Rina-tan: A big hello to everybody who has bothered to read 'A VERY Big Misunderstanding'! It was my first fic, and meant as a one-shot. I ended up liking the possible storyline so much that I kinda just wrote... and wrote... and wrote, without pre-planning the storyline.

I have a massive writers' block now, but I am finding myself unhappy with most of the earlier chapters in this fic, so I have decided to re-write the whole thing. That way, I figured that the block might leave and I'll be able to finish this story. I have a storyline planned that incorporates most of the events, but it'll all tie up more nicely when I'm done.

I don't know whether or not it will appear in anyone's alerts, but I'll have it announced on my profile, so if it doesn't appear, be sure to check there!

Any side pairings/embarassing situations you'd like to suggest are veeeeery welcome.