if since yugi said he wished yami was gone that kinda came true instead yami was living his worst fear over and over.
2010-10-14 . chapter 4
*yeep* Yami is insane & I have a chilling theory that he likes blood a little to much mabe even more *runs away not wanting to be caught by a insane Yami*

Yami: I take offense to that... &glares&
Yuugi: You deserve punishment once in a while &mumble mumble&
Yami: &glares at Yuugi&
Me: Thank you so much! Yami will go through terrible shit-
Yami: HEY!
Me: But, it won't be for long... I dunno. I don't like tormenting the tormentors for long... Maybe because they're already corrupted? I 'unno. Also, Try to post in one chapter if you please. I don't like doubled up reviews... Ticks me off a bit...
Yami: Bitch... Get back here! &runs after C24&
Yuugi: ...Er...:
the dark euphie
2010-10-19 . chapter 7
poor little Yugi, too bad he doesn't realize you can't exactly fight what is part of you. Update soon please this story is addicting.

Yuugi: ...Part of me? What are you talking about?
Me: Well, she/he in thinking of the series... I think. But in this one, you guys aren't 'one'. You're just thrown together because its fate or some shit like that... Yami might even look different if he wasn't with you... Anyway! Here you go!

Chapter 8


It was rather amusing to watch his Light try to ignore him, his small, fragile frame shivering against his bed spread, his eyes closed tightly as he muttered something under his breath over and over, as though chanting a mantra of some sort. Yami giggled, slipping onto the bed beside the other, making the shorter male freeze, seeming to hold his breath. Really, just too funny!
"Hehe~" Yami giggled once more, pressing himself up against the other's back, aligning them so that his face was level with the nape of his Light's neck. "What are you doing, my Light?" in an instant, hands were shoved against his stomach in a futile attempt to push him away, his almost mirror image staring, almost wildly up at him in anger and fear.
"Go away!" he exclaimed, his pupils seeming to shiver as he continued to try to push the red eyed demon away, his smile ever present. "Teishi ga oikakete kite!" Yami simply looked down at his desperate partner, enjoying the utter turmoil on his face. Ah, his expressions of happiness were nice, but the turmoil, the struggle. Such a wonderful faze into acceptance, wasn't it? He hummed as he lifted a hand up to gently lay it on his Light's head, making him freeze. He liked that reaction too.

"Silly little one~ I'm not following you~" he informed the other, letting his fingers sink into the other's silky locks. He liked this too. His hair was like silk to his fingers. Before he was fully known, he would run his fingers through the boy's hair, listening to his appreciative coos as he slept, turning into his hands, so open and willing to receive such attention. Attention Yami was craving to give. "We're meant to be together, don't you see?" Hehe, together. He wanted this word to be something that described them. Together... "Didn't you feel it, back there?" he whispered, moving his body so that he was level with the spike haired boy's ear, letting his voice whisper soothingly, the hand in the other's hair sliding down to cup the base of his head, fingers still buried in the lovely multicolored array. "We were going to kiss~ Kiss~ Kiss~" he reminded. He could feel the other shivering against him again, he could sense the confusion emanating from him. Nummy...

"Y-you..." the smaller form whispered, his voice full of emotion. "I-I didn't-" suddenly, in a complete mood swing, the boy ripped himself away from Yami, managing to kick him off the bed in his solid form. "GET OFF!" he screamed, throwing his pillows furiously at a frowning Yami. "Leave me alone you sicko! You're disgusting! I'm not- not g-g-g-gay! Go back to wherever the hell you go and just- kieru!" Yami simply stared at the panting Pretty for a moment, watching as tears began to fill his eyes.

"...Ch." he mumbled, before letting his body take on its usual form of invisibility before slipping, unseen, into the Millennium puzzle. As he retreated to his Soul Room, he pouted, his boots clicking against the old Egyptian stone of the ground that paved his domain. It wasn't fair! He liked to see his Hikari struggle but- But why couldn't he agree with him once in a while? He huffed childishly as he made quick steps past his host's door and made his way into his own, slamming the door behind him. He hoped that he felt that vibration!

