Me: Yo! This is AF speaking, and I am here to say that I will be making an S.A. story that involves romance, drama, humor, and mystery!
CTE: What the hell are you doing?
Me: I'm introducing a new story that I was planning for a while.
SAN: You mean the dream you had about what if Kei left for London and stuff?
Me: Yeah! That second to last episode made my heart pound! I thought he was going to leave Hikari, and my dream showed an alternative ending!
CTE: Good grief. That dream of yours is close to becoming a drama movie.
SAN: But! But! It was so sad… her dream was…
CTE: SAN, before I puke flowers and bunnies… Do. Not. Start. Talking. About it.
Me: I don't own Special A, so don't even bother reporting me that I steal the show. Flames and criticisms are welcome that would mean to improve my writing skills.
Chapter 1: Where do we start?
It is known that when a love one dies, you would have to move on because your love one would want you to move on with your life. It is hard to believe that the special person is gone, but reality kicks in real hard that people have to move on in their lives. Many people have come in terms that this is how life is: people are born, live to their fullest life, and die at the end. People are not immortal beings; they die like all living things do. It's a never-ending cycle, and life can be cruel through human eyes. Well, the statement about the special person wanting others to move on was easier said and done, but for Kei… he really wished that he believed in that statement.
Kei Takishima, a graduate from S.A. High School and one of the graduates from Tokyo University with many master business degrees, had finished looking over the final disc from his father and mother's company. He sighed and leaned against the chair, feeling worn out from working overnight. It was very late for him as the stars twinkled above them along with a bright, full moon, but he was able to get a much-needed rest.
Many other industrial employers considered and gave him many titles: a gifted person with many talents, a perfect model of a businessmen, and the top number one person to ever set news in the media. His blondish-brown hair is styled neatly; his piercing eyes would make all girls melt; his facial structure is so strong that it seemed that he lost the baby fat; at the age of 20, he was a bachelor for many available girls who would ask him to marry them. He had fame... fortune... everything what people wanted.
However, the last part he couldn't have was love. No, Kei wasn't worried about family love or friend love. His mother and father provided him that type of love in their own way: his baby-faced father would hug him by the leg, and his mother would mail him about her days in Australia. His little brother adores him completely, so he couldn't say anything much from the little brother way. It was strange that his family's love could give him such an unconditional love while he was attending a London high school, and it was still strange that they still love him after he made a terrible choice.
He had friends who are still sticking to him through good and bad times. Normally, friendships end by a snap if a friend did a horrible mistake that would betray his friends' trust. However, these types of friends wouldn't leave out an S.A. member. Even though his friends are probably in college somewhere else or running their business, his friends would visit him when they have time, and on certain days, they would gather in one of their villas, reminiscing about their past and moments since they were in S.A. class.
He looked at the picture when he and the other members of the S.A. class had a picture together. Kei bitterly smiled as he remembered their reaction when he returned after his grandfather's death. When his grandfather died one year after Kei's transfer, Kei was free from his control and immediately transfered himself back to Hakusenkan high school. He was so eager to go back to Japan that he made plans to make everything up for his friends, especially with the special someone. When he returned, everyone was so surprised that the legendary Kei Takishima returned from London. They all greeted him, and he greeted back. However, he was anxious to see his old friends, up the hill where the old greenhouse stood.
Would they embrace him? Would they beat the life out of him until they were done maiming him? Would the certain someone come running up to him and hug him? His heart felt like it was going to explode as he reached the knob. As he opened the door, all of the S.A. members were shocked to see that Kei has returned. Kei looked around to find Akira, Tadashi, Jun, Megumi, and Ryuu present. His friends were all happy to see him back, and the good news about the Takishima group was that it is now under his mother's control. They were wanted to celebrate for Kei's return, but they realized in horror that one person missing from the group was his rival and special person. Takishima realized that something was wrong and knew that something happened to "Miss Rank Two." When his friends told him about the news, his heart stopped.
"Hikari's family was killed by the fire at her home, and Hikari had disappeared without a word."
He could only stare at the girl with black, long hair who smiled brightly. He couldn't have the love like two people being in love with each other and truly understanding how one feels for another. His emotions were longing and hoping for the certain girl to appear, challenging him to a contest... smiling with him as they enjoyed their days together. He never so much wanted to restart their whole lives together and make sure that Hikari is safe from harms way. He thought that telling them to not come was a good thing for their future, but the news made him regret his decision because he messed up Hikari's future. Kei wanted Hikari, who changed his life and who could made him smile, to appear in front of his door, so he could just hold her in his arms, willing to do anything for her and never leaving her alone. However, days pass by, and his love grows stronger for the girl as his hope began to wither away like a flower.
"Onii-chan..." Kei heard a soft voice and turned around to see his young 10-year old brother out the door.
"Sui. What are you doing up so late?" The younger Takishima member looked at the picture behind his brother and shook his head.
