Title: When the World is Dark

Chapter Rating: K+

Pairing: Alice/Bella

Disclaimer: All characters belong to Stephenie Meyer.

Old Summary: When Bella jumped off the cliff, she did it as an attempt of suicide. She wakes up in the hospital with no memory of the Cullens, and is told of her relationship with Edward. So... why does she fall for his sister instead?

A/N: Before you read, please bear in mind that this is an Alice/Bella story – as in, two women seeking a relationship, falling in love, and having sex.

The first few chapters take place in New Moon, then the plot gradually slips into the events of Eclipse.

This story is currently under construction.


"Hey, Bella. What's this?"

As Emmett's rough voice snapped me from my reverie, I reluctantly lifted my head from one of the novels I was reading. I could make out his bear-sized outline behind the doorway, rummaging through a bag.

"What's what?" I asked in a bored tone. It wasn't as if I didn't enjoy Emmett's company. After getting to know him over the summer, I happened to learn a thing or two about the man… vampire… I thought of as the big brother I never had, but truly wanted.

He enjoyed a variety of games, particularly Bella taunting.

"This," he began, and I watched as he held out a long, thin object covered in a pink, plastic wrapping. The usual blush crept down neck and I immediately stood up to snatch it away.

But he persisted to annoy me, not even moving an inch as I reached up towards him.

"You're blushing!" His booming laugh erupted through the room, causing me to blush a darker shade.

"Emmett!" I shouted irritably. "Why were you looking through my bag? It's private!"

"Because you weren't paying any attention to notice," he replied. "You still didn't answer my question."

"It's none of your business."

"On the contrary, it is," he said. "You are now Edward's girlfriend, and as Edward's girlfriend, it's my job to make sure he's safe from weapons you carry in your bag."

"You can't be serious." I rolled my eyes, knowing very well it was another one of his pathetic attempts to joke around. A human – clumsy and fragile – and a danger to one of the most dangerous creatures in the world? I could've laughed at the thought. "You really don't know what it is?"

He shook his head, oblivious to just how far he was taking my humiliation.

Sighing, I placed two of my fingers around the bridge of my nose and closed my eyes. "It's a tampon."

I waited for his reaction, anything to elicit a shameful response on my part and hide away until Edward came back. But it never came, and I hesitantly opened my eyes.

"A what?"

I groaned. "You have got to be kidding me!" I used his moment of curiosity to steal the item from his hand. "You never took health class in school?"

He snorted. "Why? Rose teaches me everything."

I felt my face grow hot once more, unable to shield away from the images that abruptly emerged from my subconscious.

Shuddering, I said, "Maybe because they're for humans…" I paused, unsure how to phrase this. "Well, for girls, really, to stop the bleeding."

"Human girls just bleed randomly?"

I shook my head. "Well, no. It happens every month when our… it's just our way to get us prepared for pregnancy. It's no big deal."

A mischievous grin played his lips. Oh God. Nothing good ever came through that expression.

"Pregnancy, huh? I think I'm enjoying this health lesson. So where does the blood leave, Bella?"

His question caught me off guard, and I was immediately thrown into another wave of embarrassment. "I'm not talking about this, Emmett."

"No, let me get this straight. You stop the bleeding by sticking a 'tampon' up a girl's-"

"EMMETT!" I turned around, plugging my ears, though it didn't do much. I could still hear him.

"Do you think Rose will like it if I use it on her?"


It was incredibly and exceedingly awkward. And I'm not just talking about the kind of awkward you get when you ask a stupid question to a friend or your crush. I'm talking about the silence there is when you're in the same car with a bloodsucking vampire that absolutely despises you.

What a shame, huh?

I sighed, awkwardly, and turned my head slightly to obtain a quick glance of the gorgeous blond sitting beside me. Her golden locks were tucked neatly behind her ears as she concentrated on the road, gripping the steering wheel tightly.