Yami spent what seemed an eternity simply standing with his back to the door, arms crossed over his chest and eyes ablaze. "ʼNā ʼKrh..." he mumbled under his breath, eyes still glaring fiercely at the ground. "ʼNā ʼKrh..." his body felt as though pain was wracking through it, even though he was just standing there, feeling as though he was going to explode. "ʼNā ʼKrh..." but-but he had to keep it in. He was the leader, the one who would lead his Hikari to greatness- The one- "ʼNā ʼ... Krh...!" the room seemed to erupt itself when he sent a shattering mind crush at his throne, his eyes fiery with a dark light. Almost immediately, he was smashing his fists into the walls, bloodying them with the sheer force of his anger and sense of betrayal. It was all rushing back to him- Those eyes- That smile- Those words whispered in the night-

"Krh! Krh! Krh!" he huffed with each punch, not seeming to feel the pain in his hands, his eyes sightless as he mentally traveled back to when he was younger, when he was in Egypt, when he was... was... "Krh-..." almost as if a switch was thrown, the anger was sucked out of Yami, his fortieth punch freezing mid-impact. He stared, blankly, at the dark, stone wall before him for a moment, before the positioned hand unfurled and instead pressed against the wall softly. His body began to tremble, sadness, abandonment, depression, settling into his emotions comfortable, a choked breath escaping his throat. "ʼNā ʼ..." he trailed off, hanging his head as his pupils shook inside of his irises, slowly sliding down the stone wall to fall to his knees. He pressed his right cheek against the stone, feeling its cold texture and quickly replacing it with skin and a heartbeat. "ʼNā ʼ..." he whispered, his voice weak, as though he were trying to get a point across to someone.

After a few moments of silence, the darkness lifted his head away from the stone, staring forlornly at the ground instead. A smile twitched at his lips.
"Hehe... All better~" he hummed, taking his hand from the wall and pushing himself up to stand with the same energy as usual, ruby eyes bright. "So much better~ Heheehe~" he made a spin around his Soul Room, humming in pleasure. "I can't wait to see Aibou again~" he sang out, his voice echoing. He came to a stop in the middle of the room, staring at his closed door. "Wqāl Ānh Sykwn Sʻydā Ḩtá Tʻrf؟" he questioned, tilting his head to the side and giving the door an excited smile.


'Not gay, not gay, not gay, not gay, not gay-' Yuugi thought repeatedly as he stared in an almost obsessive fashion at past group pictures of his friends, eyes trained on Anzu. He was trying to reassure- Er, proving- No... He was straight! He was just looking at pictures of Anzu to further justify it! Right!
He admired her pretty brown hair, her lovely baby blue eyes, her pale skin; her curvaceous body and happy smile aimed at the camera. He shifted on his bed as he began to get uncomfortable. This proved it. He was straight. He liked Anzu. He wanted Anzu to be his girlfriend. There was no way that he craved men. Nope. Nuh-uh. He was as straight as they came. ...And he wasn't thinking about that kiss at all!

Why would he anyway? His look alike was a monster! An evil, killing machine! If only he could get rid of him! If only- His eyes widened, dropping the picture in his realization. Get... rid...
"Of course!" he exclaimed, jumping up from his bed in excitement. "I just- I just have to throw it away! And I'll be free! Then my life will go back to normal!" he cried out, relief carving his features. He had worked so hard on the puzzle but- But having the evil thing wasn't worth keeping it any longer! He was going to get rid of this thing! He was going to be free!


About an hour later, Yuugi was standing over one of the many garbage cans in the park, the Millennium puzzle held in his hands, savoring the thought of what he was about to do. After this- after this he'd be free. He would be able to talk to his friends. To be relaxed. To be with Anzu... He closed his eyes, smiling at the notion. Anzu wouldn't be in danger any more... Easily, he dumped his life's work into the trash, his glove covered hands tingling at the loss of the ever cold object. An icy wind blew eerily, ruffling his hair.

"I... did it..." he mumbled in astonishment, his breathing visible in the crisp air. "I... I actually-" all at once, elation filled his body, causing him to jump in the air and run away in an almost insane fashion from the garbage can. "Boku wa sore o yatta!" he laughed, jumping into piles of snow childishly, kicking it to and fro and just enjoying his life for the first time since the evil abomination revealed itself to him. "Boku wa jiyūda! Kare wa nakigoto de watashi o komara seru tsumori wa nai!" he crowed, twirling around as snow began to fall, almost as if to congratulate him on putting up with all the hardships he had dealt with over the few months of having the monster so close to him.

