SPOILER ALERT!!! This is from the end of the series, 553 in the manga. Don't read if you don't want to know how the series ends. :)


Months had passed since our kiss in the forest. Moments lingered between us, never quite reaching the intensity as it did that night. I caught him watching me more often, his eyes locked on my face for many minutes. He didn't hesitate as often and turn his eyes away. Though this wasn't the kind of thing I truly longed for, in some way it sufficed.

Miroku's lechery was becoming few and far apart, and I knew the others had noticed. He was spending more time trying to be near me, but I didn't complain. Though I didn't like him grabbing my hand for a second and then releasing it. Didn't he know the numbness that followed after the surge of electricity? I wanted to affect him the way he did me, yet I was never able to.

Our complicated relationship fell into the background as we got closer to defeating Naraku. Yet even putting him into the back of my mind, I could not stop myself from thinking of him. Did he think of me as well? I don't think I would ever know.

As the days drew closer to the final battle, I noticed a change in Miroku. Not drastic but still noticable.

We were fighting against Naraku when the moment I always dreamt of happened. Unfortunately it happened in the middle of a nightmare.

Kagome had shot an arrow at Naraku's body, piercing his defensive shield. There was a moment of silence before a gigantic explosion that destroyed everything within reach of Naraku.

I leaped backward, my hand closing around Miroku's collar as I pulled both of us onto Kiara. I looked back frantically as Kagome and Inuyasha leaped away from the swirling black youki. "Kagome!" I yelled, Miroku leaning over my shoulder.

"Inuyasha"! he yelled as we searched for our friends.

I breathed a sigh of relief as they landed beside the well. My relief was short lived as Naraku appeared just as they did.

"At that time, I made a wish on the jewel". Naraku hissed darkly. "That the moment Bakuya cut Kagome, I wished that the moment I die..." He chuckled sinisterly. "That wish would be granted. The wish that I made on the jewel, was of the jewel itself.

We all stared at him darkly, not sure exactly what this abomination was talking about. I heard Shessomaru hiss as he stood a few feet away. I gasped as a dark void appeared behind Kagome, larger than anything I had ever seen in my life. We all screamed as Kagome was yanked from the ground and thrust backward into the black hole.

"Kagome!" Shippo screamed as Inuyasha ran toward the dark void that had just claimed Kagome. '

He landed on the ground with a thud as the void disappeared, leaving nothing in it's place.

"It vanished!" Kohaku yelled as Rin gasped loudly.

"Kagome". Shippo stammered as we all looked down at him. "She was cut by Bakuya? I saw it,"

I didn't hear anything Shippo was saying, I was too horrified to hear anything. I just stared at the spot where Kagome stood not a moment ago. Where was she? Where was Naraku? Had he disappeared into the void with her? The ground around her looked strange, something was missing. My eyes widened as I realized just what that was.

The bone eaters well was gone too. Did Kagome go back to her own time? Could the void have sent her there? Nothing seemed to make any sense.

"What did Naraku wish for in the end"? Inuyasha whispered to the ground.

I turned my head to the side to see Miroku releasing the beads around his wind tunnel.

"Miroku"? I whispered as he remained silent. My eyes flickered down to his right hand. Scarred, bruised and dirty, yet normal. The wind tunnel was no longer there.

"The Kazanna is gone"?! Keade said as Shippo leaped onto her shoulder to look.

I felt my entire body shaking as tears welled in my eyes. "Your curse is broken." I sputtered out.

"Yes, there's no doubt that Naraku is gone.. However". He whispered solemnly. "The shikon no tama, what happened to it"?

I looked where his gaze turned to Inuyasha. I gasped as he cut into thin air, his tetsusaiga slicing through it toward the ground.

A collective gasp filled the air as the sky ripped apart, planets, stars , everything visible beyond the tip of his blade. How could this be happening? What was this sorcery? My heart stopped as I realized Inuyasha was diving head first into that darkness. "Inuyasha"! Miroku and I screamed in unison.