"I could say the same thing to you, onii-chan. You need to go to sleep. Okaa-san's not going to like it when she sees you with bags under your eyes." Kei turned his chair around to look at the picture. Time pass by as you work constantly without realizing what year it was. Three years ago, Sui was a young child who admires Kei and a stubborn kid with an attitude that everyone would find him as a brat. Now, he is a 10-year old kid with a smart mouth, and he would likely to cause trouble with that mouth of his.
"Go to sleep, Sui. I will be retiring to bed." The younger brother sighed and turned around.
"You better go to sleep, or I will tell okaa-san about you staying up late." With that, Sui closed the door, leaving Kei alone in the room. The eldest brother continued to stare at the picture, not wanting to take his eyes away from her smiling face. However, his vision began to swirl as the drowsiness began to take effect.
Kei tried to stay awake, but his eyes couldn't hold up and began to close his vision, leaving Kei to slumber a dream.
"Damn. I got beaten again." A young woman wiped the trail of blood from her mouth as she was sitting on grass and dirt. A minute ago, she and a certain person had a fight, and that certain person won again, landing a punch across her cheek to end the challenge. Her forest green khaki pants and her bared feet were already caked with mud by the struggle, and the grass stained her white tank top. Her black, long hair was tied into a high ponytail, ruffled by the fight, as her black eyes squinted with frustration. She was becoming beautiful for a 20-year-old woman, but her hair bangs covered her scar on her forehead, hiding her pain and suffering under the dirty hair.
"First, I couldn't beat Takishima, now I couldn't beat him." She closed her eyes and punched the dirt with full force. She couldn't… no… she could no longer cry, and she believed that all those tears have already run out. The woman sighed sadly and took out a locket, opening it to reveal her and her family. A father, a mother, an older brother…
Her name was Hikari Hanazono, the last surviving member of the Hanazono family. So many events have happened since these past three years, and she felt like she had changed. The first event started when her rival disappeared and left a note on his uniform. He said that he was going to London to keep the S.A. class together, and he doesn't want anyone, not even Hikari, to find him. If they did, he would then remove the privileges and destroy the greenhouse with one command. It left Hikari heartbroken and made her realize that she fell in love with her rival. After her rival disappeared and left her old high school, everyone felt that they couldn't do anything since then. Hikari felt that she had no challenge in her life if her rival wasn't there.
The second event started was the death of her family. The next few months, she and her brother were talking about plans for her brother's future since he would be graduating soon. She and her older brother, Atsushi, had a close relationship, and all of Hikari's sadness disappeared when she talked with her brother. It was a peaceful day for the Hanazono family until someone came into her home unnoticeably and set firecrackers everywhere. The firecrackers started to create small flames until those small flames burst into a blazing wild fire. The two Hanazono siblings rushed downstairs to find their mother. The kitchen was blazing with fire around the room, and through Hikari's eyes, the kitchen exploded and killed her mother, making her the first victim.
The next one was her father. When a gunshot was heard nearby, the two Hanazono siblings rushed to the living room to see their father on the floor, not moving. Hikari couldn't scream for her father, too shocked to witness the terrible event in her life. Her brother brought her back to reality, grabbed her by the wrist, and ran to the final exit. Hikari screamed and told Atsushi that they have to go back to their dad, but Atsushi argued back with a scary face that was supposed to make Hikari faint.
"Hikari! There's nothing we could do for him now! All what Okaa-san and Otou-san want for us is to continue living and survive!"
Hikari didn't understand why her brother was angry, but his scary face looked like he was scared instead, making her feel scared. When they reached to the exit, the door was open, but the flaming, fallen roof was blocking half of the entrance, making the top half open for only one person. Hikari was going to throw her brother out but felt herself being thrown in the air. She could remember her brother's face… and his words as she was in the air and out of the flaming house. Atsushi was smiling and crying, and his final words were "Do your best, Hikari." No longer than those words, her house collapsed, burying her family under the fire. Hikari couldn't handle the fear anymore and fainted on one spot, silently crying for her family.
The young woman flopped down on the green pasture, staring up at the red sky and the setting sun. It was no longer that after her family's death, she found herself in a hospital and was told about the news. She didn't care anymore and already expected the worse. She couldn't attend Hakusenkan high school anymore. She couldn't find another place to live. She couldn't ask anyone for help because Hikari was beyond help herself. She didn't care what happens because whoever destroyed her family and home also destroyed the hope she had. She could remember that the next few days after the tragic event, some family adopted her into their home, and… well… here she is. Trying to find out why was she fighting her way out of this.
"Hika-nee-san!" Her large black eyes opened to see another pair of large black eyes. Hikari smiled, remembering the little girl who is looking at her.