"Kore ijō no' aibō' kore to' aibō' koto o!(No more 'aibou' this and 'aibou' that!) Kore ijō no rubī no me! Kore ijō no kyōi! Kore ijō no kyōkai! Kore ijō no kare o! Kore ijō no kaibutsu!(No more ruby eyes! No more threats! No more boundaries! No more him! No more monster!)" he continued, his yes wild with excitement. "Soshite, mō ISSHO NI!" he practically shrieked, falling back into a large pile of snow, laughing insanely, uproariously into the white flaked air. Eventually though, the laughter died down, replaced with heavy, happy sighs of relief. "A...haahahaa..." he trailed off, staring up into the sky with a smile on his face. However, as he laid there, the lack of presence began to set in. He began to notice the naked feeling of not having the puzzle bouncing against his chest; the sensation of having someone lurking near him that he had grown so accustomed to. "Ah... haha..." he found his smile slowly falling as that feeling from before came back. The one he always dreaded. The sense of being utterly, completely, undoubtedly-


After an unfathomable amount of time, Yuugi slowly pushed himself up from the cold snow.
"I... should get home..." he mumbled to no one, brushing off his snow pants. "I... Jii-chanwill worry about me..." he trailed off, stiffly walking away from the park, from the trashcan, from the spirit. He didn't know what was wrong with him. He was happy just a second ago wasn't he? And he should be happy! This thing had been tormenting him since day one! But... but ever since then... He'd never truly been alone...

He shrugged up his shoulders against the cold. He... he was fine. It was like taking off a rubber band after having it on too long. The feeling would fade, of course. Of course.


It was later on during the night that Yuugi found he couldn't force himself to sleep, his eyes wide open as he stared at the ceiling. He felt so... empty... He turned over onto his side, moving his gaze to the wall across from him, his purple iris' forming a sad, dejected expression. When he had come home, he wasn't able to find the drive to talk to his grandfather and simply said 'he was feeling a little ill from the cold'.

He'd been laying in the same spot since three hours ago, only shifting when his grandfather came in to check on him. His left hand curled into the pillow under his hand, taking a deep breath as he tried to make himself feel sleepy. It didn't work. Groaning, he turned over onto his other side, staring at the ground, before his eyes roamed his room, bypassing his wall, his desk, his door, his bed table- His eyes snapped back to the desk, freezing at the sight of- of-

"You-!" he sat bolt upright and pointed accusingly at the golden object shining under the glow of the moon. "How did- When-" in an instant, he was holding the accursed thing in his hands, opening his bedroom window and watching as the cars zoomed by. He could feel the spirit pulsing in the puzzle, as if it was trying to say hello to him. He wouldn't be having any of that. He wouldn't give the monster the chance. As soon as there was a gap in the cars, he chucked the Millennium puzzle as hard as he could, before he watched it disappear into the dark streets below. In an almost emotionless action, he closed the window and turned away from the window, not caring if someone might have been injured by the object. As long as it wasn't near him anymore. Then he was fine... He was fine.


The next morning found Yuugi being confronted once more by his friends, and, much to their surprise, hugging all of them in glee.
"Guys! I missed you!" he laughed, tears in his eyes, taking in the warmth of their clothes bodies. Ever since he'd woken up, he'd been so... He couldn't get warm. Even in his thickest coat.
"Yuug! You- What's been wrong with you? We were worried-"
"Not as much as I was!"
"NANI?" as both Honda and Jounouchi broke into a fight, Yuugi was left with just Anzu in his arms, which he didn't seem to really notice, just focusing on the warmth he was receiving.
"Ano... Yuugi-kun?" Yuugi's eyes snapped open at the hesitant murmur, ripping himself away from Anzu's waist.
"Ah... g-gomennasai..." he apologized, looking off to the side and blushing deeply.
"Ah-Sore wa mondai arimasen!" she laughed, though her voice faltered. When the multi hair colored youth glanced up, he saw that the brunette was looking off into the sky, her whole face red in embarrassment. Yuugi smiled fondly up at the girl, before his body tensed, readying itself for a hissing remark or growl. But none came.

'Right.' he thought, relaxing. 'It's gone now. No one can stop me from being close to Anzu...' he thought, letting out a laugh, gaining all of his friends' attention. Eventually, all of them were happy, Honda and Jounouchi messing with his hair and pushing him around a bit and Anzu standing to the side, dodging their boyish behavior. This was how it was supposed to be. Him. His friends. All happy. All... normal.