"I know Edward asked me to drive you back, but that doesn't give you a reason to stare at me," she stated plainly, though I could still make out the irritation in her tone.

I looked away immediately.

"I wasn't staring," I murmured lightly. What a mistake.

"Nor did I give you a reason to speak to me."

I bit my lower lip, begging myself to bite hard so I could draw blood. It was probably the worst thing to do when the vampire you're with wouldn't hesitate to kill you, and brutally, I might add.

"Thank you," I whispered. I knew she could hear. "For saving me back there."

It was silent, just as I had expected. What I didn't expect was her to respond.

"Thank Alice. She had the vision."

It surprised me, really, to hear words come out of Rosalie's mouth that weren't rude. I thought about them, smiling as I realized that I did owe Alice a thank you. Edward was hunting, and if it weren't for either of them, I would still be stuck with a desperate Mike Newton who I so conveniently met in Port Angeles.

"It must have been difficult for you, seeing how much you hate me," I began, now unable to think long and hard about my choice of words. Why, again, was I speaking to her? "But you have no idea how much I appreciate it."

A minute passed, and I heard her sigh, which was clearly out of character for her. It was a sigh of frustration, but there was, quite possibly, a touch of shame in there as well.

"I don't hate you, Bella," she forced herself to say. "Hate is a strong emotion, and I have no right to feel that way towards you."

My mouth, open from the shock of it all, proceeded to search for the correct words. How do I respond to that?

"I… I don't hate you, either," I stated quickly. "Not at all."

And it was silent once again, something that I embraced and took with comfort. My mind began spinning to the point of dizziness, and I took one last glance at the girl beside me.

Was that a smile?

I turned around to face the window, watching several buildings pass by in a flash. It wasn't much but a slight curve on the lips, but it was still there. A smile.

It must have been a dream.


"Carlisle, can I speak with you for a moment?"

"Of course, Bella. Come, have a seat." He pointed to the chair in front of him, beside his desk. "What is it?"

Relieved that I hadn't disturbed him, I followed his directions and sat down. It was then that I realized I hadn't exactly planned this discussion out.

"I was curious," I began and fumbled around with my fingers, the nervousness finally getting the better of me. "Well, it's something I can't speak to Edward about."

He chuckled. "I understand completely," he said, his tone calm and just… Carlisle-like. When will I ever get over their perfection? "Your secret should be safe with me."

I nodded as I knew I could trust him with my life, but, honestly, I couldn't care less if Edward ever found out. Of course he'll be angry, but it was a conversation he always ended or never bothered to give a chance, whereas Carlisle was the complete opposite.

"Alright. I was wondering… after someone changes, or turns into a vampire," I shudder slightly at these words, "What happens to them afterward?"

He leaned forward, his gaze intense and serious. "Explain, please."

"Like… are they thirsty for blood immediately and can they be controlled? Or what about their memories? Do they have any of their human ones left? And their powers? What do you have to do to get the powers Alice or Edward have?"

I began rambling on, spilling out all the questions I pondered over ever since I found out how to even become a vampire. I realized I hadn't yet stopped to breathe, and in doing so, I realized Carlisle was laughing. He was actually laughing.

"Now I see why Edward shouldn't know about this," he told me. His face would be red from all the laughter if it were possible. "You very much want to become one of us, don't you?"

I nodded, rather desperately, before speaking again. "I'm sorry I'm asking you all these questions. You don't have to answer them if you don't want to."

"No, Bella. Of course I'll answer them. I just don't know where to start."

"Well…" I began, refraining from asking if he could change me if neither Edward or Alice could. "If I'm ever turned, what is the possibility that I'll even get a power?" I paused to think it over. "I mean, look at me. I'm so weak."

"Bella," he murmured. "You know that isn't true."

"But –"

"Really, you should know," he interrupted, his tone suddenly serious. "You are the beloved of a vampire, a deadly creature that is thought to be mythical by man. The first time Edward caught your scent, you may already know what he wanted to do to you.