"Namaka-chan. Konichiwa." The little girl smiled and lay besides her, resting her small head on her "big sister's" stomach. Hikari would normally shove off kids because they wanted to take advantage of her, but this little girl was with her all the way since the girl was too young to understand the concept between the "big sister," "cousins," and "mother." The five-year-old child understood the difference, but the attachment between the "sisters" is already considered a mother-child relationship. The little girl just looked like Hikari when Hikari was young: black long hair, large black eyes, tan skin, and a smile to match. The only difference about them was that the young Hikari had innocence in her eyes as the grown Hikari had to witness a tragedy. Hikari noticed that the sun was going lower, and it was getting late.
"Ne… Namaka-chan. Let's go home. Obaa-san and Onii-san will worry about us if we stayed out too long." The little girl whined, not wanting to go back. Hikari scolded lightly.
"Namaka-chan…" The little girl pouted.
"Fine… but I don't like Onii-chan." Hikari sat up and carried the young girl into her arms. Hikari didn't feel this protective after her family's death. It's probably the young girl reminded so much of herself that she was once innocent and too young to understand. Hikari stood up and walked out of the pasture, heading for the large mansion up ahead.
"Why is that?"
"He's mean… and… and he is hurting Hika-nee-san!" Hikari smiled sadly. It's probably best if she told the girl a little lie.
"It's because he's trying to protect us from the bad people who would want to hurt us. He is training me to become stronger, so I could protect you." The little girl scowled and placed her head on Hikari's shoulder.
"He'd better because I don't like the way he is teaching Hika-nee-san." Hikari looked up to the house, hoping that she doesn't cross paths with him.
"Takishima-sama!" A maid ran up to the baby-faced Takishima, panting and looking frantic about something. The father was surprised. Usually, this doesn't happen too often unless it was an emergency.
"Nani? Nan deska?" The father asked, and the maid gave him a black envelope.
"It's terrible! When I was about to clean your office, I found this on your desk. I know that you ordered us that if something looks unnecessary, just throw it away. However, this doesn't look unnecessary, and it seems suspicious." The father frowned and took the envelope from her hand. The envelope was black, and it had a skull seal on the opening, He removed the seal and opened the envelope. Inside, there was a black letter, so he was cautious that if it would set off, he would get his bodyguards to get rid of it quickly. He opened it without hesitation and with guard, but the letter didn't explode. No…
By reading what's inside the letter, his emotions exploded into panic.
"AAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!" The maid jumped and asked.
"Takishima-sama?! What's wrong?" The father grabbed the maid and ordered her.
"Go to my office, and find the Taishou's family number. Tell them that they must come over to my office immediately that a threat letter has arrived in my office." The maid nodded quickly and ran.
"Right away, sir!"
"Otou-san!" Kei ran to his father with Sui behind him.
"Otou-san! Daijoubou?" The father panicked.
"No time! Kei, Sui, you two must come with me to my office for a discussion with the Taishou family!" Kei sighed, not feeling like to deal with his father's antics again.
"What happened this time? If it's a meeting, I refuse." His father grabbed his son's shoulder so firm that Kei was surprised how serious this was.
"No. I cannot leave you or Sui alone. Right now, we are threatened by someone who wants to destroy the Takishima family." Kei sighed, feeling the headache coming up.
"If they want to destroy us, wouldn't we have the advantage to find out who is doing this?" His father shook his head.
"No. We are not that capable to find out whom is threatening families. Only one family is capable to protect and to figure out who is behind all this, and the Taishou family is the only family who could figure this all out. They are coming right now, and you and Sui must come with me to hear the situation." Kei's eyes widened. The Taishou family is a very famous and very protective group who could solve cases without fail and protect companies and families who are being threatened by dangerous groups. They have trained soldiers and bodyguards equal to an American S.W.A.T. team and taught them military survival skills and combat. Members of the Taishou family can be either leaders or second in commands, and they have caught more than one hundred dangerous people. When his father said that the Taishou family is coming, this means serious business.
"Let's go, otou-san. Sui, come with us. You have to understand why this meeting is important."
"What? We're leaving today?" Hikari asked in English. Just when she was going to sleep, another trouble started out of the blue. A soldier, from her platoon, delivered the message to Hikari and nodded.
"Yes. Your grandmother had a call from one of the families that a threat letter has reached into their home, and it is threatening to kill all of the family members and workers. Right now, she wants you, her granddaughter, some men from our platoon, and the captain to protect this family. She said that this is a very important mission because this family is very famous and well-known throughout the world." Hikari sighed and waved off.
"Okay, soldier. You're dismissed." The soldier saluted and left Hikari to return to his own room. Hikari touched her scar and looked at the slightly burnt picture behind her. It was the only picture that was still in one piece, and just by looking at it made her depressed.
"Onii-chan, why does he have to look like you? Only… much colder?"
Okay. I can take any criticisms from anyone, so I could improve this story and writing. If anyone has anything to say, just punch me through your thoughts.