He tried to ignore the growing cold in the gut of his stomach.


Yuugi laughed as Jounouchi whined about losing another card game to him, giving him an apologetic smile.
"You got nothin' to laugh about!" Jounouchi snapped, pouting angrily.
"S-sorry Jou-kun! I can't help myself! It's just been so long since we've played, you know?" Yuugi apologized, making the other blond smile.
"Well... when you put it like that..." Jounouchi leaned over the table to ruffle Yuugi's hair. "How can I stay mad at you?" They all laughed. The whole day had been filled with laughter. It really should have warmed Yuugi up by now. But... it hadn't.

Standing out of his seat, he let Honda take his place to try and help Jounouchi with his car playing skills, walking over to the window. It was... confusing why he still felt so alone. He was with his friends again, everything was going back to normal. Everything would be perfect from now on. He laid his elbows on the window sill, staring out at the cold, blue sky, cupping his face in his hands. After a few minutes, a hand was laid upon his shoulder, making him jump, whipping around and expecting to see-

"Yuugi-kun?" Yuugi blinked, staring up at a slightly startled Anzu, before he relaxed his defensive stance, smiling faintly.
"I- I was thinking about something-" he decided to shut himself up. Of course it wasn't that monster. He was gone right?

Anzu smiled back at him, sitting on the window sill beside his elbows, giving him a teasing look.
"What were you thinking about to make you react like that?" she asked, making Yuugi shrug, looking back out of the window.
"Oh come on!" he found himself with a an eyeful of Anzu's beautiful blue eyes as she leaned into his line of vision. "Tell me!"
"A-ah..." he stuttered, turning red as he turned his face away from the girl.
"I-it's nothing! Really!" he tried to laugh it off, only for Anzu to make a disappointed 'mou...' sound, glaring at him, before sitting up straight.
"Fine! If you don't want to tell me..." he huffed, walking back to their friends, looking rather put out. Yuugi sighed, mentally putting himself down. He had approached that all wrong...

He was about to walk over to Anzu and apologize, when he felt as though someone was... He looked back to the window and froze. The... The puzzle... There it floated in an almost innocent way, bobbing slightly in mid air, right outside the window. Yuugi stared, horrified and transfixed as the object seemed to beckon him closer. But- he couldn't! He'd just thrown it into traffic the night before- And why was it floating? Floating at the height of three stories!

His fingers twitched on the window sill, watching as the Millennium puzzle bobbed, seeming to give off a warm aura that gently dabbed at Yuugi's face and chest. Yuugi threw a glance over at his friends and his other classmates, and, seeing that they were all distracted, silently opened the window. He couldn't make a large fuss. Everyone would think he was insane... Reaching out, he managed to take the object in hand, drawing it towards himself and experiencing the sensation of not being alone anymore. He almost let the thing rest in his hand, almost welcomed it back, almost relished the sense of warmth. Almost. With a quick motion, he swung the thing away from himself, watching as it spun away from the school, his breathing heavy. Somehow, letting it go this time seemed to have strained him.

"Good morning everyone! Sorry I'm late!" Ryou chirped, rushing into the class. "I-" he cut himself off, his green eyes running over Yuugi's shaking form. The other three of the group greeted him. They hadn't seemed to notice... Making his way over to Yuugi, Ryou questioned, quietly.
"Yuugi-kun... Where... where's your puzzle?" he was only answered with the sound of Yuugi's heavy breathing as shaken look as he stared out into the cold, blue sky.


As the days passed, Yuugi's friends, with the constant comments from Ryou, noticed that he seemed to be distancing himself again, taking to staring out of the windows or suddenly moving off their usual path to the arcade as though he were chasing after something, only to come back looking even more drained. He looked, frankly, as though he was having withdrawal symptoms. It was disturbing. To all of them. Jounouchi was even wondering if Yuugi had pawned his puzzle off for some kind of drug.

Only Ryou knew why Yuugi was acting so strange.

In a sense, yes, he was going through withdrawal, just, with his Millennium Puzzle. The Brit had himself gone through it, and it wasn't a good experience. It was agonizing. The chills he suffered, the pain, the longing, the feeling of always being alone despite the mass amount of people around. It was maddening. There was nothing that could be done. So, as he watched Yuugi from a distance, and kept dismissing his friend's wonderings about whether the vertically challenged boy was under the influence or not, he simply waited. Waited until Yuugi would come to school with the puzzle around his neck. That or, till he didn't come back at all.