"But you fought. You fought to win his heart, and even when you were in mortal danger, you continued to remain valiant. And here you are, Bella, with a family of vampires and all you worry about is wanting to become one of us.

"You're a strong girl. Clumsy," he added. "But fierce."

Staring at him, I guess it should be known that I couldn't stop myself from crying.

"And I have a strong feeling that you'll be more powerful than you think."


My stomach was already throbbing and turning, but as I leaned over the toilet seat, it flipped one last time before I ended up vomiting.

Edward held me, stroking my back and whispering calming words near my ear as I attempted to push him away. I didn't want him to see this. No. I didn't want him to see this hideous part of being human.

"Edward… please," I managed to whisper before choking on my own vomit. "Just wait downstairs. I'll be okay."

"I'm not leaving you here by yourself," he whispered back. What's worse is that he meant it, too.

"You won't have to, Edward," I heard through the walls of the toilet. I raised my head and smiled slightly as I took in the sight of Edward's 'mother,' Esme. "I'll stay with her."

Edward turned to me, questioning me with his eyes, and I nodded. Sighing, he kissed my forehead before he headed out, leaving me alone with the woman who was a second mother to me.

I forced my stomach out one last time and flinched when a towel was brought to my face, wiping off the remnants of that night's dinner from my mouth.

I was too weak to move, too calm to feel embarrassed. It was always a pleasure to have Esme around. For some reason, I could have these moments with her – horrible moments that I would never want Edward to see.

Just feeling the love radiating off of her was a cure enough. As she stood up and walked to the sink, I took note of all the gratitude I had failed to show her.

"I'm sorry you had to see this," I weakly murmured. "I guess eating anything you didn't cook wasn't the brightest idea."

I watched as she smiled, leaning forward to help me up. "Don't be silly, Bella. I'm more than happy to help you with anything," she said. "Besides, I'm more experienced with treating a human than Edward is."

Oh, the reality of it. Edward still had trouble remembering when I was supposed to eat, and, really, how could I remember when he was there? I could literally be starving and not notice.

"I'm always a problem, though," I told her as she helped me change from my clothes. "Every day, something happens to me, and I always bring you in. I just… can't thank you enough –"

"Bella, dear," she interrupted softly, then embraced me and laid my head on her chest. "Don't you dare apologize or thank me for anything. I should be the one thanking you for bringing Edward such happiness. For everything. I haven't seen him smile like that in years. You can't imagine how much joy it brings me to see this entire family brought together."

I raised my head slightly to look at her, eyes questioning and combined with the affection I felt for her and her family.

As if reading my mind, she said, "And that includes you, dear. You're like a daughter to me, Bella. Not just as Edward's girlfriend, but a child as well."

My heart swelled at her words, and, hugging her tighter, she brought her lips to my forehead.

"You're part of the family now."


"I know you're trying to help, Jasper, but calming me isn't the best idea right now," I angrily muttered through a pillow, attempting to pull my thoughts back together. "Stupid thickheaded, insensitive, miserable vampire."

"Bella," he began, "I know Emmett isn't usually serious…"

"I'm talking about Edward!" I shouted heatedly.

"Oh," was his reply, and I couldn't help but smile at Jasper's blatant discomfort. "What did he do this time?"

Huh, this time. Obviously it was a well known fact that this wasn't the first time Edward did something stupid. "He's going to tell Charlie that Alice isn't the only one home and his 'parents'," I moved my fingers for more emphasis on the word, "are out of town."

"Why? Wouldn't that just anger your father when he finds out you lied?"

I instantly sat up to stare at the blond-headed vampire. "That's exactly what I told him!" I stated, exasperated. "But that's just what he wants! He thinks I'm spending too much time here and it'll lead to Charlie thinking things he shouldn't! How stupid is that?"

"Pretty stupid," he agreed. "That's Edward for you."

"Yeah," I muttered. "A pretty stupid Edward."

