
Yes, I am QUITE happy, thank you.


Don't worry, Joker. Inexplicably, I still think you're pretty smexy. Despite the lack of personal hygiene.

Also, are you doing this again? I have more questions.

1. your name? (Real name, purlease)
2. your quest?
3. your favorite color?

The Joker: 1. My name is The Joker my sweets. My real name? Let me spell it out for you too. T-H-E Space J-O-K-E-R. .....Oh wait are you uh talking about my birth name? Well in that case I'd have to kill you if i told you (grins)

2. My quest? What is this a video game?

3. Purple and green toots. Purple and green.

Dee-vee-uhs. bitch:

heey joker face =)
just a couple things..
first of all obama or mccain?.. jus wondering,
what music r u intoo?
ohh and how long does it take you to do ur makeup in the morning?
it takes me an hour at least :P
love ur face

The Joker: Niether. Presidents are useless along with government. In fact i was thinking of running for president just to show the world how much of a joke Presidents really are.

Theatrical music.

My makeup can vary.....depends how dashing i want to look for the day. If i am in a rush, ten minutes. If im taking my grand ole sweet time, about twenty. (rubs face) And then i end up getting the black in my eyes. (curses under breath)


alright, i have a couple questions for ya.

first, where the heck do you get all your explosives? or, at least, where do you get the materials? where would you suggest gettin' them?

second, do you have a favorite kind of blade? 'cause you use some warped version of a potato peeler sometimes yeah? so, obviously you have (or had *smirk*) a wide variety of blades; if you absolutely were only able to have one, what would you have?

k den, peace! *laugh*

The Joker: I have my sources...and i do not wish to discuss them at this time...(coughs) but you get them for a nice deal at uh the back alley way on 44th street....

Warped version of a potato peeler?! I am offended! (pouts) That happens to be a fine piece of artwork for a blade. And really i have to many favorites to count. Every blade is so unique and makes people squeel in different ways its too hard to choose.


A couple of questions to answer if you continue with another chapter!

1. Do you drink alcohol? If so, what's your drink of choice?

2. Dream Date? (lmao)

3. Favourite sexual position?

4. Favourite food?

5. When your not terrorizing Gotham, what do you do for fun?

*I'll post more if I think of any

The Joker: 1. I do not drink alcohol it is a waste of time and money. It gets you to a state of confusion and it blocks my thoughts of anarchy. Notice at the party when my lovely face was on screen i dumped the alchol out before drinking the glass. Can't have a drunk Joker running around Gotham..I might get pulled over for a DUI.

2. Dream date would be someone who is a good listener to my stories (laughs) and some beautiful would be nice too, but they might want to have a high pain tolerance. You know me, just see an uncarved face and i get all....ansty.

3. Doggie all the way.

4. Anything fast and cheap

5. Watch me terrorizing Gotham on the news, play cards, plot, you get the point

And please keep on asking. I do enjoy the company. (smirks evilly hiding knife behind back)


If your going to answer anymore questions, I have one more.


How did you pick the colors for your wardrobe...becaues you look really...really...REALLY good with those colors on you.

Sorry for being a little shy. Your probably my favorite villian...ever.:)

The Joker: (looks down at his outfit) why thank you babe, its good someone finally thought it looked good (tugs on jacket and pops his coller) Well i got the idea because i used to watch Barney as a kid and i reaaally loved his color choi-

Moonone: (knocks the Joker on the head with the back of her hand) Stop making up stuff! this isn't a scar Story!

The Joker: (growls) okay okay jeez. I just thought purple was a good choice because it is a color rarely used in the commen outfit, and green? Well it just matched so perfectly. And come now don't be shy..(grins)....there is absolutly nothing to be scared of (still has knife hiding behind his back)


Inquiring minds want to know...

Have you ever been smacked/tied up/knocked around by a dominatrix?

I'll be passing through Gotham and could give you my card... if you're not afraid of strong women. ;)

The Joker: Oh! A little fighting in a women...A little fiestyness. A little domination, well sweets i gotta be honest, i like to do the dominating. Let's meet up so i can turn the tables on you. (rubs hands together)...Hey wait...."give you my card"...trying to copy me eh? Handing out cards just like me? Honestly first i thought the copy-cat batmans were a joke, but slowly people starting to copy me?! ....(pauses)...(says calmy) yes i think you and I should indeed meet up (thinks of plot to kill her)


Hahaha, that was quite hilarious, marvelous job! Let's see, I'm not sure if we're suppose to pose more questions but I will just in case:

How does it feel to have such a large fan-based in such a short matter of time? It seems the more evil and psychotic you get, the faster the screaming girls come lol.

The Joker: Well i am most deffinatly not letting the fame come to my head

Camera man: HEY JOKER OVER HERE LET ME GET A PICTURE! (takes pictures of him)

The Joker: (strikes a pose)...But it really does bring a fussy feeling to heart to know people understand me and my ways and support it. But i bet that once i start killing everyone the screaming girls will not be screaming for me, but at me and be running for their lives. (pictures it in his head and grins) ...I think its time to terroize more then just Gotham City hahaha!

Peachi padwan:


What do you REALLY think of your army of adoring fangirls? Some of them are pretty full on!

Loving this concept, very entertaining! More soon please!

PP xx

The Joker: Well my fangirls are quiet entertaining to watch drool over me, and funny to watch when they cower in fear from me when i decide to carve their faces. But really they are fine. UNLESS...they dress up like me. Leave that to me, only I can pull off this atire (dusts off imaginary dust on his shoulders sexly)


It s great! I love it!
And I have a few questions myself^^
Mr. J.:
1 How will you break out of Arkham?
2 Which was your worst nightmare?
3 Which is your favourite movie?

The Joker: 1. Easy...use the front door. Those guards never pay attention or are on my side. (nods)

2. My worst nightmare is that ole Batman gives up. You don't know how BORING my life would be without him.

3. Movie? Movie....well honestly im not a movie person, sitting still for that long is much to hard for me, but uh.... i did enjoy An Orange Clockwork and Titanic

(everyone in the world blinks. the world stops turning at his last statement)

The Joker:..... What!? WHAT!? i liked it when Jack drowned i laughed the whole movie. (hides in corner)


I have to do it. I have to ask him this, I swear to God, it's been nagging at me forever and ever.

My friend and I were watching your activities around Gotham and thought, "Hey, his teeth are in pretty ad shape, what with him not having the time to attend to himself ver often."

So my question is this:

Has anyone ever outright told you that you needed a tic tac? Like, before dying? Were you offended?

Just getting it out there, padre.

The Joker: My teeth? What's wrong with my teeth? (looks in mirror) no one has ever told me i need a tic tac! Are YOU telling me i need one? Cause if you are (takes out knife) wrong move! (stalks slowly toward Masterreana) And yes i am offended!

Authors Note: I don't know if i made this clear but i am going to continue to do this for like ever. So you can ask questions whenever you get them in your head. Keep them coming guys! The Joker really wants to answer you. Well no he doesn't but i am forcing him! Watch out...he may snap at one point and kill you for your question! He has a little bit of what we call a "temper". haha.