Well... perhaps he could help the chap a little...


He was cold... so... cold... He hadn't been warm for weeks. It had gotten so bad that he couldn't even go outside, he couldn't brave the snow. He was bundled in his bed, shivering, cowering, his teeth chattering. He couldn't feel his toes. He was sure that if he cried his tears would freeze. And the pain- the pain. Oh God that almost made the freezing temperature less noticeable. His chest was clenching, tightening, twisting, making him sob dryly under the covers, trying to warm himself. What was wrong with him? He should have gotten better after chucking that thing- but it just made it worse. He shuddered again as the faint sound of his door opening rang in his ears. Probably his grandpa again, trying to warm him with a heating pad and soup.
"Yuugi," he began, his voice muffled because of the blanket clutched over the boy's whole body. "Someone came to see you." Yuugi paused for a mere second. He'd told his friends not to come and see him. He was too much of a wreck to deal with their questions.

After a bit of silence, he heard a nervous cough.
"...Yuugi-kun?" Ryou. Right. He hadn't visited him yet, he- Wait! Wait, he had a demon as well- He could- "Yuugi-kun you need to stop this." Ryou murmured slightly, and Yuugi felt the British boy sit beside him, his body giving him little comfort warmth wise. "I... know what you've been trying to do... With your Millenium Puzzle." Yuugi's eyes widened. Ryou... knew? How-

"I tried to do the same thing years ago..." Ryou murmured, the sound of metal tinkling hitting Yuugi's ears sharply. The boy must have been touching his demon's 'home'. "But in the end..." he trailed off. "...Look, Yuugi-kun, you have to go get yours back before its too late." Ryou's voice sounded much closer this time, as if he was bent over his form. "You... This cold that you're feeling... It'll dissapear once you have it in your grasp. Just... Trust me." Ryou informed Yuugi, before, not expecting an answer, he stood and left. And he didn't get a verbal response.

Yuugi felt a mixture of anger and stubbornness fill him. He didn't need that monster to survive! He would get better on his own! He turned his face into his sheets, breathing shallowly. He was fine... he could get better... by himself.


It was in the middle of the night that Yuugi heard an indistinguishable voice in the back of his head in his sleep, making him wriggle under the covers. The voice held a warmth he hadn't felt in what felt like ages. His legs untangled from under the blankets, his brow furrowing as those sweet whispers seemed to increase in volume, making his breath quicken.
You're truly a trooper...
So strong...
Don't you think its time to let go...?

Let... go? Yuugi didn't understand. What did let go mean? He'd already let go of the puzzle. The voice chuckled, tendrils of steamed ringlets brushing against his face.
Death, my dear~ It's the only way...
The only way to feel safe and warm~
Isn't that right?

Yuugi smiled faintly in his sleep, rolling that option around in his brain. Death... death meant that he wouldn't have this body anymore. He'd be in heaven, warm amongst the clouds and warm sun. It seemed so logical. Just...
Kill yourself...
It's better this way...
Yuugi's form slid out from under the covers, his eyes fogged by a mixture of purple and yellow. In what seemed like a skip in a cd, Yuugi was down in the kitchen, sliding out a fine knife out of the block, his body buzzing with warmth, and a sense of being watched over. Ah... he'd... missed that... He lifted the blade up to his left wrist, a smile curling up onto his lips, admiring the contrast of metal and skin. He lightly pressed the sharp blade against his vein, biting his lip as an approving hum sang in his ear.
That's it...
Just a bit more...
Yuugi hardly felt the blade pierce his skin, a thin stripe of blood slipping down, breathing out a sigh.
Embrace death dear boy...
It's your only- Yuugi's eyes widened as he felt something similar to a shock shoot up his spine, his blurred eyes shivering in confusion. What- he couldn't stop- He was so- A ringing set off in his head, making him choke out a pained breath, falling to his knees as a spell of dizziness captured him, lifting his right hand, still holding the knife, up to his head. The warmth- it was leaving- No! He'd just gotten it back-