He chuckled lightheartedly, causing me to glance up at him. We were never really close, but I still looked up to him like any of the other Cullens. It was then that I actually admired Jasper for the first time, taking in his golden locks and deep scars that seemed to cover every inch of his body. He was just as beautiful.

"If it makes you feel any better, I know some things Edward probably never told you."

It took me a while to take in his words, eyes flashing in excitement as soon as they sank in. The anticipation vanished, however, as I realized this wasn't a good thing. What has Edward not told me?

"Don't worry. It isn't anything bad," he said, breaking me out of my trance. "Not for you, at least. Just… I know he enjoys watching Teletubbies when we aren't home. And I caught him dancing to Britney Spears once."

I laughed. "Really? Did he get the idea from Emmett or something?"

"Haha. That's hilarious Bella!" came Emmett's sarcastic shout from somewhere in the living room.

Jasper shrugged in amusement. "They did kiss once," he said, carelessly, and I instantly froze in my spot. "It was my fault. I was… blissful with Alice's presence at the time, and I suppose I allowed my emotions to get the better of me, which, of course affected those within a short distance…"

"So you made them kiss?" How I love blackmail.

"He's lying! That's not –"

A crash was heard downstairs, followed by Esme's angelic voice turning furious.



"Alice… how many eggs did you put in that?"

"Hm… six," she replied. "Why?"

I grabbed the box from the kitchen counter and twirled it around, carefully reading the directions on the back. It was something we hadn't done, I realized, before we decided to bake a cake.

"We only needed three," I groaned, and practically flung the stupid thing across the table. "Great. No cake for Charlie, then."

"Oh, Bella. Don't be so negative." Alice scolded, then walked over to the cabinet and pulled out another box o cake mix. "Voila. Problem solved."

Rolling my eyes, I grabbed it, a smile plastered on my face. "Show off."

She bumped into me playfully, making room for herself as she continued to help me mix the batter.

She stuck her tongue out. "Nah, I'm just too smart for my own good."

"Right, and I'm too stupid for my own."

"Yup. Guess that's one word to describe you."

I mocked a shocked expression, pretending to be insulted. "You know, I never realized how rude you were."

"Bella, I'm probably the nicest person you'll ever meet." She smiled and dumped the entire box of cake mix into the bowl, disgust on her face. "And don't you forget it."

Giggling at her expression, I slid a spoon against the bowl. "It looks pretty good so far. It's all… chocolatedy."

"Chocolatedy?" She laughed. "Honestly, I think it looks disgusting." She lowered her head toward the counter, using her slender fingers to tuck her hair behind her ears as she took in the scent of the chocolate. She grimaced, causing me to chuckle. "Smells awful, too."

"Oh, really?" I muttered, holding the spoon beside her face. "You don't want to test it out first?"

"Are you kidding me? I'd rather eat –"

She paused all of a sudden, and slid her fingers down her cheeks, trailing chocolate along the way. I refrained myself from laughing and grew guilty at the sight of a disgusted Alice glaring at me through piercing eyes. I put the spoon down and grabbed a towel, apologizing along the way.

"I'm so sorry, Alice. I didn't mean to. I swear. I just shook the spoon as a threat and it spilled," I explained, cleaning off the mess I made.

She continued to glare at me, all the while the silence growing irritating.

"Say something," I demanded. Though I hate to admit it, I was hurt by her anger. Was it really terrible to have something that tasted like dirt smear across your face?

I watched as her lips curved into a slight smirk, and, to my surprise, or horror, really, she dipped her hand into the bowl, gathering as much cake mix as she could. And, without the slightest hesitation, she spread it against my chest.

"There. Now we're even," she proudly stated. "Oh, wait. Missed a spot." She dabbed a bit of chocolate on my nose and admired her work.

I sighed. "I guess I deserved that," I forced out. "You know, I would have dumped the whole bowl on you if Charlie wouldn't kill me for making a mess."