The void closed, once again leaving no trace of our friend whom it had claimed.

Everyone stood awestruck, Miroku, myself, Rin, Kohaku, Shippo, Keade, the only one not bothered was Shessomaru. I glanced toward Miroku as he shook his head.

"What are we going to do"? Shippo whined looking at Miroku as well.

I watched Miroku's shoulders shutter as he collapsed to his knees. Kneeling beside him, I squeezed my hand on his shoulder.

"There isn't anything we can do, but wait and hope they survive". He whispered closing his right hand over mine as he looked into my eyes.

Night fell on us as we retreated to Keade's village. I sat beside Miroku in Keade's hut as the old priestess stirred a pot over the fire. She suddenly rose to her feet, shuffling silently to the door. "I am going to get Shippo". She whispered as she passed beneath the screen.

Silence drew between us, as Miroku and I sat alone. Finally he looked at me, his hand squeezing tightly around mine. I touched my hand to his cheek, brushing my thumb under his eye.

"Sango". He whispered staring deeply into my eyes.

I looked back at him, seeing the pain and distress in his gaze. "Yes"? I whispered as he shook his head.

"I am going to do something extremely selfish right now." He said leaning toward me. "It's not good timing I know that, in light of things that have happened today." He muttered rising to his feet. I moved with him, my hand clenching tightly to his. "But it is also because of that, that I need to do this once and for all. I don't know what fate might have for us and I am scared of what I might lose."

"You won't lose anything Miroku." I whispered cupping his cheek, my fingertips brushing his ear. "You have your whole life before you, you are free of your curse. You can live".

He shook his head, his eyes still locked on mine. "It is an uncertain future, you seen what happened earlier, nothing is for certain but what I feel." His other hand closed around mine, his fingers lacing in between my fingers.

I blushed deeply, my skin burning. I watched his smile appear, not as confident as usual. My heart began to quicken tremendously.

"Sango. I know above all else you will stand beside me. You will die for me, kill for me, but more importantly you will live with me."

I nodded quickly. "Yes Miroku, of course".

He sighed, his smile brightening. "If this is to be my future, if Buddah has graced me with a second chance at life, I shall not waste it."

"Miroku, what is it you're saying"?

"Let me finish." He said sternly. "I know I have never been a third of the man that you deserve-"

"You are all that man".

He shook his head. "But I swear to you, from this moment on, I will be everything good and pure for you. I will never sway, I will never hurt you."

I nodded quickly my eyes burning with tears. "Miroku". I whispered as he smiled. I gasped as he began to lower to the ground, his weight balanced perfectly on one knee. "What are you doing"? I choked out, shaking my head.

"I know the first time.. It wasn't so romantic, this time isn't much better, but at least I am not in a sling". he laughed his smile reaching the tips of his eyes. "Sango chan". He smiled up at me, his eyes glimmering. "Will you bear my children and be my wife forever"?

I couldn't answer, the lump in my throat was too huge. I collapsed to my knees watching Miroku's arms wrap quickly around me.

"Sango"?! he cried, his face panic stricken.

I looked up at him as I leaned against his chest. I leaned forward my lips crushing into his. I felt his pulse quicken as his arms locked around me tightly. I laughed into his lips as I drew back, my eyes dancing over the blush on his face. "Of course you idiot!" I smirked as he shook his head.

"That wasn't very romantic". He smirked, his fingers running through my hair. "But I know you love me so that is all that matters. I love you my Sango".

I grinned at him as I wrapped my arms around his neck. "Love you Miroku". I said kissing his lips again. This time the electricity was so strong it nearly knocked me backward. But I had Miroku to hold me up so nothing mattered. He was mine forever, and I his. As it should be.


SO if you don't know how it ends and haven't read the manga. Kagome eventually comes back and gets married to Inuyasha. Sango and Miroku pop out twin girls and a son and everyone lives happily ever after, blah blah blah. :)