There was a hissing echoing in his head, before the warmth was sucked from him, as well as the voice, his body stilling as shudders overtook his suddenly freezing cold body. Slowly, he opened his cleared eyes, staring down at the kitchen floor in confusion and pain. What... was he... doing here? He dizzily looked to his left arm at the sensation of something wet running down it. He froze at the sight of blood, accidentally dropping the knife to the ground. He whipped his head towards the clattering sound it made, before he, shakily, his legs wobbling, pushed himself up against one of the counters, staring down in mortification at the blood dabbed object. What had happened? What the hell had happened? He stumbled to one of the drawers, snatching out a dish rag, pressing it to his cut. He was cold. He hurt all over. And now- now he was cutting himself without realizing it? He shook his head, tears coming to his eyes. Ryou... Damn it! He... he couldn't do this! He couldn't deal with all this- this-

Before he knew it, he was running out the door in nothing but his pajamas in the cold, winter air, the wind whipping against his face, only worsening his condition as his feet plowed into the mounds of snow he came across. He had to find it- Find him. This cold, this pain, what just happened- Ryou said getting the Millennium puzzle back would solve it all. He had to find it!

But it seemed the object didn't want to be found. It was hours later that Yuugi collapsed in a dark alley, breathing shallowly and shuddering all over, his fingers shivering and tipped with blue. He could hardly breathe... He didn't even know if he was breathing anymore. He stared up into the pitch black sky of the night, his heart skipping beats as it seemed to slow. After a minute or so of watching his breath puffing out before him, he slammed his head back into the slick alley wall, letting out a laugh.
"A...ahaha... Pathe...tic..." he managed, tears welling up in his eyes. He was going to die. Looking for the very thing that he had thrown out. The very thing that hadn't stopped popping up everywhere to drive him insane... And stopped about a week ago. He closed his eyes, tears falling down his cheeks. "Hahaha... I'm... co...ld..." he whispered, smiling dazedly. He was becoming numb. He was going to die out here. Alone. No one would know until it was too late... And then, they'd find him there, dead, frozen to the bone. He laughed weakly. And he never got to tell Anzu just how much me loved her... But what did that matter? When he was dead, he wouldn't need to think about such trivial things. His eyes began to fall closed, his sight blurring substantially.

Just as he was about to close his eyes, a gentle shine of gold enveloped the alley, making the boy blink. What...? Weakly, he turned his head towards the source, and felt his heart stop.
"Ah..." his hands twitched. The... the puzzle! It was just there... Just sitting there and glowing. Yuugi instantly understood the meaning of its light. It... the thing was welcoming him.

For once... Yuugi was glad for it. To the best of his abilities, he crawled towards the puzzle, almost falling onto his face numerable times, the cold making his bones ache. Eventually, he came to it, slowly, tentatively, taking it into his hands. Warmth flooded his body, making him gasp in pleasure. His chest untwisted its knot, his heart pounding in his ears as life seemed to welcome him along with the monster.
"Welcome back, Hikari~" it cooed as Yuugi stared down at the Millennium puzzle, his pupils shivering with the shocking onslaught of- warmth, safety, affection-emotions was dumped upon him. "Have you missed me? I missed you~"

Yuugi, in a daze, held the golden object to his chest, taking in the feelings he'd missed out on for the past weeks.
"Isn't it nice? Being together, pretty pretty?" the demon cooed, only receiving an affectionate rub of his cheek, lost in the return of all of these unappreciated sensations. God... he'd missed this...



1)Teishi ga oikakete kite!- Stop following me!
2)kieru!- Dissapear
3)ʼNā ʼKrh...- I hate...
4)Wqāl Ānh Sykwn Sʻydā Ḩtá Tʻrf؟- He'll be so happy you know?
5)Boku wa sore o yatta!- I did it!
6)Boku wa jiyūda! Kare wa nakigoto de watashi o komara seru tsumori wa nai!-I am free! He is not going to bother me with his whining!
7)Kore ijō no' aibō' kore to' aibō' koto o! Kore ijō no rubī no me! Kore ijō no kyōi! Kore ijō no kyōkai! Kore ijō no kare o! Kore ijō no kaibutsu!-No more 'aibou' this and 'aibou' that! No more ruby eyes! No more threats! No more boundaries! No more him! No more monster!
8)Soshite, mō ISSHO NI!- And no more TOGETHER!
9)Sore wa mondai arimasen!- It's no problem!