"That would have started a cake mix fight, which I would win, I might add."

I rolled my eyes. "In your dreams," I chuckled. "You have it all over your hand."

Grabbing onto one of her fingers, I licked some of chocolate off her hand, unable to control myself at look of astonishment on her expression.

"Ew, human spit," she shouted through her laughter. "What are you going to do next? Bite me?"

"Don't flatter yourself."

She shook her head, kissing me on the cheek before making her way to the sink.

"You really are something, Bella Swan."


His lips lingered on mine for too little time. I desperately attempted to hold onto him, his arm, his leg, anything to heal the aching pain striking my chest as the tears trickled down my cheeks. It hurt. It hurt so much.

I couldn't move. I couldn't do anything but wrap my arms, so numb, lifeless, around my wounded chest. I looked at his face, so pale and gorgeous, and my heart instantly shattered in two.

Just the thought of it was… unbearable, that he would be leaving. That he… he didn't care?

He didn't love me?

A sob escaped my lips, coming out in short, steady gasps. My knees grew weak, and I felt myself crumbling, hitting the ground with a thud as the tears spilled and the hysterics began. No. I couldn't look at him. It was too much.

But the hole in my chest merely grew, and I tightened my grip, clutching myself with all my strength as I attempted to hold onto him and pull myself together.

I was nothing but a rock, a giant ball of pain and agony. Practically nothing. I was nothing. He didn't want me, and I didn't even want myself.

I watched as he walked away, his figure a small outline in the distance, further away into the forest.

The pain tore at my chest, opening the hole to its largest, churning, cutting my entire body with knives.

I didn't move at the time. How could I? I mean, my reason for existence disappeared. Vanished. A part of me had died, and you don't move when fate steals your life away. I was just… dead.


The roar of the engine came to a sudden halt, and nothing but the sound of the wind blowing could be heard in the distance. I sat there, my hands wrapped around the steering wheel in a tight grip, before taking the keys out and making my way out the door.

It was windy out. A bit chilly and cloudy, the perfect day to blend in with my mood. I watched as the waves grew angry, fuming with rage as the winds pulled them, stronger and faster.

I followed the path through the forest, taking each step with caution as I stopped myself from falling flat on my face. Yet, I couldn't help but wonder what the point was. Wouldn't I be happy? If I could skip through all the tension of jumping off the cliff and die right then and there just by tripping? It was possible. For me, at least.

I wondered briefly where Jacob was, and I instantly felt a painful tug at my chest. I would be hurting him if I did this. After all he's done for me, after he glued the pieces I had left back together… I would be hurting him in a way that couldn't be mended.

I pushed the thought back, closing my eyes to refrain from crying. Jake was strong, I thought to myself. And no matter what Carlisle told me, I knew I was weak. I just couldn't pull myself together, no matter what. There was just no point in my existence without him by my side. No point at all.

I reached the edge of the cliff just as the wind whistled beneath the clouds, my heart thundering against my chest as I gazed into the violent waters below, hundreds of feet from where I stood.

'Bella, don't do this.'

I heard him again, his beautiful voice whispering into my ears, as if he were actually there. I smiled, feeling a part of the pain being lifted from my chest.

"I'm sorry, Edward," I whispered to him, feeling the burning tears prickle my ears for what seemed like the millionth time since he left. "But I can't live without you."

'Stop being stupid! You promised!'

Choking through my tears, I closed my eyes and imagined him beside me, holding me. I brushed my fingers across my lips and clenched my fist, allowing a sob to break free.

"And you promised you wouldn't leave," I told him, pulling my hand down to my side. "I guess we both can't keep promises."


"You won't miss me, Edward. You never loved me," I choked out. "This is for the best. You wanted me to live a human life, so guess what? Dying is part of being human."


I closed my mind from his thoughts, trembling beneath the sheets of rain that began to fall. With one last glance below, I leaned forward and pushed myself over the edge.